The worst spoiler

Actually no I did not get that from Wiki. Wikipedia is nothing more then a collecton of opinions it is far too baised against some things and lots of its info is uncollaborated so I prefer not to go there for info.

No this I found on a more reliable fan site were the owner uses the Omega guide for most of his info and I trust is judgment.

The resembalance between Safer Sephiroth and a seraphim is what lead to the mistranslation in th first place, I belive.
Has this gone off topic? Or is still about Aerith's face/Other spoilers?
I guess they didnt show Aeris face to create some curiosity among the why would it be a spoiler?
How exactly can Aeris's face be a spoiler for Advent Children? Somehow, someway ... we knew that she'd there to help this time around in their new fight to save the planet. It's not a BIG spoiler. I know some BIG spoilers for Advent Children and Aeris's father is definitely NOT one of them.
I don't really think Aerith's face should even be considered a 'spoiler'. I certainly had a feeling that she was going to make an appearance again; even though she died.
Well everyone looked at it that way. I can't believ how dumb thse people were. They didn' even release her face until they had the movie out in Japan. And they had those fake pics with yuna's face.
The worst spoiler for me was finding out Sephiroth would re-appear. When I was browsing the web for information on release, I happened to stumble upon a trailer and I watched in (One-Winged Angel plays in teh background, Cloud walks through the church etc) and at the end, Sephiroth descends rapidly from a building high up, slashes in front of Cloud, then the title comes up. I actually dropped my jaw and screamed ... manly scream ... >_<