Top 10 Favorite Games -- And Why.

10. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
9. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
8.Devil May Cry 2
7.Devil May Cry
6.Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
5.Samurai Warriors
4.Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7
3.Dynasty Warriors 6
2.Final Fantasy 12
1.Final Fantasy 2
♥Yuna♥;530285 said:
C'mon guys. Don't just list your favorite games. The thread also requests to know why these are your favorite games. Just listing them is also considered spamming. So please elaborate more in your posts. Thanks.
So just a reminder we want reasons and not just lists. Thanks =)
1. wild arms series- especially the first one since that was my first ever rpg game and got me into the rpg genre. beside that, it had a great storyline, songs, and the character in all of them were all fun to play with

2. .hack series- it started with the anime and carried on into the video games. the story was just amazing, ill admit the gameplay got a little repetative, but the story was just too good

3. legend of dragoon- great story, game play, one of the best character ever in king albert

4. xenosaga series- again had a great and amazing story and i wish it continued on. probably the best female character ever in kos-mos

5. final fantasy 7- had great story, gameplay, and the best final fnatasy cahracter ever, cid highwind
10.) Legend of Dragoon;Ico; and Dragon Quest VIII
----Legend of Dragoon - It's such an interesting game. The towns are beautiful, and I love how each character has a backstory. Sometimes in games,they forget or just don't add backstories to all the playable characters,but in this game they made sure everyone had a backstory. It has so many twists in it,and you'll be left trying to figure out what is going on.
----Ico - This game is literally beautiful. I was so amazed at just looking at this game,but playing it is also enjoyable. You have to figure out puzzles while trying to keep the shadow creatures from taking Yorda. I love how Yorda is so depentant on you. She isn't one of those annoying kind of depentant people in games that you lead around,she actually has a way about her that makes you want to protect her and you lead her around by hand. She is so innocent. I also find the place that you are exploring to be breathtaking. The castle is very mysterious and makes you want to know just what is going on there and how things came to be the way they are.
----Dragon Quest VIII - When I first started playing this game,I couldn't stop. I enjoy it so much. I like how you have to manage your points and am always looking forward to learning new abilities. I also found this game to be pretty hard,esp. the extra dungeon boss after you beat the game. Stories in this game also fit in so well with the characters. I love the moon place that you can only enter when a window shadow is being cast at a certain point. This game is also how me and my husband first met.

9.) American McGee's Alice - I think American McGee did a great job portraiting what Alice's mind would be like if she became mentally ill from a fire destroying her house,killing her parents in the process, and only she made it out alive. I love reading the casebook that came with the game. It gives you more of an inside look at what is going on in the asylum,while you are playing Alice in her mind trying to fix everything. I love how spooky this game is. I love the music in the game. I love the characters. I think the characters stayed close to their original selves while being transformed into darker versions. It's a wonderful game.

8.) Harvest Moon Back to Nature - Ahh,what can I say? I find this game to be extremely fun. I love spending the day taking care of my farm,watering my plants,feeding and petting my animals,milking the cows,and then going around the neighborhood wooing girls and making friends with all the villagers. I love this game. I made it to year 5 one time and was so excited to see what the special thing was. Then I accidently saved over that file with a new one.

7.) Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask - When I first played Majora's Mask,I didn't like it. I couldn't stand the fact of being timed. But when I finally took my time to actually play it and get into it,I loved it. It's so much fun and ties in good with Ocarina of Time. It's darker then Ocarina of Time,but I love that about it. I love how Link can transform into a Deku,Zora,Goron, or Fierce Deity Link. I also love how each mask has certain effects and play into the storyline. All the masks that Link can wear either affect people around you,animals around you, or things around you. That's so much fun. The story can be a little sad though,but well if you've played the game then you know how it works out in the end. I also think it's interesting about the Happy Mask Salesman,the Majora's Mask, and the kids on the moon. I found each one of those to be interesting to learn about.

6.) Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars - Oh this game is so much fun. I enjoy going through each town and love how each character's place represents them. I wish they would bring Mallow and Geno back in a game. I like how in the star world you can read people's wishes and even though the stars don't have peoples names on them,you can tell whose wish it was. I also think that everyone's abilities match them perfectly. And the ending boss? Who saw that coming.

