Advent Children Too Short?


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
Anyone else think that the battle with Sephiroth and Cloud was a bit too short? I was epic none-the-less but, I would've liked to see more. ya knooww?

How about you guys?
I agree, although they did make the length of the fightscene fit the song, which was kinda apt I guess. What annoys me is that Advent Children Complete will have a hell of a lot more to it, the whole thing in general will be longer. Why the frickin' frack couldn't they just do that in the first place?!?!?! :mad:
Waiittt, what? There is going to be another advent children movie? Has this been confirmed?

Anywho, the battle was quite nice though. It made me pay attention to it from the very start of Sephiroth returning. lol. It was like I just couldn't keep my eyes off of it.
I agree, although they did make the length of the fightscene fit the song, which was kinda apt I guess. What annoys me is that Advent Children Complete will have a hell of a lot more to it, the whole thing in general will be longer. Why the frickin' frack couldn't they just do that in the first place?!?!?! :mad:

whaaaaaat? :gasp:

I hate when they pull stunts like that :grumpy:

I thought it was long enough really, but no doubt if they release whatever this new thing is, they will just add afew more fancy fight scenes in :gasp:
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I agree, although they did make the length of the fightscene fit the song, which was kinda apt I guess. What annoys me is that Advent Children Complete will have a hell of a lot more to it, the whole thing in general will be longer. Why the frickin' frack couldn't they just do that in the first place?!?!?! :mad:

Because they want more of our precious money, that's why. :neomon: If they can release as many versions, of said film, as possible and if it has VII, Advent Children, etc on it , perhaps a few more scenes, a few tweaks ( OOO Blu-RAY ) - then that, of course equals = MORE cash. Of course, I'll probably buy it too. XD

As for the battle between Cloud and Sephiroth. Well, it was enough for me, actually. Of course, it could've been longer. Why not? I was satisfied with what I got and it was, really, fairly entertaining. The slicing up of various buildings was major hawtness. Nothing better then two men ,with large swords, showing their masculinity and strength by inflicting major destruction.
All they're doing is re-releasing the film, on Blu-Ray, with all the deleted stuff put back in. Hence longer film and as Loveless put it, more moneyz.

It was hurting for good dialogue was that battle. It reminded me of a DBZ fight- all bitch slapping and not much substance. Sure seeing the Shinra Building get sliced up was fun (which while I think on it, suddenly seemed pretty much untouched in DoC >_<), but not much else. The talking was sloppy- "Ooooohh!!! Where'd you get this strength from?" C'MON!!! Sephy is surely supposed to be more intelligent than that......right.....huh? :confused:
Lol I agree, it was like watching an advanced DBZ scene where the characters try to outwit each other while they battle it out. I think that's why I like the fight between Loz and Tifa more than any of the fight scenes in Advent Children. They didn't talk during the fight - they just got down to business.

Anyway, I think the final battle was just enough, actually. There was sooo many battles in the movie that mainly included Cloud that I finally kinda got bored towards the end. Don't get me wrong. I still love that just made me think, "Well gee, finally." It was short, yes, but still fulfilling somewhat.
I agree, the battle between Cloud and Sephiroth was amazingly short considering Cloud hates him and Cloud is like Sephiroth's main rival. It just bugged me the way half the battle was cut up so they could try to convince each other about how being loved was the best way to live and how taking over the world was, especially when he stabs Cloud.
But I can't see the re-released being hugely different from the the first relief although if you want to watch a good battle with Sephiroth in it I suggest you play Crisis Core and watch the
fight scene.
I think the fight was long enough, though I certainly wouldn't have minded if it were a bit longer. I love the DBZ-style fight sequences in that movie.
I thought that the final battle could've been longer as well. It was the scene the whole movie was working up to, and it was over just like that...

In the remake though, Sephiroth doesn't just stab Cloud in the shoulder, he puts his whole sword through him and picks him up,
just like he did in Crisis Core.
I think that will definately make the battle longer, since Cloud will be severely wounded and not just given a little scratch on the shoulder..
Hell yeah they could have made that battle heaps longer.

It was rather dissapointing how short it was.
Oh well it could've been shorter and it could've been a fight with someone appreciate what you get I guess

also that Advent Children Complete set might be worth it...I'm gonna pick it up at least
Wait, what's this about a complete set? Is this second FF:AC on PSP or is this on PS3 or DVD? If it's on PS3 I won't be watching it because I don't have it. Is it already out?
Yeah it was a bit short. Like Cloud and Speth and each others worst enimes.

But IMO the fight scene was pretty awesome considering the shortness of it. Like the battle keept going back and foward and not knowing who will win :P.
It was definatly short but I guess it was the best they could do to fit it in with the music. I think that it would take much longer to kill Sephiroth but they couldn't keep the fight going for too long.
i agree that it was short, but i was fine with what lenght of the fight i saw. if it was longer i woulda been like "cool" lol.

and when is this blu-ray advent children coming out? i wanna own it, lol
There will be? o_O
And I don't believe AC was short, however they needed a fight including the whole party, one that is better than Bahamaut fight.
^ Ye, totally agree.

They could have like, taken out 2 members and pair them up with Cloud to fight for a moment, just to relieve the old FFVII days, ha ha.
Yeh i tottally agree like u watch the movie to watch cloud fight seth but they fight for like 5 mins


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