Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 69 61.1%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 23 20.4%

  • Total voters
Definitely Tifa for me! =) I love how selfless she is, and that even though she is physically strong, she has very many emotional flaws that make her relatable and interesting. I adore the fact that she understands and can help others, but never spends time thinking about herself! (Note, the selfless part) I wish I could be more like that myself, haha. I try.

She's also very beautiful and strong willed... totally devoted to the one she loves. She flaunts herself in a modest way! Haha!
Out of the 3, Aerith is my favourite.

I admire how she can remain so upbeat and positive after the trauma she has been through in her life, as well as how caring she is. However, I like how there is more to her than meets the eye, she is not the innocent flower girl that many percieve her to be, she is head-strong and flirty too. I also found her story to be touching and upsetting, and well, she's my favourite character out of the game :)

I also like Tifa because of her selflessness, how even though she sees Aerith enter the picture and flirt with Cloud etc and it obviously hurts her, she still stands by him, no matter what. She's also quite contridictary. On the one hand she's this beautiful, strong martial arts master who doesn't take crap from anyone, yet on the other she is shy, gentle and doesn't reveal her feelings easily.

And Yuffie is just kick-ass, I like her too :P
Aerith is my favorite out of all the FF7 girls. Though I can see how her sticky-sweetness can bother some, as was mentioned Aerith is not so innocent or prefect as she seems to be. She's coy, she's flirty, she's kind of childish at times. But she's also loving, caring, devoted and self-sacrificing. I normally hate the type that has the braids, and wears the pink and acts like a typical girl, but Aerith has an appeal simply because she's not quiet and shy like one would expect, but very headstrong and independant.

I do like Tifa a bit, though for the longest time I didn't. She had two things that have always bothered me--the way she acted around Cloud and the way she looked. She looks way too slutty for my tastes, and it diminshes the seriousness of the character. And the way she acted around Cloud bothered me, because she rarely up-front with him about anything, and in the end that had grave consequences for him. She's a cheery person, sweet and strong, but I find her too weak in true personality to be someone I would care very much about.

Yuffie was just plain annoying. I'm sorry, she was. Gawds.
First off- Yuffie is so annoying. I don't outright hate her, but I have a somehat disliking of her.

Aeris is like a mother figure, though not competely mature. She was kind and gentle, but I never felt...attached to her, the way I can do with characters.

Tifa is fucking fantastic. She appears confident, but is really hiding shyness and self-conciousness. We were finally given a girl who could mroe than hold her own and who didn't nned the hero to come save her all the time (unlike Aeris). She can do martial arts...that just awesome ^.^ She's selfless and caring, kind and smart. She can even be very funny. She'll kick your ass, but at the same time you'd be wanting her to lol. I'm in love with this women... (I mean pixels... :( ) Tifa gets it for me. Her and Yuna are the best women in any FF game. Deep, human/realistic, beutiful and complicated.
It's a close tie between Yuffie and Aerith. Yuffie was my first favorite character. I first saw her in KINGDOM HEARTS, and I thought her and Cloud loved eachother, because they were from the same game lol. Then I saw Aerith at the end of the game and was P.O. that Cloud went and met an other girl. Then I played VII and found myself to really like Aerith. Her character was just really sweet, selfless, exciting, adorable, nice, and caring. I loved how Cloud would act around her too, he was so sweet ^^
SO I guess since Cloud loves her (because I'm a HUGE Cloud fangirl) that makes Aerith my favorite female FFVII character!


SO I guess since Cloud loves her


Her character was just really sweet, selfless, exciting, adorable, nice, and caring. I loved how Cloud would act around her too, he was so sweet ^^
I totally agree. =] I think she is really exciting and adorable and I love that about her! It's really fun to think of her and Tifa as best friends, because they are so perfect together. I love the way you described Aerith, so I decided to quote it. In case you were wondering, lol.
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... Fux dat shite. We all know Scarlett was the fiercest bitch in da whole game.

For srs, the Scarlett vs Tifa bitch slap fight was epic.

People tend to like Tifa and Aeris because they're so nice, and caring and strong and selfless blahblah. They're quite similar characters if you think about, only Tifa is more insecure and introverted, while Aeris is outspoken and extroverted. Besides the glaringly obvious differences, they share alot of common positive traits: both are caring, optmimistic, upbeat etc. Tifa gets bogged down easier because of her insecurities. Not to say Aeris doesn't have her own insecurities, she just doesn't let them get to her as much. Being an introvert myself, I find it easier to relate to characters who are the same way. For this reason, while I can easily put myself in Tifa's shoes, I feel that Aeris is the more admirable because she what I can never be. I really loved how they juxtaposed this in Crisis Core where she's more of a shy little girl. I really liked how that dimension was added to her character.

If I was going to be honest, I'd probably choose Tifa, but I'll play the devil's advocate and vote Yuffie instead. She tends not to get enough love in these ghey Tifa vs Aeris wars. I say whatever to everything, Yuffie was an annoying little brat and she didn't take any shit because of it. Plus, she pwns thr other two in battle imo. Not like it really matters because I found FF7 to be ridiculously easy anyways.
I totally agree. =] I think she is really exciting and adorable and I love that about her! It's really fun to think of her and Tifa as best friends, because they are so perfect together. I love the way you described Aerith, so I decided to quote it. In case you were wondering, lol.
I know, I read a fanfic where it was just Aerith, Tifa, and Yuffie out on a "Girls day" and it was really sweet <3 I wish I could remember where its at, I'd totally give a link :3
But I hate when people try to make it out like Tifa and Aerith disliked eachother! I mean, they both say somewhere that they either a) respect and trust the other or b) look up to her and is thankful to eachother.
So where the heck did people get that idea lol -__-
I'd choose Aerith but yuffie is kind of cool. Aerith looks good in Crisis Core.
I know, I read a fanfic where it was just Aerith, Tifa, and Yuffie out on a "Girls day" and it was really sweet <3 I wish I could remember where its at, I'd totally give a link :3
But I hate when people try to make it out like Tifa and Aerith disliked eachother! I mean, they both say somewhere that they either a) respect and trust the other or b) look up to her and is thankful to eachother.
So where the heck did people get that idea lol -__-

Fans like one, dislike the other, and impose their associations onto their chosen character. Granted, I think this happens more with Aerith fans for some reason, but I've no idea why it skews that way.
Fans like one, dislike the other, and impose their associations onto their chosen character. Granted, I think this happens more with Aerith fans for some reason, but I've no idea why it skews that way.

