Title of the 7th Harry Potter Book!


Oct 15, 2006
Yes that's right folks! The title of the 7th and FINAL Harry Potter book has been released. The title is *drumroll*

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

So what do you guys think? What are you speculations for the 7th book? Whether it be who you think will die, or what will happen with Ron and Hermione's relationship, or even Ginny and Harry's, tell me! I'm very interested to see what you guys have to say. :) I'll post what I think is going to happen later on ;)

So far, this is the confirmed information we have (taken from www.mugglenet.com)

~*Confirmed Information*~
Each of these points have been confirmed by an official JK Rowling source.

Character Information
  • We will find out something "incredibly important" about Lily Potter
  • We will find out who R.A.B. is
  • We will discover more about Dumbledore's past
  • We will discover where Snape's loyalties lie.
  • Something will be revealed about Petunia Dursley, although it will not be that she is a Squib
  • Viktor Krum will return (World Book Day, 2004 interview)
  • We will see a reappearance of Dolores Umbridge - "It's too much fun to torture her not to have another little bit more before I finish." (MuggleNet/Leaky Interview)
  • JKR has said, "There is a character who does manage, in desperate circumstances, to do magic quite late in life, but that is very rare..."
Plot Information
  • Harry will face Voldemort for the final time
  • Harry will be attempting to find and destroy Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes
  • Harry will return to the Dursleys' during the school vacation, but the magical protection Dumbledore arranged will expire on his 17th birthday when he comes of age
  • Harry will visit Godric's Hollow
  • There will be a reappearance of the two-way mirror
  • We will see the wedding of Fleur and Bill Weasley
  • The fact that Harry "has his mother's eyes" will prove to be an important plot point
  • At least one character will die
  • The last word is expected to be "scar," but may change
  • We will finally learn the full reason why some people become ghosts when they die and others don't
  • The final chapter, which has already been written, will detail what happens to the characters that survive
  • There will be no more Quidditch matches
The title sounds really cool to me, very spooky and dark, I like it!

I am really looking forward to reading it, but it will be sad that it is the last one... :(
So what do you guys think? I think this is going to have alot to do with Godric's Hallow. you know, I wonder, since they have Godric's Hallow, do you think the book will have Salazar's Hallow, Helga's Hallow or Rowena's Hallow? It's just a thought but maybe those are the "Deathly Hallows"
I may be mistaken, but isnt Godrics Hollow the place where Harry's Parents lived?

It will be sad for it to be the last, but lets hope that it is bigger than the Fifth book[the biggest]. So the stroy will tide us over until the last movies come out.
I may be mistaken, but isnt Godrics Hollow the place where Harry's Parents lived?

It will be sad for it to be the last, but lets hope that it is bigger than the Fifth book[the biggest]. So the stroy will tide us over until the last movies come out.

Yes sir you are right. They went into hiding in Godric's Hallow after Harry was born once they found out that Voldemort was after them.
How can you judge the title when you don't even know what the book is about yet?
Harry Potter is overrated, the structure of the first four books are basically the same (Harry is hated at the start, mystery to solve, faces off with Voldemort in some fashion, is loved by the school when he leaves). The fifth was a huge disappointment with the whole 'darker' story but really wasn't that good and seemed to me that Rowling was trying to pass herself off as an adult writer or something and not bothered with book 6 yet.
If your gonna put Hp, down LEAVE! Make a topic about hating him or something okay?

I cant wait! Mugglenet says it could come during summer next year or at the end of Fall. I still cant belive Dumbledore died. It was a real shock to me, espicilay since Snape did it. I mean, I know he's mean, but why would he do that? Or it might have been a cover up so Dumbledore is realy still alive but I highly doubt this. OH, something funny is going to happen in this book too![at least for me] Umbridge comes back .Woot. Shes one of the funniest teachers to ever come to Hogwarts and teach. Her detentions must hurt!
Harry Potter is overrated, the structure of the first four books are basically the same (Harry is hated at the start, mystery to solve, faces off with Voldemort in some fashion, is loved by the school when he leaves). The fifth was a huge disappointment with the whole 'darker' story but really wasn't that good and seemed to me that Rowling was trying to pass herself off as an adult writer or something and not bothered with book 6 yet.

This thread was made strictly for what you THINK is going to happen to the book. It was NOT made for you to put down Harry Potter. This thread was for the fans and fans only, not for people who disregard this series. I would appreciate it if you'd take your thrashing towards Harry Potter elsewhere...Thank You

As for Snape killing Dumbledore, I don't think it was out of hatred...I almost think that Dumbledore was pleading with Snape. I think that this it is a possibility that Snape did it for good purposes, but there's also the Voldemort thing as well *sighs* I don't know but I'm really anxious to find out what will happen in this book! I wonder if Ron and Hermione will end up together. I also wonder if Harry is going to die...There seems to be a lot of rumors going around that he is going to die. I honestly hope not though. I'll be one pissed off fan lol!
Jo says we'll find out in book 7. We don't know for sure if R.A.B. is Sirius's brother or not. There's a big possibility but there's also the possibility that said being is not. We don't even know Regalus's middle name so it hard to say if so or not.