Those pesky files!


Smoke and Arrogance
Aug 28, 2007
New York
Everyone always applauds Final Fantasy 7 for its excellent plot. For the most part, I agree. But one part of the plot that ALWAYS bothered me (call me picky, I guess) was that Sephiroth seemed to find those files at Nibelheim so EASILY. I would think that files that contained information that explosive and potentially dangerous would either be hidden better or destroyed. Why would Shinra leave files like that just lying around? Surely they could have guessed that if Sephiroth found those files, he wouldn't take it particularly well (and, well, he didn't). What do you guys think?
I assume you mean the ones in the ShinRa Mansion in Nibelheim?
The only thing I can think of is that they never really thought that Sephiroth would ever discover what was done to him, or the truth about Jenova and such, and therefore didn't see a risk.
he didnt find them easily, it says he spent days without sleep reading the logs in the library to find them
They were easy for him to find, since he just walked into the room and took the straight off the shelf. In that respect, they were easy. He did have to make sense of them all though, so the truth wasn't so easy to find.
One could suppose that ShinRa didn't know that those files were down in the basement like that, especially since the mansion had been abandoned for so long.

I'd guess that Hojo's lab and all that stuff down there was a guarded secret that not even the higher ups at ShinRa knew about (otherwise they'd probably have retrieved Vincent and tried to use him to their own ends). Thus, ShinRa didn't know that there was anything to hide down there, not to mention, who would have expected Sephiroth to have gone down there anyway?
Maybe the shinra didnt expect anyone to find them, the door to the basement was hidden behind a stone wall and no one really went in the mansion, I think the ShinRa had sealed up that basement with all the experiments and all of their records, sorta like skeletons in a closet
One could suppose that ShinRa didn't know that those files were down in the basement like that, especially since the mansion had been abandoned for so long.

I'd guess that Hojo's lab and all that stuff down there was a guarded secret that not even the higher ups at ShinRa knew about (otherwise they'd probably have retrieved Vincent and tried to use him to their own ends). Thus, ShinRa didn't know that there was anything to hide down there, not to mention, who would have expected Sephiroth to have gone down there anyway?
I agree, Hojo doesnt seem the type to share his findings with the top brass. The Shinra Company probably didnt even know that a laboratory existed in the mansion. I mean I cant see president Shinra or any other or the Shira elite travelling to a crappy run-down mansion when they have other things to thing about and also have lots of wealth to spend as their please.
That was the place were they used both Zack and Cloud as Guinea Pigs so they probably did know what type of files were down in the basement, they should have hidden them once they knew that Sephiroth was going to Nibelheim but they probably thought that Sephiroth would never understand the meaning of them or simply would not bother uncovering the truth about his past and just keep acting like the loyal SOLDIER that he was.
you'd think someone would have locked the door, vincents door was locked
theres nowhere in the story that says it wasn't locked, maybe sephiroth forced the door open.
Well, technically it was behind a secret passage, so that was probably intended to be enough to guard it.

Also, even though Cloud and Zack were kept in the lab... that was after Sephiroth went crazy. I think Hojo had kept most of the lab a secret in previous years, but was unable to keep it a secret after a mass of ShinRa employees were sent there in order to rebuild the town.

Like I said earlier, if ShinRa had known all the secrets of Hojo's lab, they probably would've recovered Vincent, who was one of their best Turks and have tried to recruit him as an even more dangerous agent.
Oh, so it was, in that case, how did he find it??? You dont just randomly come across a stairwell behind a stone wall do you? In all honesty tho, I can say i have never thought about it til now......but now its gunna bug me....
Well, you could theorize that since he was in close proximity to Jenova, she might have been directing him.
It's a really small point, but it's also a really good one. Nice job, Ery.

I think, like most who have posted here, that Hojo probably didn't let anyone else know about it. Also, I think it was guarded well by the secret lock (and the boss that follows...Lost Numbers, right?) so it wasn't like Hojo expected anyone to get through that. It shows that he didn't expect Sephiroth, of all people, to find it.

I think it's another example of how ShinRa (namely Hojo) underestimated Sephiroth. ShinRa as a whole snubbed their nose at the people, and Hojo especially. Despite the fact that Cloud and his crew managed to get to Hojo himself, all Hojo had to say was that Cloud was a "Failed experiment"! They took everyone too lightly, and completely underestimated Sephiroth.
Hojo probably never expected anyone to find the entrace to the secret passage at all.
Oh, so it was, in that case, how did he find it??? You dont just randomly come across a stairwell behind a stone wall do you? In all honesty tho, I can say i have never thought about it til now......but now its gunna bug me....

Um, it's a game. Anything is possible for the sake of advancing the plot and story.

I honestly don't think whether Hojo expected or not expected for Sephiroth to find the passage matters at all. It's a game...players will find secrets along the way, so I don't see why characters can't do the same. (Finding secrets.) We were never really given any explanation as to why or how Sephiroth suddenly came across those secrets. It simply was just there...and he found it. Why? To thicken the plot.

Lol, there's really nothing more to it than that, in my opinion...
Oh, so it was, in that case, how did he find it??? You dont just randomly come across a stairwell behind a stone wall do you? In all honesty tho, I can say i have never thought about it til now......but now its gunna bug me....

In accordance with what Mistuki thinks, I say that he certainly got there by falling through a plot hole. Silly Sephiroth, ought to watch his step.