What do you mean? Like Aerith fans hate Tifa more?
That's not how I see it most of the time.:worried:
What do you mean? Like Aerith fans hate Tifa more?
That's not how I see it most of the time

Really? the majority of Aerith fans hate Tifa and that doesn't happen with Tifa fans most of the time..
is just a matter of visiting gamefaqs or fansites and you'll find an Aerith fan-Tifa hater in the blink of an eye...
I think they are both marvelous characters and I can see why people love them But I can't see the reason of the hate they receive other than the LTD wars....
Since I've already given my (somewhat) serious opinion, I'll add a bit of humour... (*cough*cuzi'mfeelin'abitoftensionya*cough*)

So we all know what the real question of this thread is...:

What's sluttier: Tifa's skimpy outfit, the fact Aeris' dress is unbottoned right up to her crotch or Yuffie's almost completely unzipped shortshorts?

Picture pr00fz:


Walk down the slimy streets of Midgar slums like that? Mmhmm. Barmaid. I'm so sure.


Just one gil... it's only a gil! Brings a new meaning to the phrase "flower seller of the streets."


...@&%$ it, that's jsut gross. She's only 14! :sad:

Nomura is a sick, sick, perverted man :wacky:
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If it wasn't obvious enough; I think she's by far the best. She's beautiful, such a compassionate personality. She has her flaws and insecurities which I think make her by far the most human. I have been able to relate to her so many times which kinda makes me think why I like her so much. I have never seen her in any other way other then just....plain...perfect in my eyes.
Kinda sad really; but oh well. Next post.

Really? the majority of Aerith fans hate Tifa and that doesn't happen with Tifa fans most of the time..
is just a matter of visiting gamefaqs or fansites and you'll find an Aerith fan-Tifa hater in the blink of an eye...
I think they are both marvelous characters and I can see why people love them But I can't see the reason of the hate they receive other than the LTD wars....

Haha, I'd definitely agree to that, but not only on the Aerith side... (Though, I do think that side is more extreme with the extent they go to to prove their Tifa hate. :/)

I used to hate Aerith myself, but now she's become one of my favorites after I read through the Ultimania's and played Crisis Core. I got to understand her character more, and saw that she was more than just flirty and a bit selfish at times.
I like all the three girls, but if I had to choosse one, I would go over with Yuffie. ^_^

She is a cheerful, helpful, cute and sly girl. Not that I dislike the others 2, but Yuffie was always an helpful character on my team on FFVII, her personality is unique and amusing everywhere she goes giving herself numerous titles and doing all kinda pranks. She also provides lulz all the time, even when she wants to help(rob or when airsick) the most.

...@&%$ it, that's jsut gross. She's only 14! :sad:
Nomura is a sick, sick, perverted man :wacky:

/Hates you
Really? the majority of Aerith fans hate Tifa and that doesn't happen with Tifa fans most of the time..
is just a matter of visiting gamefaqs or fansites and you'll find an Aerith fan-Tifa hater in the blink of an eye...
I think they are both marvelous characters and I can see why people love them But I can't see the reason of the hate they receive other than the LTD wars....

From my experiance the majority of Aerith-haters and Tifa-haters are either Cloti or Clerith retrospectivly, who don't seem to like "the other girl being in the LT" and therefore decide to hate her, which is just plain ridiculous.
I am an Aerith fan, but I am also a Tifa fan, but then again I am also a Clerith and a Cloti fan so maybe that cancels out my hate for either one.

But I digress. Some people do have pretty valid reasons for disliking a certain character, but hating them just because of the LTD, now that's just darn stupid.
I'm going to have to go with Yuffie on this one. She had a predominate role in the plot above the others. Her role was extremely important in the overall storytelling. Her involvement in the plot lead the characters to Wutai and it really helped show Shinra as an evil company, even before recent events.
I like all the three girls, but if I had to choosse one, I would go over with Yuffie. ^_^

She is a cheerful, helpful, cute and sly girl. Not that I dislike the others 2, but Yuffie was always an helpful character on my team on FFVII, her personality is unique and amusing everywhere she goes giving herself numerous titles and doing all kinda pranks. She also provides lulz all the time, even when she wants to help(rob or when airsick) the most.


/Hates you

I agree with you Ruka :3 At a time, Yuffie was my favorite FF girl next to Quistis. She definitely has a unique 'tude. I remember she was the only one to make me laugh all the time :3 Well, her Barret, and Tifa. That is, not counting Aerith's "This guy are sick" line. Now that caused some major laughs.:giggle:
Although, I think Rikku(FFX) has stolen my favorite FF female character award. She's like Yuffie in alot of ways and she's bubbly just like Aerith, so I get the best of both my favorite characters <3

Really? the majority of Aerith fans hate Tifa and that doesn't happen with Tifa fans most of the time..

That's weird, I met like four Tifa fans that disliked Aerith. But I'll trust you on this one. I don't really go to *that* many forums, so I wouldn't really know.:huh:
I guess I really don't care either, I know I like all three characters and I guess that's all that matters.:hug: