Things to do during FFX cutscenes


Jun 6, 2006
So someone told me that in FFX you can skip most cutscenes and dialogue sequences by pressing Select. Doesn't seem to be true. Damn it.

Anyway, let's all compile a list of ways to chip away the time when cutscenes pop up while playing through FFX for the second (or more) time!

1. Cook dinner.
2. Go to the bathroom.
3. Complete all your paperwork.
4. Multi-task! Play Doom or WoW on your laptop in the meantime.
5. Do your next Japanese (or whatever language you're trying to learn) audio tape.
6. Count to 1,000 in Latin.

Okay, now you go. Try to number them. them
8.practice yoga
9.go out with friends
10.fiddle around with settings on your tv your psp
12. Naughty things
13. Argue with a friend about the details of the game
14. Punch that friend you disagreed with
15. Flip to a TV show
16. Fran's ass
17. read a book
18. read some Japanese manga
19. light something on fire
20. run around the block a couple of times
23. travel around the world... twice.
24. build a life sized replica of the eiffel tower out of matches.
25. Dig a tunnel to the earths core.
27. Actually watch them.:)

So important, it needs to be said twice.
30. Throw the ps2 out the window and get a ps3, so that you can watch the cut-scenes in slightly better quality
31. Say everything they say backwards
32. walk around the house on your hands, including stairs
33. Comment on how long some of these cutscenes are and how boring they are.
34. Count how long you can hold your breath
35. See how many times you can poke your cat before it gets pissed.
40. attempt to hold breath throughout entire cutscene
41. get a ride back from the hospitol after waking up there due to oxygen deprivation
42. realize the scene is still on and repeat numbers 40 and 41
43. Get an escort girl
44. Throw a party
45. Clean up said party
46. get bums off your porch
47. watch the last 2 minutes of cutscene that is still playing