Advent Children Too Short?

Dont get me wrong I love the movie but I think they could have made it longer.And they should have it was too short.I think they should have done a fight with the whole gang atleast would have been epic.But still good movie could have been better if it was longer and had more interactions with the other characters not just Tifa,Cloud,and Kadaj talking almost the whole time.Really they could have atleast made it 3 hours long.
I found the movie in general a bit short.If it lasted for like 3 hours,it might'd been more satisfying.I hope they add more battles in it,that's what made me love it even more.I thought that the other characters should have fought more.I mean just Bahamut?And they didn't even beat him,Cloud did.It made them look quite weak compared to Cloud.

Even the Turks played a bigger role than the main characters.
I think it was a sufficient length, sure it wasn't a long movie, but it wasn't really short, either, I enjoyed it quite a bit, I've watched it twice, don't see it very often.
There was certainly enough time to give Nanaki more lines.

I don't recall many of the other characters having much purpose in the movie, and I think they could have focused on the individuals a bit more than what they did.

I understand it's about Cloud's struggles, but he still wouldn't be where he was without the rest of the gang.
I think what it was was that it was Cloud centric... The whole gang only realy got together to slap Bahamut in the face... Then went off again.
to be honest they needed to rewrite the whole fight scene to involve the rest of the hero characters, instead of having them in a airship saying "ah! were to lazy let cloud do it"
I think it was a good lenght of battle...maybe a bit longer would have been great!
I think it was too short too heh! I like the typical, main character gets the shitaki punched out of em, then prevales. It was kinda punch, blade thrust, win.
Naw i thought the fight scene was just rite to me. i just dont fully understand the whole story behind FFVII
I hate when they pull stunts like that :grumpy:

I thought it was long enough really, but no doubt if they release whatever this new thing is, they will just add afew more fancy fight scenes in :gasp:

i agree. i'm sad to say but i was kinda bored nearing the end of the movie.
Yeah, the fight was definitely too short. Cloud and Sephiroth were just going at it with swords >____>
I was really hoping on alot of new, cool attacks for both of them, but the only cool thing was that cool-sword-deforming thing Cloud used to defeat Sephiroth. The newer version(blue ray or something) might make it longer and better? =D =D =D
I guess it was a bit short, but the fight sequences were all very fast in themselves. When I saw the film for the first time I thought it went rather quick :P
I much prefered the fight with Cloud and Kadaj right before Sephiroth comes back. It was so much faster and more close-quartered.

Though the fight with Sephiroth was cool, simply because, it's Cloud and Sephiroth dueling in sword porn.
I'm so happy that fight didn't go any longer then it did because it was just sooo repetitive every battle in the movie was repetitive there was so much of the same thing so much i almost fell asleep i mean come on those those stupid kingdom hearts developers could have been a bit more creative
Yeh like the last fight u would think its more then like 5 mins at least 10-15 mins of a full on fight would of been nice
Yeah, the fight was definitely too short. Cloud and Sephiroth were just going at it with swords >____>
I was really hoping on alot of new, cool attacks for both of them, but the only cool thing was that cool-sword-deforming thing Cloud used to defeat Sephiroth. The newer version(blue ray or something) might make it longer and better? =D =D =D

that was Cloud's updated Omni-slash (V5).

i felt that the battle was far too short as well. the battle between the 2 is epic from day one, and all of a sudden the fight lasts like 10 minutes. i espected Sephiroth to pull out some epic techniques, Cloud as well besides Omnislash V5, but i felt a little let down.