Those.......Things in the Temple Of The Ancients


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Right im playingFF& right now and im in the temple of the ancients - and aeris just said that the old guy thingy was the spirit body of one of the ancients.

Spirit Body?? WTF?!? Doesnt this mean that Aeris also has a spirit body and what not?? Discuss?? Ive never actually thought of this before lol
It means that, although the Ancients have all passed away, they still use spirits to protect the Black Materia and the Temple itself. It's along the lines of a ghost with unfinished business.
I thought the Spirit Bodies were quite cute. I think Aeris' wouldn't be half bad, either.

But I pretty much agree with Riku - they protect the Temple and Black Materia. Also, they're there because of unfinished business, and don't want anyone - like Sephiroth - to reach the Black Materia.
It states in the Reunion Files that Aerith's spirit takes on the form of water. If you notice like the water dropping right after Cloud passes out in the church from his geostigma attack in AC, that is Aerith's spirit form. You also see it again right as she says "Let's go, Cloud." Also of course Aerith brought forth the healing waters and you also see a droplet of water right in front of Tifa and Tifa knew it was her. That is what Aerith's spirit form is, is water.
There was water in the Temple of the Ancients though, correct? After you pass by those rolling rocks, and walk over to the thing that looks like a well. Is that another Ancient's spirit body then? Or am I just delusional, and it's just water?
Nah, I think that's just water hon. The spirit form of Aerith didn't come until after the game and that's when they showed her as water in AC ^_^
While Aerith is in your party (after you discover she's an ancient) she's able to translate what some of spirit's are saying in the northern temple (where she dies). well there's one object that shows up after she dies, does anyone what it or I'm talking about.
Yeah, makes perfect sense. I don't know why it would be incorrect, but if anyone knows better, then give me a slap in the face.

NOTE: Hmmmm, so we should blame all those rainy days on Aerith... I see. *shoots sky*

Naw, I'm a Aerith fan at heart.
if you read the short stories, Aeris's "soul" is pretty much water........damn good water to drink too lol