The Zodiac Spear

Hm i'm happy with the Zodiac Spear, i would say that it is worth the "trouble"- everyone keeps going on about the trouble to obtain it from avoiding certain chests, but where's the trouble? All you have to do is avoid certain chests and carry on with the game as normal, and then you find it the undead place (which you will most likely end up visiting anyway). Hardly any trouble.
And to be honest, its worth far more than the items you miss out on not opening the chests in question- by the time you end up getting into the later stages of the game, you'll have far more antidotes, potions and knots of rust etc than what you know what to do with- i'd sacrifice a few of such items anyday for a Zodiac Spear :) .
There should have at least been some kind of warning riddle not to open certain chests! I think its a big flaw to make one of the most powerful weapons unattainable to someone who doesn't use a guide... cos let's face it no one is going to work out leaving specific chests alone is going to grant them access to the spear!!!

You might get it completely by chance if you miss those chests but you still wouldn't know why you got it without looking up a guide.

there's no way to know about it without reading some guide to spoil the game!
when i heard about it, i was halfway through the game when my friend was like "oh btw, don't open any chests cuz there's some that will give you the best weapon." by that time i was already at nam yensa -__-

i'm doing another playthrough now with the locations of the chests...
i really didn't need it though.
ragnarok and the whale whisker were plenty enough for me to get through.
there's no way to know about it without reading some guide to spoil the game!
when i heard about it, i was halfway through the game when my friend was like "oh btw, don't open any chests cuz there's some that will give you the best weapon." by that time i was already at nam yensa -__-

i'm doing another playthrough now with the locations of the chests...
i really didn't need it though.
ragnarok and the whale whisker were plenty enough for me to get through.

My eyes floweth with blood :P (sorry, with such a dark background it's hard to read without selecting/quoting)

I have had that complaint through out the game, where I think "there's no way I'd think of that if I hadn't stumbled upon it accidentally or read a guide."

And to whomever said something about finding it out on their own in a second play-through of the game, I say nay, there's no way anyone would think "hmm, maybe this time I shouldn't open these four specific chests" without some sort of hint or something.
when i play FF games, i always buy the game guide... so i don't miss anything. i game guide said which treasure chests to avoid

i think it's a dumb idea... to have to AVOID chests, so you could get a good weapon (it was decent, not great, in my opinion)
Compared to some of the other top-of-class weapons, the Zodiac Spear is easy to get. The only problem is the chest thing. I don't think anyone was supposed to get it in the first place, if they made getting it the way they did. It's not worth starting over a game you are probably fairly far along in to get, but it is worth getting it the next time, because it gives a good strength boost and the chests give crap anyway, except for the Phon Coast ones giving gil sometimes, but you can just get the spear and go back and open the chests.
The spear isn't all as hyped up as it was presumed. Sure, it has great attack, but it's combo rate isn't high; as we all know combo rate is more important than attack power - if you take into account, the Masamune. This weapon deals small damage compared to it's counterparts, but has a high combo rate, and is highly damaging when paired with the Genji Gloves. (as well as some other status affects)

If you read the guide on how to get it, then sure, why not? But it's unlikely that you'll get it without looking up beforehand. This along with a few other pieces of equipment too. Eg: Excalibur (How the hell are you supposed to know it's in that particular gem in the Great Crystal?) , Genji Equipment (Okay, you might steal from him.....but the item you steal differs according to his Hp....unlikely you'll find that out first time either). I could list a few more but you get the idea. I just hope they don't use this method of obtaining rare and valuable items in the next installment.