This game is stupidly easy

Haha. Yeah it was dumb, but for some reason I still had to finish the game because of the fact that I already wasted my time completing half of the I'm like, "Why not finish it off and get it over with?"
I only bought the game cause it was on sale,
that tell you what i think...
(and cause its got the words 'Final Fantasy')
yeah, this game was way too easy and the story was soooo thin. :)
i noticed it's a lot easier then FFX, once you grasp the basics about the fighting system, however, that doesn't make it more enjoyable, and the lore/story sure helps getting through

i'm however... still not through the game as i bought it a week ago
Its mega easy if you take the time to do the side missions and whatnot, instead of sticking with Hotspots. What I find highly annoying is how abundant items are, like Potions, Ethers and Pheonix Downs. Not once have I actually bought anything from the shops and I have well over 50 of most items like that and im only up to Chapter 2 on this playthrough. Another thing that isn't too great, and this applys to X as well, is how useless Inns and other healing spots are. You never use them, the Save Sphere does it all for you which makes it terribly easy when it shouldn't be.

The game is only hard if you are trying to get 100%, and thats only of certain side missions such as Sphere Break for the Lady Luck Dress Sphere (and thus also the Mascot Dress Sphere when you think about it), but main story wise its piss.