Things from earlier games that you wish were in later games

But changing outfits takes away from the game's original design. =x
i consantly get ridiculed by all my friends( becasue they all only played X and up) but i think they should just go back to how it originally was, like how the old ones had a midevil feel to them where these newer ones are set in a futuristic setting. i hope they take things back to the way they were

A midevil atmosphere would be very nice in future games. Especially since some of these, especially VII and VIII, were more scifi than actual fantasy. I still liked those games though. IX went back to the midevil feel, and X, well that one was odd. It didn't really fit either.

Just a quick question, what was XII's world like?
FFXII's world was called Ivalice...which I think is actually the same as FF tactics?

Everyone was wearing clanky armor, yet...there were airships just like the ragnarok. =x
Controllable airships, Bars, Crystals, and I miss the learning systems of FFVI or FFVII. They were so simple and easy to understand, unlike X and XII. I felt like I didn't understand them until I was half way through the game
Don't know if I mentioned this or not, but what about status aliments such as toad and mini. They were a pain in the @$$ but I would have liked to have seen them in later games.

And what about the black mage ability psych/osmose? You know, the one that allows you to absorb MP from the enemy. I'm pretty sure that one ended with VI but I could be wrong.

And here's a fun one. When you had to fight the summons in order to be able to use them. And Leviathan and Bahamut were always really hard.

Oh, and cool hair colors. Everyone now had real hair colors. No more green, purple, pink, or blue hair.
I know, I really loved Terra's green hair. =x

Well FFIX is the only FF in this generation that brought any originality back. Inlcluding moogles, and including 'osmos'. =P

I haven't played anything before FFVII...just a little bit of I cant say I know anything in relation to summons...but I do know that between VII and IX, Leviathon has always been of mediocre strength.
In the older games he was the second strongest. In IV he was the King of the Summons and Bahamut was the God of the Summons.
I guess that after they started adding all these new and improved summons, Leviathon sort of...fell behind.

At least bahamut is still one of the strongest.
Yeah Bahamut is still cool. I think there were so many forms of Bahamut in VII so they can still have him as a powerful summon.

I'm kind of sad that Leviathan is only a medicore summon now. He's always been my favorite.
I always loved Leviathon, especially when I first started playing FF. ^_^
He was my favorite to watch.

But I am really fond of Neo Bahamut for some reason. o_O
How about when there didn't really need to be a logical explaination as to why you couldn't enter a certain area. It could be something as simple as "sealed by a mystic force!"
Hahah omg yes.
And you know what, I kind of miss the bad translations.
Like..."This man are sick." XD
One more thing I forgot. I miss when you could walk around the screen with a different character other than your main one just by switching the order they stand in during battle.(the top character was the one you walked around with on the screen) I would have been fun to walk around with Yuffie in VII or Yuna in X.
Yes! I mean it makes sense to always have the main character in the party, but it's fun to control your favorite characters as well! ^_^
Damn I always have more.

Remember when a boss was dying thunder would sound and it would slowly fade away. This could either have you relieved because it was a hard battle or annoyed because the boss itself was annoying and it's taking to long for it to go away.

How about when there were no ending poses. Everyone just jumped up and down IN TIME and looked like they were going YAY!
Well FFX-2 tried to pull some sort of job system, but it failed miserably. =x