Things AC characters would never say

Cloud: Should I go to the Forgotten City? Will Aeris forgive me? Will Zack?
Tifa: I don't know but I promise you the answer is not in my chest. Eyes up!
Cloud : *sniff* *Sob*
Aeris: whats wrong?
Cloud: I....I...
Aeris: Yes?
Cloud: I...Miss my purple jumpsuit!!
Aeris : o_0
Cloud : It made me feel like Catwoman!!
Aeris:Erm..I gott go now
Cloud: 6.....7......All good girls go to heaven
Aeris: O_0!!! *vanishes*
Reno: I want to play too!

Cloud: You'll just get in the way.

Vincent: agh! Let the little baby come along!

Reno: Whoohooo! I am THE BABY!

Cloud: On second thought we'll bring him along for basic entertainment.
Sephiroth: why does MY mother have to be the calamity from the sky?

Cloud: because you smell thats why

Yuffie: no that was me sorry

Cid: My favourite colour is pink!

Vincent: I like pretty flowers and frilly dresses and dancing around with my big teddy bear called susie!

Nanaki & Cait Sith::blink: :blink: :blink:

Aerith: :D :D :D yippee I won the lottery
I got some good ones, I'm going to love this thread too much now! :D

Cloud: Why am I so emo?
Sephiroth: Why do I have a crazy scientist as my father?
Tifa: These fists aren't just for hitting, you know ...
Aeris: Why the hell am I dead? I should be alive, you damn Lifestream!
Barret: Yo! I love my Fluffy! HEY! WHAT YOU DOIN' WITH HIM?!
Red XIII: I'm so horny, a horny, horny sex beast ...
Yuffie: I love to be discriminated!
Cid: Shera, my lovely teddy bear.
Cait Sith: I love to be a nice kitty cat.
Vincent: Why am I so cold and angry?
Rufus: We need your assistance Cloud
Cloud: ...Not interested
Reno: We have drugs!
Cloud: Score!
Sephiroth:I-I-I'M SOOORRRYY! Will you forgive me?*sobs*
Cloud:UUHHHH! Hm, Let me think about it.
Tifa: I forgive you!
Sephiroth: Really!*sniff*
Tifa: Nope
Vincent:That's just plain cold! I like it!
Cloud: It's alright don't listen to those meanies. I forgive You.
Yuffie:Cloud shouldn't he be dead or something?
Sephiroth:did you miss me?
Yuffie: How can I miss you if you won't go away?
Sephiroth:Aggh! I give up.
Tifa: "Cloud, I was thinking, how 'bout me, you and Aeris rent us a room..."

Sephiroth: "What's up, Cloud?"
Cloud: "I'm depressed."
Sephiroth: " Why can't you stop being such an emo!"
Cloud: " Because YOUR MOM!"
*Enter Jonova*
Cloud: "Holy mother of God..."
Sephiroth: "Exactly."
Cloud: "She's hot!"
Oh Zexion that was an awesome one, here let me add something
Sephiroth: "What's up, Cloud?"
Cloud: "I'm depressed."
Sephiroth: " Why can't you stop being such an emo!"
Cloud: " Because YOUR MOM!"
*Enter Jonova*
Cloud: "Holy mother of God..."
Sephiroth: "Exactly."
Cloud: "She's hot!"
Sephiroth: Yes, she is;)
Tifa to Cloud: I'm pregnant, your the father, & I'm gonna kill all three of us

Red XIII: I like big butts and I cannot lie....

Cloud: Man.....I really miss The Honey Bee Inn Group room.
Cloud: I'm tired of fighting, maybe I'll work in a daycare...

Aeris: *high pitched voice* Wanna get high?

Barrett: Would anyone wish to join me for a little tea and crumpets?
Sephiroth: All your base are belong to us now... uhmp
ROTFLMAO!!!!! OMG!!! *nearly dies of laughter* that is soooo perfect! I just saw some thing on Youtube about that!! That's excellent!!!

I've never been in there. I always forget.

You don't want to know. Trust me. I spent days trying to purge that from my mind.
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Vincent: "I'm happy!" :D

Kadaj: "Bah, who gives a crap about Jenova and the 'reunion'? C'mon, lets go to Best Buy or something..."