Things that sucked about 2009?


.:The FFF Kitty:.
Nov 21, 2009
Hmm for me 2009 had to be one of the worst years in my entire life. Seeing how my birthday is in January it did not start off well and my exam marks weren't the greatest. Over time my ex began acting like an ass to me when we were together then I found out he cheated on me and there was this huge drama for months. My grandma died in March and I moved away in July. The school and people in this city suck because the citizens aren't nice when they find out you're from the East. Ever since moving it's been kinda lonely but I'm glad 2010 is coming because I can visit my friends in May :3

So why did 2009 suck for you?
Not that much of a difference than what you said except the moving out and the exam marks, etc etc.

Let's see, I was supposed to go to either US or UK but since I didn't get into my university with what we normally pay because some bastards decided to study their asses off and the average for the Medicine school was 98.2% I was a bit fucked. ^.^

Can't really think of much things. However, I'm sure of one thing every year comes by is worse than the year before it. >_>
It wasn't a bad year, really, but it went so fast I could hardly tell what was going on at the time. Nothing exceptionally bad happened I suppose, so that's a plus. Oh maybe my brothers going to jail for a second time each? but that was more of a plus tbh as it gives me some peace for a change. :mokken:
I've not really had a bad year actually, which is a bit shocking for me.
It's just been.... normal I suppose.

I think the worst thing is that i've got a DEADLY fever and it only seems to be getting worse, which isn't a good way to end the year. =/
Michael Jackson's death. It hit my family hard as though we were his family too :sad3: Also, I was supposed to get a PSP again, but it never happened :sad3:
2009 for me wasn't the worst year I have had in recent memory, but it definitely wasn't perfect.

Firstly, my family have had bitter rows throughout the year. Both of them seem rather sick of their jobs and the pressure just seems to get the better of them at times. Listening to their shouting while I'm in bed was utterly heartbreaking and I was even convinced that they would divorce.

In terms of deaths, none have happened in either of my family sides, though a family friend of ours passed away from cancer. It was sad because I have known her for a while. She worked in my primary school and I would talk to her every day about problems and other casual things in general. I was utterly shocked to hear she died.

In terms of friends, that wasn't very rosy either this year. There were plenty of fallouts, two-faced people, bitching and backstabbing. This happened mainly in February and March- and went on to the point that I just isolated myself completely for a while.

But fortunately, 2009 also brought the FFF to me, and amazing GCSE grade results. These two things have made me happy, and I hope that 2010 will continue on that.
To be perfectly honest, it didn't suck for me. Yes, there were little things that made me say "I just want 2009 to be over already", but a new year won't change those problems.

I've joined this forum, and I've made a few acquaintances, which was really nice. I don't know why I never joined a community like this before.

No deaths, illnesses in my family members or such like.

Reasons why I could say that it sucked... well, I was admitted to a hospital, for reasons I won't get into, but that was the first time I discovered I had an illness. I missed a lot of school because of it, and I need to get back into the flow of things. I'm really behind right now.

I need to figure out a lot about my life and where it's headed because I've been putting it off. Which I won't do anymore, come 2010.

I feel bad complaining, because I could have it so much worse. So that'll be all.

Edit: That's right... I can't believe I forgot about the recession being so sucky. Luckily, none of my family got laid off but it is definitely having an effect on everyone's hours. When I first heard about it, I thought it would blow over soon but boy was I wrong. I hope it gets resolved soon because it's becoming really hard to keep up.
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2009 sucked for me, because of all the Celebrity deaths. Those suck. Jimmy, from Avenged Sevenfold, died a few days ago and that really blew.

Not only that but Brittany Murphy's passing was bad too.

This year just over all sucked for Celebrities. And I'm hoping next year won't have so many depressing deaths.
2009 was a bit of a mixed bag for me.

On the upside I was lucky with travelling and managed to get to Greece (and did a tour there) and Tunisia (and went to a few places there), and then trips to London etc.

So I've enjoyed that aspect of it. The Study Tour in Greece in particular was great as it was with Uni people and granted me some form of confidence boost.

As for what sucked... Well I don't know if I want to call it as something that sucked, as I think it is a possitive thing that it happened. But I essentially realised that I need to confront my insecurities, and learn my limits and try and develop myself as a human being.

I decided I needed to stop thinking "oh one day it'll all go away" and instead decided to lasso it round the horns and try and sort myself out. I haven't yet, but this year came the realisation that I need to sort it out. It was bad as it isn't good to have to accept that you're not as awesome as most other people, probably never will be, but in a way it was good as I'm now focused on getting myself to the best I can, even if I'm still not as kick-ass as people that naturally became kick-ass.

