Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 69 61.1%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 23 20.4%

  • Total voters
While I love all three.. my heart goes to Tifa :)
I dunno.. she is just a simple girl to me, and that what I liked about her
While I love all three.. my heart goes to Tifa :)
I dunno.. she is just a simple girl to me, and that what I liked about her

She's a simple girl, so it seems and so she may be, because she's not one to nag or complain, and for these reasons, the people around her are sometimes oblivious to the complicated and 'locked' feelings she holds inside (except for maybe Marlene :P). She's remarkably strong, inside and out, and although there are many things that worry her, I think the fact that she tries to appear upbeat and composed and continues go about her daily routines despite certain sudden changes, makes her appear simple. If she were to cry and nag and demand that some people lend an ear to her drama, she might be appear as a more expressive and interesting character. But I think the fact that she doesn't do these things makes her a far more complicated character to read. Although this might be a little bit contradictory of me, I do agree to a certain extent that Tifa's a simple gal; just one with a lot of depth and complexity inside.
I liked Tifa out of the 3.

You don't get too much time with Aerith in your party so she wasn't much help far in the game. Yuffie was a bit childish and too energetic for me.

Overall Tifa was the best character because she had a good personality and she was very caring. She was handy to have in battle as well.
Please put more effort in your post, say why you like Yuffie. One liners are considered spam and against forum rules. Thanks


Yuffie tanked better than Barret. Ranged attack, dodged more attacks than ANY of the other characters. I have yet to look at the evade or guard stats but the amount of dodging was crazy. Updating her last weapon vs the rest of everyone else's showed she had much more damage than even cloud and i gave him all my sources+ultimate weapon. Id keep the limit on her to bloodfest as it did more damage than her final 9999 limit....or the equivelant of 1 hit at level 68.

I did NOT like her attitude, but it was different so i could respect it.

Aeris: weakest attack ever....i had to throw her away from the beginning looking at her 110ish attacks. She was a bit pushy and manipulative with her innocent-wannabe ways. She died always in fights first. Best just to drag her along in the PHS box until she (thankfully) gets killed.

Tifa: Decent fighter, dodges fairly well. She just isnt GREAT at anything. She is good at them though. Her limits are fun to use and if done correctly do quite a bit of damage. Decent storyline with her. Nothing amazing, but the others werent that great either.
Tifa, I liked her personality and she can "DEFEND" herself unlike (warning if you are an Aerith fan don't view xD)
Aerith which use dirty tricks =O like needing a bodyguard and offering a one date with her . . . what is she? :gasp: really, understand what I wanted to say yourself. >.>

Yuffie was kinda annoying when she stole the materias but overall she was good despite being immature.
Hmm I'd say my vote goes to Tifa. I think thet being able to beat down even the toughest monsters just using your fists is pretty amazing not to mention being an attractive quality in a woman. In any case I really like the character she has a warmth to her that is unique and differs greatly to Aerith or Yuffie. She's a powerful female character and is a great addition to the already strong cast of FFVII.
i like Aerith and Tifa. Sorry, i guess i'm not a fan of Yuffie. But first of all i liked Tifa cos she appeared to be the cheerful,strong yet caring type. another side feature is that she's beautiful. Aerith is pretty too. to top it all off she's kind,lovable. but i am seriously more attached to Tifa. what i have for Aerith is respect, more or less.
Kind of like Aerith.

She's kind, gentle and tries her hardest to be strong and live throughout the slums. She's sells flowers in a rough and unforgiving place and brings heart and support towards the group and Cloud. Only dislike how flirty she is during the start, but she starts to notice that something is strange with Cloud and she wants to know the real Cloud and love Cloud for who he really is, Tifa is cool a great physical fighter and rather mentally strong, but kind of felt that she took Cloud for granted during the childhood. Yuffie is tends to be annoying in FFVII and dislike how she tends to use the group, just for magical pearls.

Yeah, voted for Aerith/ Aeris. ^-^
Story wise I prefer Tifa: She shows an incredible strength in dealing with Cloud, who seems to ignore her, broke promises, shunned her during childhood and then spent most of disk 1 paying attention to Aerith.

Gameplay wise, aside from Limits they are basically just different graphical renditions of the same stock character: This is one of my main gripes (and only gripes) with VII and VIII.

tifa definitely has an important part to play in Cloud's life. she always wants to look after Cloud and is caring. she puts up with Cloud all the time, supporting him always, and even though Cloud payed a lot of attention to Aerith in disc one, probably making Tifa a character that doesn't even exist, she doesn't hate Aerith nor is ultimately jealous. in fact, she was upset when Aerith died. this shows what a great character she is.
Just a small reminder that this isn't the LTD and if I see any responses to the previous post that will take it that way, I'l just close the thread, patience wears thin on that subject
Tifa For Sure, I just admire her strengh and even when things get bad she holds herself together and never gives up! She can kick ass but at the same time be very caring and supportive, Definately my favorite female character from the whole final fantasy series =]
Yuffie can be a really good character if you put her to good use. I don't see why people don't like her. She is usually in my party after I get her anyways.
The best thing about her is that she is fast.

People only seem to like Tifa because she is strong but there are many more character who are strong.

I usually have my Party of Cloud, Cid and Yuffie/Cait Sith.
I like to throw in one character that nobody likes, it makes me feel unique.
I don't want to incite any arguments but I honestly don't see the correlation between Tifa and strong. I don't understand her popularity, for that matter. She's almost like the archetype of typical cliches. Can somebody please explain why this woman is revered by the two bit fans of today....especially the male?
People only seem to like Tifa because she is strong but there are many more character who are strong.
Correction, People are more into Tifa 'cause of her boobs.

Anyway, I'll go for Tifa 'cause she's stronger than Aerith and Yuffie besides she have a great limit break.
I voted for Aerith. As I loved using both Tifa and Yuffie, from the moment I get Aerith I dont stop using her. I am currently replaying and and for the first time I think I might be able to get the Great Gospel limit break. She is already on limit level 3, I am leveling up before I go to the Temple of the Anceints.
I like Tifa because she is strong willed and a caring person. It is awesome to see a strong female kick butt with her fists and feet. As for Yuffie and Aerith, I didn't care much for them. I thought Tifa was the best female character in the game.
Lets hope you don't mean this in true plural. If that was the case then that sentence is very insulting. =/


I think he's right. Some people care little for Tifa in general. They're into her looks. Insulting? Yes.