Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 69 61.1%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 23 20.4%

  • Total voters
Aug 5, 2008
Capital District, NY, USA
Which of these three female characters do you prefer?

I prefer Tifa myself, as I like her personality and her strength (I've gotten her to level 99 at least two playings)...

Yuffie, otoh... well, it was hard getting Yuffie the first few times I played, sometimes taking like 2 hours... and I do like her somewhat (too bad there's no Ninja Lure materia =/)

Aerith... well, I didn't really care for her (and she dies anyway, so...)

So, yea, I'm going to say Tifa ^_^
Tifa for me ^^

What I love most about her character is her selflessness. Throughout the whole entire game, she puts others wants above herself, even Aerith's. She's kind-hearted and warm, and she serves as a bright spot in an otherwise dark situation. I also like that she has flaws, and isn't perfect like most people try to say she is. Despite being beautiful both inside and out, she has confidence issues throughout most of the game.

That said, I love Aerith as well, but just not as much as I do Tifa. As for Yuffie, I've never really been fond of her. I found her annoying for the most part, although I did like her in DOC. She can't compare to the other two girls though.
I'll go with Yuffie. Gotta love a girl with some real spirit who'll keep you on your toes. :)
i made this decision on my first play through, i always thought Aerith was the greatest Female character ever, but then my mind was rapidly changed when the dumbass went and got herself killed. Tifa is physically the strongest and simply kicks ass. So tifa is my favorite
hmmmm i liked them all. Aeris was the most fun, i liked Tifas fighting style and Yuffie was hilarious. But il give my vote to Yuffie, the conversations you have with her on the airship are soo funny (when she gets air sickness) she was a bit of a bitch stealing alll my materia then putting it back in the wrong slots...grr. but she still wins for her comical approach.
Erm, how about none of them? :wacky:

But I guess if I had to choose, I'd pick Aeris. Of the three, I think she was the best in battle. She had the highest magic power in the game.
I like them all for different reasons, but I like Tifa the best, I suppose. I like her fighting style, her limit breaks and her personality in the game!
At EXP con we asked Steve Blum (voice of Vincent) that same question. He got silly and said "Mmm Sephiroth..." it was that same question and almost phrased in the exact same way too. (whoa) -- Well the Yaoi girls went nuts... I died laughing.

It would have to be Aerith. Tifa actually reminds me of my sister... Yuffie is just a kid to me.
Definitely Tifa.

Yuffie was a bit too childish for me (until DoC) and Aeris, well, she was only useful for a small amount of time.

I only like Tifa because she's got personality, uses martial arts that I adore, love the way she cares for Cloud the most and the girl is just everything anyone would want. Plus, she'd be good for backup in a fight. :P
In those I like Aerith she has the most Beautiful face of all the Final Fantasy girls Aerith is just so Beautiful. As for Tifa she is freakin hot lol. Aerith has a really nice dress and I like Aerith all because of her Beauty.
Right from the start I prefered Tifa. She just seemed the most kick ass. Yuffie was pretty cool too. For some reason i was never keen on Aerith
Tifa, my favorite Final Fantasy girl, she just have everything, an amazing beauty great strenght and a personality to make every person fall in love with her.
I love Aerith too, she is so sweet and her death was so emotional.
Yuffie is my least favorite of the three, probably because I like characters based on their contribution to the storyline, and Yuffie didn't have much to do.
Alright alright, if you think this is a "creepy" typical guy comment then so have it. When this game came out I was 12-13, and at most games that age I had not seen graphics similar to this one. I had played numerous rpgs prior to this but none that actually put that much emphasis in looks and female character depth.

Gonna have to say Tifa was a Huge turn on for a girl. Personality, looks (do I have to mention the detail?) and what have you. The back story for her was a bit better than Aerith as well. I admired Aerith but she reminds me of one of ex's that relationship desolved because of "hey let's just become friends". Also I would admire a girl who could kick my ass. Gotta love the character in that.

SE tried to make "Sexy" and they established that for the Male population with this game.. typical right?
gotta be said they all rule at certain things and in certain parts of the game, but in my opinion its gotta be Tifa she's by far the most fun to play as and to be honest i think the easiest to level :)
tifa - was my favourite i think, yuffie can never be trusted because of her materia stealing ways and aerith always seemed destined to die - so yeah tifa was fav.
Prefer? Like as in prefer in battle? Prefer for Cloud? Prefer for a one night stand?
Prefer for personality? Prefer in looks?


Looks: Tifa
Battle: Yuffie
Personality: Aeris
One-night stand: Tifa
For Cloud: None of the 3
yuffie, she a female ninja, that seals the deal. Tifa is ok but i hate her limit break, i was never fond of slot type things.
Yuffie of course ^_^

She is the real badass girl of the game. She's a ninja, she's not in the game for sex appeal, she comes across as a silly sixteen year old but then backstabs the party making her not a sweet typical FF girl, and she's is by far the best in battle.

And I like cheerful
I preferred Tifa the most because she is a kick ass fist fighter. I think I love fist fighters the most just because they would have to be strong to kill someone with their bare knuckles. Yuffie would come in second, and ya she is pretty cool with her ninja skills and her teenage shananigans. Aerith is just useless.
she's not in the game for sex appeal
And I like cheerful

Hey, what's wrong with that if that's not the only factor that defines you, but you're also the hero's heroine saving his ass how many times? :D
But yeah, I like cheerfuls too. ^___^ Selphie anyone? Oh, that's VIII.

On topic. The question wasn't specific and all girls have their pros. But out the three I choose Tifa. She has her insecurities, which I think makes her more relatable and more human. But still, in the long run she's definitely not a wimp! She's physically strong. And I actually like it when she lectures Cloud! :monster: