Things Kingdom Hearts character's would never say

Sephiroth "finally i have done it"
Cloud "Argh"
Sephiroth "i have finnaly killed cloud Mwuhahahahahaha"
Tifa "thank you sephiroth i was soooo sick pretending to like him"
Sephiroth "anything for a lady"*kisses Tifa's hand*
Tifa "i love you sephiroth lets have kids"
Sephiroth: [to Kairi] Woo, thats a good piece of ass

Kairi: Shut the fuck up you horny bastard

Sora: Are you perving up my bitch, Sephiroth?

Sephiroth: was checking her out

Kairi: ehh...

Sora: WHAT!!! I'm gonna kill you Sephiroth. She's mine *draws sword*

Sephiroth: Nope. That ass is mine *draws sword*

Kairi: Fuck you both you pervy fuckers...*beats up Sephiroth and Sora*

Sora: Owwww!!!

Sephiroth: OK thats it...I'm being mocked, yet AGAIN. This time I've gotten beaten up by Kairi...where the fuck is the director...*kills director*
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Sephiroth: [to tifa] Woo, thats a good piece of ass

Kairi: Shut the fuck up you horny bastard

Sora: Are you perving up my bitch, Sephiroth?

Sephiroth: was checking her out

Kairi: ehh...

Sora: WHAT!!! I'm gonna kill you Sephiroth. She's mine *draws sword*

Sephiroth: Nope. That ass is mine *draws sword*

Kairi: Fuck you both you pervy fuckers...*beats up Sephiroth and Sora*

Sora: Owwww!!!

Sephiroth: OK thats it...I'm being mocked, yet AGAIN. This time I've gotten beaten up by Kairi...where the fuck is the director...*kills director*
WHY must you always make up a rather ... sexual scenario? xD

Things that Kingdom Hearts' characters would never say ...

Sora: I'm straight.
Riku: I'm gay.
Kairi: I'm above a B-Cup.
Donald: I take the story of the Ugly Duckling as my bible.
Goofy: The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
Mickey: How the fuck can a mouse rule a kingdom?
Minnie: Why am I married to a mouse with a pre-pubescent voice?
Xemnas: I'm heartless.
Axel: [See the option for Sora]
Every other member of Organization XIII: wtf btw. why are we after the moon?
Sephiroth: When will they let me fucking die?
Riku: Mickey, I wish to nail you. :monster:
WHY must you always make up a rather ... sexual scenario? xD
Because it's hilarious xD

[Axel and Roxas are getting married. *at alter*]

Priest: Do you you take this man to be your husband
Roxas: I do
Priest: And do you take this man to be your husband
Axel: I it memorized
Roxas: Oh shut the fuck up with that goddamned catch phrase...
Axel: Fuck you, I dont love you anymore
Priest: WTF!!!
Sora :fuck being good im joining organization XIII
Kairi : dont be a twat
Sora : Wtf kairi ur ment to love me no matter what
Director: cut this isn't in the script
Sora and Kairi : shut the fuck up *kill director*
Sora and Kairi : shut the fuck up *kill director*
Hey thats my idea *kills Black-rose-2k7*:P

Kairi: Heeeeeeeeey Sora!
Sora: Hey!....why the fuck are you looking at me like that?
Kairi: Ehmmm...damn you look good in those skimpy shorts
Sora: ...[getting scared]
Kairi: It's hot out here [takes top off]
Sora: ...[getting REALLY scared]
Kairi: LETS! [groans]
Sora: ARGGHHHH! [runs away] I'm gay! RIKU!!! Where are you. I've got something for you [looks like this--> :rolleyes:]

Director: WTF Kairi...Whats wrong with you...
Kairi: Shut the fuck up! [bitch slaps director]
Mickey: OKay I cant take the goddddddddamn pressure! I´M A SORA WANNABE! MY KEYBLADE IS MADE OF PAPIER MACHE FOR THE LOVE OF FUUUUUUUCK1111! there ive said it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!
direktor:eek:k ive had enough of these script defaces! [explodes]
mickey:what a fuckin martyyyyr1111111111111111111!
Yet again, here we go with writing a funny KH script that they would never say. and no Riku, it wont be sexual as the others...:rolleyes:

Sephiroth: Damn...look at that ass!

Axel: Want another beer, Sephiroth?

Sephiroth: Nah...I think i'll just enjoy being EVIL...I'm like...the baron!

Axel: Yeah!...we're renegades!

