Tifa's 7th Heaven Bar

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Your work on Avatars is legendary.... So I was wondering if you could make me a vincent one...

I like him when he is calm and serene.. maybe one of him thinking to himself...

Idc.. Do your thang i aint picky...


Finished, I made two versions, and the obvious difference is in the size. So you pick which ever size you want. =)



Hope you like it =)

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Very good work Tifa :)
i'll be sure to ask you if i want anything done ;)
keep up the work and good luck ^_^
O.m.f.g... You're Vincent Icon is fucking a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I LOVE how you make the Icons, for some reason I seem to even have more trouble making icons than I have with sigs. Yours are just... *Drools*

<3 Your Tifa stuffs... *Huggles it*
I has a request. ^^ I originally posted this on Coco's shop, haven't seen anything yet, but I'd like to compate them if Coco finishes it, and see which one I'd like to use...

The image; I'd like it to be Tifa from the 10th anniversary poster.
Prefferably http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/willowwildfire/Tifa--.jpg

Cause I love the colours in that one, or....


I would only like a siggy.

Details; lots of purple...!!!! o_o like my current sig. <3 purple with black ish maybe... i'd like some sparkles on it, kinda... with the "x" star brush, flashy, how you have on Tifa's arm in your signature, that brush, ^^ sparklies. And i'd like the text "All I know is, all I feel..." on it. If you have the font "Calibri" if not something that works :P

Please no pink... -_____-

I guess its kind of a sad-ish feeling siggy i have in mind... if it makes sense...

If it's too confusing, you may kick me.
Thank you! *Hugs*

Just checking to see if the Request is coming along okay? :P
Ah... (Starry eyed) It's so pretty.... (Huggles it) Thank you!!!
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