To shave or not to shave?

Speaking as a man -I think its almost necessary for women to shave their legs and armpits. Plus I always appreciate and really enjoy it when my lady shaves the fun area.

She actually prefers me with a beard so I usually let it grow out, then trim it 2 or 3 times a week for a few weeks, shave it off and start again.
I shave every other day. I can't stand hair...its so ew.

I was considering trying wax sometime on my legs this summer ...but I'm nervous about it because it seems hit or miss with most of the brands...and I can't afford to get salon waxed until I start making bigger bucks at work come my graduation.

However, to hold me over I ran across this stuff thats like 100% better than regular shaving cream that makes a shave last at least a few days and makes my legs silky smooth and moisturized/smelling awesome...I love it. Skintimate cream shave for all you girls :monster:
I swear I feel like I'm going to be the odd one out admitting this but I shave every once in a while: not everyday, not every other day, or something to that effect. No, just once in a while when I glance at my legs and notice how . . . unkempt my body hair has gotten. That said, when I do put that razor's blade to my legs and my underarms and down there, I make sure that my efforts are painstakingly thorough. I hate seeing those spiky remnants of hair that you just missed and your blade, already dulled, grazed by. Hate. It. Even when I was single I made sure to spend the time to shave thoroughly so I wouldn't have to do it for about a week and a half.

Only downside is when you shave, as I'm sure mostly everyone knows, your hair grows back that much quicker. So in the event that I've run out of razors and/or shaving cream or I'm just too lazy to spend like 10-20 minutes (see? Thorough as whaaat. :sup:), then I use some good 'ol Nair. Nothing like some hair removal cream, I mean hey I'm not allergic to it and the scent's pretty mild and it gets the job done in a snap. Why not? Lol.
I only shave the face, though I pay quite bit of attention to it. I ruthlessly maintain my messy not trying look, so I keep the stubble at a certain length that it still looks a bit rough and trim the edges because I tend to get random patches that stick out at the edges of the stubble line. Other than that I don't shave anything else
I've never shaved. :hmmm: I use hair removal creme for my legs, but I only do it once a month since I have fine hair. Same goes for my underarms, so I'll only wax every two weeks.

I have my lady parts done in a waxing salon. Since it's waxing, it takes a long time for it to grow and eventually the hair starts thinning. I personally don't think I'll ever want to shave because it sounds like a hassle. :hmmm: THOUGH WAXING HURTS LIKE HELL :rage: I never get used to it.

I think it's okay to let them grow given that you're the only one who'll be seeing it. To each their own though. I mean, I've never let my body hair grow out for long because I'd feel insecure. Also, I always go out, even during December, so I don't have a choice. :rage:
Well I am a MAN so I tend not to shave anything except my face. I dont care if SOME girls may find it attractive but regarless I don't think men should have to. I don't think that girls have to either but I think it is definately more attractive when they do. My girlfriend shaves and she does not want me to shave so that seems to work out for the both of us. I often grow the hair on the chin out because I actually look pretty good with it. I keep the rest of my face however shaved.
Shaving everyday is quite a pain for me, I usually shave every 3 days or so, because honestly it looks quite good at a 3 day time, after that my skin gets irritated, though I don't like shaving that much, because I'm quite sensitive in regards to hair, and feel quite the pain when I shave.

My arms and legs are quite hairy, but I would never shave them, it just doesn't feel right to me, and I'm sure a lot of guys would agree with me. Arm pits I usually shave every month or so because it doesn't look good tbqh. :mokken:

Honestly, I hate shaving but my hair grows quite fast so it's kinda annoying I have to do it. :<
I'm more diligent about shaving my pubic region than my face, honestly. Some dudes may like to have a mess of rough pubic hair masking their penis and testicles, but I don't.

As for my face, I shave whenever I feel like it. Sometimes it happens when I've only got a little stubble. Other times it happens when I look like a homeless bum. Depends on my mood and how much I want to annoy those who take an interest in my facial hair.
I'm I don't bother trying to shave my legs. Kind of like bringing a dagger to make your way through the Amazon.

I usually also keep a decent beard, but every few months I shave it off just to remember what my face actually looks like.
Every 2nd day for me

Im not in anyway a hairy guy, and im super thankfull for that. I make sure though to remove the facial hair as soon as i can notice it, which usually is every 2nd/3rd day of the week after shaving. I just dont think its something i suit. Working in a fab shop aswell you get really dirty and when the dirt gets in yer stubble it looks really REALLY manky and dirty.
Shave, deffo shave for me. Though I have to admit, some peeps look good with stubble and similar features. I guess it's from peep to peep!
I hate shaving :hmph: I have dark hair and pale skin but even if I had dark skin my dark hairs would still be noticeable. So I usually shave every day but sometimes I get lazy, also if i am planning on going away somewhere for a holiday or whatever I will wax instead which means I have to leave my hair to grow which is fucking disgusting but waxing ends up being way nicer than shaving anyway so I guess it is worth it in the end.
I know one thing for sure... The beard on my face is not going anywhere! I'll shave everything else, but my beard is my life. I love it so much...... Nobody is taking that away from me! This is my tribute to Goober (Daniel Bryan) who has the greatest beard in the history of beardliness.

So to make it more simple....
I'll shave everything EXCEPT my beard.
I NEED to shave, but I hate it... It's such tedious work...

If I COULD grow a noticeable and nice goatee or beard I would... But it's just a bunch of mangy tough hairs that don't do much of anything... THATS why I need to shave :sad3:
I always shave...ALWAYS. I hate facial and body hair on myself and I take utmost care in removing it. Got much easier when I started getting creams to do that with. Arms, legs, chest, anywhere I remove it. Especially the underarm and pubic hairs; on a side note, has anyone else realized that your facial hair and pubic hair are almost exactly the same in almost all respects, colour being th eonly one it might not?