Sephiroth: And at long last, we have a director who takes us seriously and doesn't take the piss out of us.

Axel: The last one didn't take the piss out of me...

Sephiroth: Yeah he did. He had you marry Roxas and then your catchphrase "got it memorized" was slagged off

Axel: Oh yeah...the cunt

Cloud: Hey Axel!......[Ignores Sephiroth]

Axel: Ehm...hi

Sephiroth: Why heellooo Cloud. Wanna see my new masamune sword?

Cloud: [runs away]

Axel: WTF!

Kairi: Dinners ready!

Axel: Oh great...another night of watching Sora and Kairi make eyes at each other

Sephiroth: I think i'll use my 7ft sword to cut my chicken...and i'll make sure Cloud is sitting across from me

[a scream is heard in the background]

Axel: WTF was that

Sephiroth: Cloud spying on us...he fancies you.

Axel: WHAT!

Cloud: Hey...come on. Dinners ready. You know what Kairi's like when she's got PMT. You'de better hurry up or she'll go crazy.

Axel: ...

Cloud: Why are you looking at me like that Axel?

Axel: ... [leaps over and kisses Cloud]

Cloud: [enjoys it]

Sephiroth: WTF...I think i'll take a walk. [pisses himself laughing]

Riku: There's a lot of same sex attraction around here. ROXAS! Where are you!:wacky:
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Saix: Does this black cape make my butt look big?

Axel: M-E and R-O-X-A-S are getting M-A-R-R-I-E-D.

Roxas: Got it memorised?

I found this on another forums
I could see that...
Sora: C'mon guys, let's take out these heartless!
Sora: Whew, I'm gonna try that summon.
*Summons Utada*
Sora: .......
Donald: .......
Goofy: ......
Heartless: ........
Goofy: Gawrsh, who the **** is that?
*Riku strolls over*
Riku: That's Utada Hikaru. She sings the theme song at the beginning and end of our games.
Sora: Our..theme...what? No one told me about this!
Riku: Yeah.... We all just realized you didn't know, so Nomura sent me to tell you.
Sora: Well...what's her best attack?
Riku: Devil Inside.
Sora: Sweet. Can she heal?
Riku: ...Let Me Give You My Love.
Sora: .....****<o:p></o:p>
Thats given me an idea...sweeet...

*A heartless in the form of a naked kairi appears*
Donald: Come on guys lets kill this heartless...
Sora: NOOOO....Lets...capture it instead
Goofy: Gawrsh Sora, didn't king mickey say...
Sora: Fuck King Mickey...I'm boss
*Whacks goofey with keyblade*
Donald: Hey!, Dont hit my Goofey ever again!
Sora: Shut the fuck up
*whacks donald with keyblade*
Goofey: That was ouchy sora...Say...why do you wanna capture it
Sora: It's a naked fucking Kairi...why else!!!!
Donald: Pervert...
*Heartless starts making thrusting motions towards sora*
Donald: Hurry up and kill it...its a heartless. Its gonna attack you sooner or later
Sora: Oh haha! Whats it gonna my cock?
Goofey & Donald: Yeah!
*Kills naked kairi heartless*
*runs away crying after killing goofy and donald*
O.O whooow that was well ......perverted!!!! XD

roxes: i am gay and never told him (axel) i loved him be for he faded! so can i go with you reno?
Sora: hey riku
Riku:yes sora
Sora:we dont have to fight for her
*moments later*
Sora: told u we didnt have to fight for her*glancing back at their hand work*
goofy: hey dont you think sora and riku fight alot
donald:yea sure....why?
goofy:cuz i heard if two ppl fight alot it means they like each other
gooofy: like lilke......
donald:like like?
goofy:yea like like ......
donald:noooooooooooooooooooooooooo X.X
O.O whooow that was well ......perverted!!!! XD
why?...did ya like it?:P

Kairi: Hey sephiroth!
Kairi: Wanna go out with me...?
Sephiroth:...but...i'm evil!
Kairi: That why i like you!
Sephiroth: So are you a bunny between the hseets then?
Kairi: Yes!
Sora & Riku: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! how fucking dare you Sephiroth!
*kills sephiroth once and for all*
Cloud: NOOOOOOOOOOOO...He was MY enemy
*kills riku and sora*
Kairi: Thank fuck for that...its about time they died. Hey're a badass...wanna go out with me
Cloud: Sure!
Tifa:'re MY bitch