5.) Secret of Mana - I was little when I first bought this game,and I wanted it because there was a girl on the front of the cover and figured you could play as a girl. I was right and am so glad I bought this game so long ago. The storyline is great,and I love how you aquire each of the summons. This is such a great game! Although I still get lost on the main map flying around as Flammie. For some reason it always takes me forever to find the Gold Island. Oh yeah,that's another reason I enjoy this game so much, there are so many places to explore.

4.) Star Ocean Till the End of Time - This game is so much fun to play. There is so much to do in this game, and I wish you could keep all the characters. I love all the sidequests and extra dungeons after you beat the game. I like how you can level to 255 and Freya STILL be impossible to beat. This game keeps up with the challenges. I even named my son after Albel from the game.

3.) Final Fantasy VIII - I love the storyline of this game. I also really enjoy watching Squall go from shutting out the whole world to eventually opening up. You also learn how the characters are all connected and knew each other before becoming a SeeD (aside from Rinoa,but Squall's dad,Laguna, was inlove with Rinoa's mom at one point.) It kept me guessing when I first played it,and I love replaying it.

2.) The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - This game is beautiful. It's so interactive and there are so many things to do. Everytime I play this game,I think I realize something that I didn't before. The music is also very nice. And there are so many places to explore. I also love the bosses in each othe dungeons. They are alot of fun to beat.

1.) Final Fantasy IX - This will always be my favorite game. I love everything about it from the characters,the worlds,the music,the ability system, just everything. I love Garnet and Zidane's relationship, and all the characters relationships to be honest. I love how everyone learns and grows throughout the game. I love how you get to switch between view points of whats going on now in one part of the world,then switch back to what is going on now in the other part of the world. It drew me in from the very first time I played it. I can replay this game over and over even if I've just beaten it. I never get tired of it. There's just so many reasons why this is my favorite.
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played sooo many games so this list is going to be quite tricky for me but ill give it a shot ^^

10. Call of duty W&W: its a good game and has some highly enjoyable parts, the mulitplayer being an blast, but the bugs stop it from being all it can be.

9: Sonic 1&2: The original sonic games were definatley the best, sega just cant seem to recapture the magic, the ol' hog once had.

8: Streets of Rage 1&2: Quite possibly the finest scrolling beat em' series ever, the characters were all cool and its still fun to play even these days ^^

7: Tomb Raider 1&2: Again as seems to be the "norm" with most series of games, the first 2 were definatley the best, the newer ones although decent are much too short and fail to really bring that exploration feeling back.

6: Final Fantasy VII: One of my most played games ever! its suprising how much replayability this game has, even its aged graphics dont take away from just how much of a joy this game is to play.

5: Final Fantasy VI: In many ways superior to VII, the characters were some of the most well designed and it boasted the best bad guy ever Kefka!

This is where it gets tough for me ^^

4: Call of Duty 4: quite possibly the best first person shooter ever made, and hella addictive, one of the few games where Skill is a major factor and not the size of the gun your carrying ^^

3: Resident Evil 1&5: I tied these in third place as Resident Evil 1 was the game that started the whole zombie bashing experience, and the fear factor was never matched again in the following resident evil titles, not until the release of 5 which brought a whole new fear factor to the table of uneasiness and tenseness, some would argue that 2 should be here instead of 1, but without Resident evil 1, one of the greatest gaming series would not have existed.... if you havent experienced a Resident evil game by now....its about time you do!

2: Metal Gear Solid 4: Arguably Kojimas finest hour, one hell of a game, one hell of an experience, one hell of a story...unmissable imho!

1: Resident Evil 3: Nemesis: The only Resident evil title to give me nightmares, and the first game to incorporate standards still used across the boards in many games today. The sheer fear you gain for the unrelenting nemesis makes this game my number 1 of all time...its going to be a while before its knocked off this spot ^^
Hard thread,let's see:

FFIX: No words,this game is absolutely the best game,to me.It had everything,good characters,story,music,graphics,it was fun to play and had a lot of quests.
Favorite game EVER.

The others have no order:

Chrono Cross: CT is good,but CC is amazing. Serge's story was just epic,CC definitely made the simple ''time travelling funny game'' that was CT into something really complex,deep and unforgettable.
Without mentioning the battle system too.I hated it at first,but it's addicting with time! The soundtrack too,no words, Scars of time was perfect.

