Too Short?

The plot is very deep; some side-quests can take a couple of weeks to complete. All-in-all, a very in-depth game with detail. I think this should have been on the PLAYSTATION3 as more could have been added to the plot, however, the plot seems to be well-thought-out and maybe the intention was to leave some of the plot up to the player what happens instead of saying this actually happened, the player can make up what happened inside their head based on how it was told in the story; I would have liked XII to go in to more detail behind a few of the chatacters, which would make the game even longer. Even just following the Main Storyline should take you, on average, about 100Hours, to include training your characters up, and, doing other Side-Quests, I think it should take you to about 150Hours. It also depends on how quickly you play the game; some players could rush through a place, whereas another player could have a look around, stop and listen to the Sound Effects, and/or listen to the music. I have to say, this was a great game. Someone on YouTube wrote that since SquareEnix had taken over, it wasn't as in-depth - if you know what am getting at - but I think in some respects they may be correct, but this game is so in-depth, and there's lots of things to do, that you think this is just like the game that SQUARESOFT produced. So, no, I don't think XII was too short.
EDIT...Oh whoa, phail :ffs:

Uh, let's see...No, I don't think FFXII was short. In fact, I haven't even beaten it yet. I remember I stopped at around 40 hours, but I was under the impression that I was about half-way through. The story wasn't bad, but I think the heavy politics managed make it feel like you were be bogged down a bit, for me anyways. I can imagine if you made the effort to go after all marks that you'd have a huge-ass game time by the end xD
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Well, the game took me probably around fifty or more hours to beat so no, I don't think it was too short. Of course I spent a large amount of my time training and such but still, that was only like ten extra hours. It didn't take me that long to beat the other ones.
In all honesty, I would've liked more to it, but I think it was just the right length, as was. I think that if you fully exploit the game, you really can extend the life of it. Hell, I haven't even technically finished everything, yet I've clocked 170+ hours on one playthrough.
The first time I finished the game it took me 285 hours to complete.

The second game I made, and now knowing how to get everything quicker, it still took me 215 hours. The FFX I completed, 100%, took me less than 200 hours. And yet, FFX seemed longer to me than FFXII.

Like someone said, the same happens with a good movie - you always feel it passed too quickly.
i don't think the game was short, i actually considered it pretty long for a game. Theres plenty of things to do In FFXII, the hunts, the quests, the things to find. Final Fantasy X.. now that was a short game.
I disagree. The storyline was indepth and not to mention those hunts and sidequests. (I still havn't finished all the hunts and still have to get Zodiark and Ultima.)
I Finnished the game mainly sticking to the story...The story line was there if fairly similiar to a certain movie but It was ok in length. Altho not in any way does it rival VII.

I also though the bosses where aa little easy in the story line. Using certain spells there was no real dangers. dis-spell and shell and protect etc.
Hmm..which movie do you think it relates to? I can't really think of any

Anyway,my current game is 97 hours-ish, and I've just killed one of the final marks, I've only got one (without giving too much away) that Montblanc gave me that I need to get, but I'm not strong enough for it
too short?

hmm I dont really think so,
it took me around 50 hours to play through. without any side quests
witch is the average time it usually takes me to pass a FF game, so it just seemed like a normal amount to me.....