Top 10 favorite game series

1. Final Fantasy
2. Dynasty Warriors
3. Devil May Cry
4. Pokemon
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Grand Theft Auto
7. Ratchet and Clank
8. Fire Emblem
9. Timesplitters
10. Metal Gear Solid
1 - King Of Fighters - My No. 1 Fighting series, just edging Castlevania to no.1 of all.
2 - Castlevania - Top notch platforming and adventure, Super Castlevania IV being my poison of choice.
3 - Sonic The Hedgehog - First game I owned was Sonic, and Sonic 2 remains one of my all-time favourites.
4 - Shinobi - Platforming ninja and awesome Yuzo Koshiro soundtracks, woo!
5 - Final Fantasy
6 - Street Fighter - III and Alpha are top-drawer stuff.
7 - Tony Hawks' Pro Skater - Up until 4 ( and I'll accept Project 8 ), these were absolute gems of games. I did 2 and 3 until I absolutely 100 percented them, a very rare thing for me to do.
8 - Timesplitters - Without a doubt my favourite series of shooters, no others have had the same sense of fun for me.
9 - Mega Man ( All of e'm, not going into spitting them up... )
10 - Tekken - Best 3D fighters bar none.

Knowing I'll probably be changing that list before long.:D
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1) Final Fantasy
2) Dragon Quest
3) Kingdom Hearts
4) Metal Gear Solid
5) Devil May Cry
6) Sonic - albeit the newer games are worse than the older games
7) The Legend of Zelda
8) Ratchet and Clank
9) Pokemon - The good old days (though the new one for DS is pretty good) >_<
10) Mario
1. Final Fantasy
2. old school Mega Man
3. Legend of Zelda
4. Metroid
5. Silent Hill
6. Tomb Raider
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. Dragon Quest
9. Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain
10. Xenosaga
Hmm.. this is kinda hard.

1.- Tetris
2.- Call of Duty
3.- Final Fantasy
4.- Zelda
5.- Tales Of
6.- Winning Eleven/ProEvolution Soccer
7.- Pokemon
8.- Ace Combat
9.- Castlevania
10. Super Mario Bros.

And i still can think about several others series right now >>
1-The Legend of Zelda
2-Final Fantasy
3-God of War
4-Tomb Raider
5-'Tales' series
6-Breath of Fire
8-Silent Hill
9-Resident Evil
10-Devil May Cry

This is by priority, and GTA just missed the top...
Glad to see that not alot of people mention Halo. Halo just seems to be all hype and no bite to me... (Yes, I think Express lanes in Wal-Mart dedicated to people who only come to buy Halo 3 is WAY over-hype.)

Now... My list...

1. Shin Megami Tensei (This is where Poke'mon came from, people.)
2. Fallout (Dystopian or Otherwise Depressing Setting; Check, Strange Fantasy Creatures; Check, People in battery-operated power armor wielding guns in a turn-based RPG; Check and check!)
3. Soul Calibur (What can I say...? They're the most fun I've had in a fighting game.)
4. Metal Gear Solid (Snake's On a Plane! :D)
5. Medal of Honor (I know WWII is overdone, but these games play like a nice, PG-13 rated, interactive version of 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Windtalkers'.)
6. Final Fantasy (1-9, all else is rubbish to me...)
7. Half-Life (Influential series of first-person shooters.)
8. Elder Scrolls (The topics are 'Follow the Quest' or 'Go On Your Own and Have a Helluva Good Time!' Oh, wow! I choose subject number two, Alex Trebeck!)
9. Pokemon (Low on the list due to stealing ideas from Shin Megami Tensei and using different character designers than when the first games came out.)
10. Devil May Cry (A half-demon guy running around, killing stuff in a stylish manner ala' Vash of Trigun or Arucard of Hellsing? Sign me up!)
1: Dungeons & Dragons
2: Final Fantasy
3: Legend of Zelda
5: Fire Emblem

Umm... I haven't played all THAT much games, so mine is just a Top 5.
My favorite Nintendo game series was once Super Mario, back in the 20th century. By the time of Super Smash Bros. Melee, Final Fantasy overtook Super Mario as my favorite game series. Nowadays, Super Mario is nowhere close to the top 10. Super Mario has been declining on my list further, with it being overtaken by Fire Emblem as my favorite Nintendo game series, and Luigi being overtaken by Ayra from Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu as my favorite Nintendo character.

