Theory of Perception

Theory of a deadman

True. I mean lets play with Henry Kissengers profile shall we? I'll do the html...someone else can find the glitter text generator. Ah! Must I do all the work myself? Kissenger is alive, well, and goes to bed each night thinking..." fuggit"....No matter...what it is...its "fuggit"....500 casualties....*shrug*....2 million casualties...."fuggit" dot thumped like a gnat...."fuggit"....And it all started with the idea he could not escape his own abuser...and one day, when that same round of excuses showed its face, it was " I am here. I am stuck. Don't apologize to me anymore. The least thing you can do to show me some measure of humanity is stop apologizing. Ok? I am here and its my lot in life....its where I must remain until I am older and can get out. So fuggit! So now I see a problem and it does not register as having a having a lasting negative effect on me, because its when something is going right that I have to be wary...because that means something is.....about to go very wrong.....and to keep something from going wrong, I have to head it off at the pass. And the greatest measure I can take now to keep myself protected from the potential to rid myself of people. I am frightened of people, otherwise why would I seek to harm them by the masses? But then again where am I without someone who wants to harm me? Who am I when I am not protecting myself? Asking this question has gotten to be too expensive now. Fuggit."

Who was he as a child who simply wanted to go fishing? Who was he as a teenager with a dream before he decided the cycle of childhood abuse was more beneficial? Before he could not decide whether or not he wanted to be wealthy and in control...or simply be left alone, safe and comfortable? So much influence, he is almost a household name...but only a few who speak his name really know what he is up to...or what he has vowed to do...projects he has began....ethnic groups he claims to cleanse the earth of....? I mean what is he going to do when he wakes up and remembers...white people have arms and legs and minds and agendas and can hurt him as well....? White parents....? Hitlers are grown because they are cultivated in children like Henry...all individuality is prohibited...creativity must be to make "them" proud, not a simple beautiful expression or a complex useful yes, underdeveloped...but more so deliberately stifled...he is still a pre-teen running for safety and this was the pretext for serving as Secretary of State under Nixon, and National Security Advisor...Just as Hitlers(last mention) pretext for his rage from being barely able to draw a stick figure was the murder of extremely artistic people who had mental handicaps, muscular distrophy and down syndrome, hence the parades of roman and greek sculptures up and down the streets of Nazi Germany and showcasing of sketch galleries in museums. Emotional suppressions a bitch.

Then ya die.