Dragon Quest VIII: I had never played DQ when played this(I played them after) and thought it was really boring at first,stopped playing it for half an year. Then,began playing again after seeing some videos and talking about it.It really changes after you discover Dhoulmagus true intention,the story of the sceptre,etc.
Awesome soundtrack too,world map and characters(Yangu's FTW).

Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant: A big surprise at first.Never thought a new franchise like SH could be sooooo good. The characters are great,and are among my favorites ever,along with FFIX's ones.The soundtrack rocks too,and it had,probably,my favorite battle system too( or at least the same level than the third,and Tales of the Abyss,addicting too)
It was impressible how each character growed distinctly on this game. The Wolf Blanca had to fight against other wolfs to learn new technics,Yuri had to use the Malice points after fights to acquire new transformations and technics,Joachim fought against his master( and used everything he found when travelling too as a weapon).

Great game.

Tales of the Abyss:Even with the obvious bugs and unperfections,sucky graphics, this game had,it was awesome anyway.Good characters, awesome battle system,quests,story mainly.
Even paid 100 $ for it,lol. Totally worth.

Okami:The best adventure to me,I loved the oriental style,story(Issun pwns)gameplay and everything on it.Without mentioning the possibility of playing it again with extras. The art this game contains will take time to be surpassed,for sure.

The Legend of Zelda:Majora's Mask:I don't think I'll ever play an adventure different like this again The time concept was absurd and original,the masks abilites and transformations,the boss scenarios,the demonic moon. The game was dark and had lot's of quests,really a great Zelda,and the best one to me.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence: MGS3 had awesome soundtrack,story,characters,extras and the gameplay was reaaaaaaally good.Definitely of the the greatest adventure/action on ps2,maybe the greatest.

The Legend of Zelda:Wind Waker:Original Zelda with great gameplay,soundtrack and giant world map.Second best to me.

Dragon Quest VII:I played this game insanely.Although it's graphics and battle system sucks,it's just vicing and it would be unforgivable to don't give it a Top 10. Great characters too.

Worth mentioning:

Final Fantasy V,VI,VII and XII
Any Metal Gear game
Mother 3
Wild ARMs V
Shadow Hearts
Shadow Hearts III:From the New World
Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Persona 4
Parasite Eve 1
The Elder scrolls IV: Olivion
The Elder scrolls III:Morrowind
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Fallout 2
Banjo Kazooie
The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Megaman Legends
Megaman Legends 2
1. Super Mario World. Never gets old.
2. MGS4 Really loved the story and every second of playing it.
3. FFXIII - regardless of what people say i really loved it, the story, back stories, graphics and overall presentation were spectacular.
4. THPS2- i still play this game, ive always loved the tony hawk series. But this one was really special.
5. FFX- Great Story. Really felt the connection between tidus and Yuna.
6. Pokemon Gold. Definetly the best one to date.
7. Goldeneye- Greatest FPS to date.
8. Halo series. Greatest multiplayer game to date.
9. ---
10. ---
1. FFIX - Most amazing game ever created, cannot and will not ever be dethroned.

2. Chrono Trigger - Such a great and complex plot, amazing music and the best replayability ever.

3. FFVI - My first FF ever, a plot twist that pretty much changed my life.

4. FFVII - It's FFVII.

5. Chrono Cross - Unique battle system, 44 characters... FORTY-FOUR!

6. FFV - The job system in this game is what made it so good, it might just me me, but it suits the way i play PERFECTLY.

7. SSBM - Funnest multiplayer game ever, impossible to get sick of.

8. FFXII - Huge world with even huger character development, you can make any character into any class/style you can think of.

9. Halo 3 - See SSBM.

10. FFX - So many things in the game were done brilliantly, potential to be higher up if alot of stupid things didn't annoy me.
1)gotta be final fantasy 9...ive beaten it at least 10 times and it NEVER gets old
2)msg 3 was great just because i liked the story and the little twists and also hunting your own food was just one of those things that made the game seem more...real
3)ffx...i literally teared up at the end the mixture of the music and the story line was just to much emotion to hold in
4)pokemon red ...first game i ever owned...opened up a whole new world to me
5)rock band...just positively the best music oriented game out there guitar hero might have started it but rock band just reamped the whole thing up to a level that guitar hero cannot rise to ...**nods**
1. Final Fantasy IX - why not?

