The Worst Thing About Final Fantasy Ever!?

I hate getting Confuse on one (or more) of my strongest or most useful party members. Especially Red XIII in FFVII, as he has high dexterity and his Limited Moon equipped. ;_;
Oh. That damn train gravyard in FFVII. It was hard to get around and the random enconters were so annoying. >_>

Its not so bad the second or third time through. BUT I HEAR YOU! The first time I didn't know where I was going and just kept getting annoyed at the random encounters.

What I hate is once Ive gone through the game, I know it, and can never experience it as a NEW feeling again really.
The worst things in Final Fantasy are those boss's with ridiculously amounts of HP! I just spent an hour and a half trying to beat one and just got owned in the end. The game could at least tell me how much HP it had left so I could have some idea of how long I would have had left.

I understand that the boss's are meant to be challenging but seriously, it's possible to make a tough boss without giving it 10 million HP.
It matters what ff you have but i think every ff has this you look for something or learn something called scan and this helps you know how much hp the enemy has.What i think is the worst thing about ff is the fighting system of some of them alot of them have the wait an hour and let the enemy kill you that makes me mad especailly in if you are a low level person.
Random encounters don't bother me at all. Although I wish it was like Chrono cross. When enemies are on the battlefield and you just have to either pass them or fight them.
i think that the worst thing about Final Fantasy, is that when it has a love story to it, the main character always falls in love with the nice girl or the white mage. its never the complete opposite.

i want to see a FF where the main character wasn't a mercenary or a warrior or something like that that falls for the goody-goody white mage, i wanna see the main guy be some ruthless bad-ass dude that doesn't use a sword, just his bare-hands or a hammer, fall for the sultry, gothy black mage chick.
I think you'll agree it would be not being able to get the Zodiac spear by OPENING A GODDAMN TREASURE CHEST. We are playing an RPG. It's our basic instinct to open every motherfucking chest we shouldn't be punished for it.
I go for the DMW of FFVII crisis core, becouse you must decide when to summon and, must level up matreria by fighting and not depend 100% of the a luck factor.

Also hate random encounters when i am lost (especialy in FFI)
In all honesty, the worst thing I think there is about the Final Fantasy series is the demand for games to be remade. Sure as time goes on, new consoles come out, people want to see games in better graphics and voices and such, but with the demand for remakes also comes the inclusion of sequels and spin-offs, and junk on the side that really isn't all that great. Sure we got FF Advent Children which is awesome, but then there's stuff like FFX-2 where sure it's cool to see what the gang's up to 2 years later, but it's...boring.
random encounters are a real pain is in the ass for me
i am always trying to get somewhere anywhere you know
then bam your in a fight
it never stops
*cry's in corner*
ummm forget you seen that >.>