Tifa vs Quistis

Tifa vs Quistis

  • Tifa

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Quistis

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
I think Tifa would win mostly because materia works better the just weak ol' blue magic. Plus she kicks ass WITHOUT materia!
(Um, not for me to say, but I think this should be in the Final Fantasy Fun section >__<)

I like Quistis, but I love Tifa ♥

And Tifa fan that I am, I say the FFVII gal would beat Quistis.

Logically, Tifa's physical strength would win out over the instructor's.

And despite Tifa's great strength, it doesn't hold back on her speed, so there's that as well.

For Quistis, her spells are powerful, especially if she has powerful junction stats. However, it would take time for Quistis to cast the spell, and because her Blue Magic is only available through her LimitBreak she'll either have to take a lot of damage in the first place, or have Aura cast on herself.

So while Quistis is concentrating on her spell, most likely already weakened to get to the state to even USE the Blue Magic, Tifa could easily deal out major physical damage to Quistis.

Given the above, once again I say that Tifa would win ^^
-Thread Moved to Final Fantasy Fun-

And, as much as I dislike Tifa, I still say she would win, for all the reasons Fusionist and White Rabbit posted. The only thing Quistis has is long range, because of her whip, but I think Tifa could disarm her first.
I don't think either would win.

I think they'd go to fight, then realize they had the whole "I love a guy who is in love with someone else or might be gay" thing in common, and would join together to mull over their misery. They'd stay up late at night eating their feelings and watching tragic love movies where the male always dies, then eventually develop strong feelings for each other and form a lesbian relationship. They'd then move to California to get married.

I don't think either would win.

I think they'd go to fight, then realize they had the whole "I love a guy who is in love with someone else or might be gay" thing in common, and would join together to mull over their misery. They'd stay up late at night eating their feelings and watching tragic love movies where the male always dies, then eventually develop strong feelings for each other and form a lesbian relationship. They'd then move to California to get married.


That made me lol. xD

I believe Quistis would destroy Tifa, for one reason:
Junction Ultima, Flare, Meteor, Holy, Quake, and Tornado to Quistis' stats, and then put Drain on her Status-Attack, and Quistis would be able to keep dishing out the damage, and healing herself every time. Tifa would be dead in seconds.

Materia has nothing on the Junction system. I didn't like the Junction system, but it allows your character to become invincible.

Also, keep in mind that Quistis was trained all of her life to be a Mercenary, and she can fight long-range, and has much stronger limit breaks than Tifa. Tifa's useless unless she can get close enough to Quistis. If Quistis just cast Aura and then used her Blue Magic, such as Shockwave Pulsar, Tifa would be insta-dead. =/

Also, it may seem like it takes time for Quistis to cast magic and whatnot, but that's because it was in-game, only. In FF7, it was the same exact way. Just because we saw Tifa in Advent Children, doesn't make that point valid. If they made an FF8 movie, I'd bet you Quistis and everyone else, would cast magic and act instantly, just as they did in Advent Children.

I honestly don't see any possible way Tifa could win. So, my vote goes to Quistis.
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I don't think either would win.

I think they'd go to fight, then realize they had the whole "I love a guy who is in love with someone else or might be gay" thing in common, and would join together to mull over their misery. They'd stay up late at night eating their feelings and watching tragic love movies where the male always dies, then eventually develop strong feelings for each other and form a lesbian relationship. They'd then move to California to get married.


You made me laugh so hard. :monsmash:

Anyway, I voted Tifa. I think she could win if Quistis would be fighting the zero-gravity Tifa from Advent Children. Tifa did some serious stunts there. Plus she didn't seem to be wounded from Yazoo's attacks. Not that I saw any blood coming out. :wacky:
I vote Tifa since i prefer all the FF VII Character's over the FF VIII 1's.
Qustis would so win, all she'd have to do is use degenerator and Tifa would be gone in an instant, plus she has a whip....nuff said really :monster:
Tifa is better, she would catch the end of Quistis' whip and then rip it from her hands, then Tifa would proceed to beat Quistis to death, with her own shoes