Yeah none of that makes sense, but that's because Im not going into the details here.
The recession. It completely stole all my savings, forced me to reconsider what I wanted to do in 2010 and sent me spinning straight into depression and anxiety disorder. I was also supposed to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve back in Denmark with friends and family, but because I had no money, I had to cancel those plans. Sure 2009 wasn't all bad, but the bad stuff made it really hard to lean back and enjoy the good stuff that was happening in my life.

2010 is fortunately shaping up to be a pretty good year though. I've weathered the storm economically, so even though I might be piss poor, I can now see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm also starting school and I've finally been able to land myself a job.
2009 hasn't been the best year for me. I won't go into detail. >_>

But my A Levels were probably the most intense time of the year. Waiting almost three months to see if you've got into university is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone.

On the other hand, my relationship with my mum's been up and down all year. There's just been so much stress and pressure on me that I may end up getting tipsy again, for the sake of getting rid of it all. I said I wouldn't drink for a while after she got shitfaced last Sunday. But I think I'll need this.

There's so much that was bad about 2009, but there were good things as well. :hmmm:
I think 2009 isn't too bad for me...
I've changed a lot in 2009...
Personality, education, friends, everything changed...:ryan:
And...I got a best score in my final exam...I'm surely happy:)
2009 started out pretty okay but then all of a sudden it just turned into a right stinker of a year.

Jan- July everything was going okay and was having a average year but it wasn't terrible. It was quite 50/ 50 and it could of been worst and it could of been better at the same time..

July- December. Crap. Absolute stinker of a year. I have never dealt with so many fake- tards in my life trying to destroy my friendships and then steal from my wallet. There was so many friend agurements and so much drama lies and gossip and don't know where the fudge it all came from.
In July gained 3 illnesses in a row, in just one night and then gained another one later on. I had so many " I'm going to die, a painful death.." moments in 09 it wasn't funny...

Think the worst thing about 09 was gaining a anxiety disorder because my mental mind was ripped apart from all the paranoia from the physical illnesses and almost went to the Asylum because of craziness which is friggen scary. I almost became a heavy Insomniac and suffered from terrible nightmares and hallucinations from the disorder. I was so close from going down the crazy road in 09 it wasn't funny. 09 almost basically destoryed me and my life..
2009 was great for me :)
My great nan died, but even that helped me to prove to myself that I can accept being the center of attention if it's necessary. That sounded a bit selfish, but I wasn't thinking this at the time...

There was one other bad thing about 2009 though...the fact that such a negative thread was made :P
2009 sucked because my mother had an accident at work and will loose three fingers of her main hand because of severe burnings. (But since the operation will be performed this year, this year isn't going to be great either :( ).

2009 sucked because it was the last year I had rights for student loans and my free public transport pass.

Besides these two things, 2009 was a pretty good year. I had a lot of fun with my friends, got my diploma and finally acquired FF7.
I didn't really have too bad a year, but there was a few things that sucked about it like there is every year.

The first was that I ended a nine year friendship. I didn't mind at all, I was just so annoyed that it took me so long to end the friggin thing.

Oh and my car got into a little accident. But thankfully it wasn't too bad.

I'll think of more later. >.<
Moving to London, It would appear that i am to be made homeless tommorow (thanks for letting me know in time to find another place <<)
So that was a sucky end and begining to the year....
Although 2009 wasn't anything special for me, I guess it was alright. Sad that one more year passes that I don't get anywhere with my life: no education, no driver's license, no job, nothing.

But I don't really think of it that much...I mean, I didn't even pursue any of those things. Well, tbh I was trying to see if there was any job I could get without education, but my efforts didn't result in even getting as far as applying for anything...not really sure what options I'd really have around here. :/

Something that happened, which was mildly frustrating, was when my brother's Xbox 360 got the 3 red lights of death/doom, again, right before my birthday, and I ended up getting a video game for that system (fortunately only one game for the 360).

But all things considered, it was a perfectly fine year for me, those are just some less exciting parts of the year 2009 for me. :P

Oh, yeah, and I still haven't made any friends in real life...when I do, that will be a good year. :awesome:
everyones always bloody so doom and gloom, whats wrong with the GOOD things that happened ion 2009. For me I can't say anything sucked, well there were one or 2 things but bloody hell. I really enjoyed 2009 :mokken:

Edit* Because I didnt see that other thread, one thing that has sucked is how often Ive been ill this year, Ive been constantly snotting all over the place, and I put a stone on in the space of a month :ffs:
August 1st my year relationship with a man I was in love with for months before ended and in the same month I was made redundant from my job of almost 2 years :( A right shitty year.