Before I was in college, my top 10 favorite game series were:

1. Super Mario
2. Metroid
3. Castlevania
4. Tetris
5. Legend of Zelda
6. Gradius
7. Contra
8. Double Dragon
9. Megaman
10. Street Fighter

Today, my top 10 favorite game series are the same as stated in the thread's original post.
TEN, TEN, TEN, TENNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! Why is it always ten?! O:<

Oh well.

Really only Final Fantasy, Tales of, and Sims.

Gaming isn't as much fun as it used to be way back when, what with all the lazy half-assing bastards that make what they call games, that would be a lot less deceiving if they called it 'shit in disc is shit'. There really aren't a lot of Good RPGs out there anymore. :\

While I do like Super Smash Bros. and Zelda, I can't really count them amongst my favorites, since I don't really even want to play them. Good games that acquaint with good times, though. :cool:

But actually, taking a moment to recap... I guess I could go ahead and throw Zelda into the mix as well, I really loved Windwaker, Majora's mask, and Ocarina of Time.:neomon:
Not necessarily in favorite-to-least-favorite order. It changes with my mood.

Final Fantasy
Legend of Zelda
Sonic - Oh jeeez, am I in a Sonic fever right now.

I'm reserving the 10th position for Death Note, because I seriously want that game. If only for Death Note fandom. :wacky:

Leki Edit: And L's siggy just reminded me... that 10th slot'll have a fight with a Batman game if I can get my hand on it....
1. Final Fantasy
2. Zelda
3. Valkyrie Profile
4. Pokemon
5. Tales of
6. Phoenix Wright
7. Tekken
8. Mario
9. Sonic
10. Spyro - used to love it. Not so much anymore, but I still have many good memories of it.
Random order of my favorites....

-Final Fantasy
-Metal Gear Solid
-Kingdom Hearts
-Super Smash Bros
-Dragonball Z
-Jak & Daxter
-Dynasty Warriors
Final Fantasy
Grand Theft Auto
Dragon Quest
Legend of Zelda
Ratchet & Clank
Crash Bandicoot (at least, in the PS1 days)
Spyro the Dragon (see above)
I don't think I can name more than 10 series'. xD

1. Final Fantasy.
2. Kingdom Hearts.
3. Starcraft.
4. The Sims?
5. Digimon. xD
6. Dragonball Z.
7. Marvel games.
9. Breath of Fire.
10. Destroy All Humans!

Ohhh, look at that, I managed it.

You still didn't mange it, you've got 9 listed.

Anyway I'm probably going to edit this list to explain my choices and to change it but for the time being I'll have the list as it is the now.

1. Mario
2. Zelda
3. Street Fighter
4. Monkey Island
5. Metroid
6. Pokemon
7. Half-Life
8. Resident Evil
9. Metal Gear Solid
10. Final Fantasy
My Top 10 favorite game series are:

-Resident Evil
-Final Fantasy
-Valkyrie Profile
-Devil May Cry
-Mortal Kombat
-God of War
-Star Ocean
-Monster Hunter

It was a tough choice to pick 10 favorite game series since there are a lot of good ones out there.
-Final Fantasy obviously...
-Legend of Zelda
-Star Ocean
-Street Fighter
-Metal Gear Solid
-Super Smash Bros
-Tekken (It's alright, but I was running out of games to pick)
This isn't really in any kind of order seeing as I like a lot of them equally.

- Kingdom Hearts
- Final Fantasy
- Tales of Series
- Tekken
- The Legend of Zelda
- Spyro the Dragon (first three)
- Mario Brothers
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Until the games after Adventure Battle 2)
- Super Smash Brothers
- Sims!

Edit: Omg!! I forgot pokemon!!! I have a top 11 :hmph: Pokemon is way up there!!
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