Tips? Hints? Pointers?


Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006
My dad lost the original game I had in the move to another house, so I just recently bought another one on eBay. It came through today and I'm going to play it either today or next Tuesday when I next come up. So you know what that means, right?

I haven't played this game for ages and I'd be really grateful if you guys could give me tips, hints and pointers. Thanks for your help, it's greatly appreciated.
i never train but meh
the first disc is pretty easy apart from materia keeper and demon wall but once you know how to beat them they are easy
When you jump of the train with Barret, Cloud and Tifa go until the end of the tracks and fight Shinra troops to level up quickly you can reach level 15 with ease that way!;)
Train you a$$ off on the world map. You'll need fire2 to beat Jenova with ease on the boat. Once you get past disc 1, it's gonna get tougher. So just keep training.
Make sure to level up as many ALL materias and possible. You can get so much gil by selling a mastered all. I wouldn't worry about training until you get to the first cave... you'll know when you get there. It's a good place to level up for that part of the game. You won't need to train much, actually. Hmm... when you get characters, even if you don't like them, try to use them a little bit towards the beginning so they don't fall behind, because there will be times when you need to use them and it's a pain when they're weaker than everyone else. Don't waste all of your gil on new weapons and armour at first because there will be so much more later that's a lot more worth your gil. That's it for now... if you get stuck somewhere let me know. >.o
You pick up two potions in the very very very beginning from the Soldier that either Biggs or Jessie kills. (people tend to miss that)

When you reach Kalm, go around town and search any and all cabinets for items. Also, after the 'date' with Aerith, don't forget to grab that Elixir from the cupboard before you go to sleep.

Even while leveling up, save and save often.

When materia/weapons shopping, just get enough for your current party members. You can worry about getting enough for everyone near the end of the game where you have enough cash and where you use everyone in the last few fights.
Here's some advice, when your trying to get Yuffie, it might take a while, so just keep training, and switch a character out every 2 level ups. And even if you don't wanna get Yuffie, train anyways, I think I trained until I was level 20 with everyone before I left. Make sure you steal alot, but put your Steal materia on the person that has the most dex, it'll work more. And try to get every materia at least level 2 or half way there in order to have some good stuff and gil to buy stuff with. Trust me.

Also, stock up on potions, you may never know when it will save your life. Trust me.
Always make healing a top priority. Don't bother with summons except the Bahamut brand, Odin, KOTR, and other ones with support magic. When someone dies, bring them back. When someone has lost an amount of HP equal or close enough to how much damage you can heal, heal them. Try to beat as many enemies as possible with your limit breaks.(You can get them more often if your characters statuses are Fury, which you apply with hyper.)
the problem is with using fury is it also halves your accuracy and defense.

it doesn't so much as make getting limits easier, but because the damage you take is higher it looks like you are getting limits faster
What. I never knew furies halved your defense! o_O
But I suppose that if you level your characters up correctly, it doesn't really matter. =]