2. Parasite Eve 2 - played this game countless times! Is so addictive and Aya is so inspiring oh!

3. Final Fantasy X - yeah and don't mock on me :gasp: it sounds so familiar when you start playing and the Sin sin's is such a "survive everyday" must!

4. Fallout 3 - Just played recently, and is like my detachment from FF series, and it's like a big world with so many ways of exploration and of deciding what's going to happen. Everyone should try it.

5. Chrono Cross - the game has so many things to like it. Is so diverse and has this big story! I just love it.

6. FFXII - I like playing this game for so many reasons! I just wished it was more emotional.

7. Resident Evil 2 - always present in my life, still scares me to death! it's a classic in terror games.

8. Tekken 3 & 5 - Used to love this game, but now I can't see their face because of the repetition it is delivering in every sequel. Although I started playing 3 when I was 10 or something so it brings me good memories.

9. FFVIII - just love the exploration and the characters in general, very well conceived to be appealing.

10. Elders Scroll Oblivion IV - Transports to a whole new and big world, the biggest I've ever seen in a video game. You can also spend your whole life in this game and you possibly won't complete it. Glitches and bugs may cause some annoyance though.
1. Tales of Symphonia - I remember how excited I was when this first came out...the art style won me over immediately. The storyline was immersing, filled with many shocking plot twists, the characters were all brilliant, the battle system is what got me into real-time battles in the first place, it was quite long for a Gamecube game, and the soundtrack was absolutely brilliant. Can't say I'm overly keen on the sequel, though.

2. Star Ocean: The Last Hope - A lot of people seem to dislike this game, but I love it. Whilst some of the characters were irritating (Myuria and Meracle annoyed me) I quite liked the cast as a whole, the storyline wasn't too bad, although it suffered from that tendency to overwhelm you with information that all Star Ocean games like to do. The battle system was better than Symphonia's, although everything else about Symphonia was better, which is why this isn't my all-time favourite game. xD

3. Dragon Age: Origins - I initially didn't like the look of this...but I had only seen PC demos, and the PC interface is slightly different to the PS3 and 360 one. Once I figured that out, I decided to try it...I got it for Christmas last year, and I've played through it five times since. Normally I wait a year or two before I replay a game. Not this time. Dragon Age is one of the best games to come out in recent years, in my opinion. Its a classic high fantasy epic, is one of the funniest games I've ever played, and whilst the graphics are awful, I don't much care about graphics.

4. Golden Sun: The Lost Age - I went INSANE waiting for this. I absolutely adored the first Golden Sun, and when I found out about the second, I went wild. Playing as the mysterious Felix, being able to transfer your data from the first game to the second...yeah, this was probably the highlight of the GBA era. The ending promised a third game, as well...which we're FINALLY getting. I also discovered my appreciation for Alex with this one...

5. Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria - I adore this game. Norse mythology is quite interesting, and I didn't know much about it before I played this game, so it was something new for me. Once I figured out how to avoid getting decimated, the battle system was quite engaging, the soundtrack really sticks out and, of course, it has Lezard Valeth, which is definetely a plus. He made for a pretty challenging final boss. Plus there is the whole grandiose megalomania and "AHAHAHAHAHA! KNEEL DOWN BEFORE ME!".

6. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - Whilst the second and third games have more depth, they just can't compete with the first. Why? The first is funnier. The trio of Laharl, Etna and Flonne can't be matched, and the numerous references in this game - the Prism Rangers in particular - always make me laugh. This is a grinder's paradise as well, with levels going up to 9999 and the ability to do damage in the trillions. Its easy to put away hours on this game.

7. Baten Kaitos: Neverending Wings and the Lost Ocean - A little-known Gamecube RPG, but a very fun one. The graphics are undoubtedly the best on the Gamecube, and it was pretty difficult, as well. The Giacomo/Ayme/Folon battle still gives me nightmares. Finishing it was very, VERY satisfying.

8. NieR - Well, I had to mention this somewhere. Damn the reviews, NieR is absolutely brilliant. Its easy, but its enjoyable. Despite being a dark game, it has some very dry humour in it, as well as a talking book and a foul-mouthed hermaphrodite. Plus the best soundtrack ever. EVER. The second ending is quite sad, as well...overall I loved it, I just wish the graphics hadn't of been so blinding at times...

9. Final Fantasy XII - I suppose an FF game had to feature in here somewhere. But FFXII was special. The voice acting was good, Ivalice was even better, and it wasn't as shallow as previous FF games. The storyline extended beyond the characters and felt so much bigger. Political intrigue is awesome. The battle system was much better and, whilst it wasn't particularly difficult (but then, FF never is) it was still awesome.

10. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - This wins out over every other Castlevania game for several reasons - firstly, because the primary villain, Brauner, was very classy, and his daughters were like evil vampire versions of Suiseiseki and Souseiseki. Secondly, because swapping between Charlotte and Jonathan made the game a little more refreshing, and the way they shouted out each other's names when you did it was quite cute. Thirdly, because fighting Death and Dracula at the same time is the most epic moment in any Castlevania game, ever. That was terrifyingly awesome.
I haven't played that many games but I'll try to make a list.

10 Uncharted - great game but is owhere as good as 2. This game even bored me after playing it a long time.
9 LBA 2- really old game, windows 95. Great game, I loved it and still have the urge to get our windows 95 computer and play this game. Cant really say many negitive things about this one.
8 Final fantasy's (can't pick one)- Played it many many times, so many things to do in these game, story is beautiful,
7 Resident evil 5- Nice game, single player was annoying sometimes, especially on the hardest mode, Sheva was useless there. The downloadable contents were awesome.
6 Resident evil 4- this game was way more scary than 5 so thats why I put it above 5.
5 Legend of Zelda oracle of ages and seasons. Amazing games, it never gets old to get into 8 dungeons to save the girl. I loved it how you could link these to games to unlock things like rings, and weapon upgrades and a new character.
4 Devil may cry 4- Not sure where to put this game, I loved it only the story wasn't that exciting and one certain character pissed me off.
3 Heavy rain- Gorgeous game, I played the demo and I was hooked right away. The graphics are breath taking, I couldnt imagine a game to look so real. The story was touching and clever and I loved it how 4 characters crossed each other. Best part is of course the replayable parts, so many plots.
2 Uncharted 2- Man, way better than the first game/ Drake had hilarious lines again, the story was really good, graphics are awesome, music stays addictive, and most importantly, the multiplayer, so many maps to play on, so much to do, I've played this for 6 hours in a row.
1 - Devil may cry 3. Oh yeah, I love this game. Dante is awesome, I love his attitude, the gameplay is awesome, the music is so beautiful and worth it to listen to it many times (except for the stage songs then). I love the weapons and how many moves you can do. And of course the boss battles were badass.

And Kingdom hearts is worth to mention.
1:- Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty
Love this game so so so much! Loved the way it looked, the way it played, the story. All of it :D
2:- Final Fantasy XII
I know, I know. It's not everyones choice. But it's my choice :D
3:- Fallout 3
What a game!
4:- Bioshock 2
Great gameplay, great story. Pity about the multiplayer.
5:-Mirrors Edge
Stunning, addictive and annoying. Three things I love in my games
6:- Fable II
Loved it and I played it for weeks and weeks.
7:- Final Fantasy XIII
Basically cause I'm playing it at the moment.
8:- Persona 3 FES
What a storyline. Damn my ex for having this -_-
9:- Persona 4
Same as above
10:- Final Fantasy IX
Played this with my boyfriend at the time about 3 years ago. Couldn't put it down, great story!
So that's my all time top 10
1. Batman Arkham Asylum - It's really hard to pick a top favorite, but the day I started playing Batman Arkham Asylum, I was hooked. The story was great. Batman stuck on an insane asylum island with no escape and thanks to Joker every extreme crazy person is on the loose. Almost sounds like a cool horror movie, especially with Scarecrow. The characters were very cool, one of my favorites in the game was Harley Quinn, you gotta give her credit, she is bad ass. The game play was very interactive. Overall, very good.

2. Super Castlevania IV - Many old school Castlevania fans pick this as their favorite and who could blame them. Super Castlevania IV fixed a lot of the issues that the previous Castlevania NES titles had, mostly the stiff controls, but none the less it was a great game. Graphics were very good for the time. Music was also quite good too and the level designs were challenging but not too frustratingly challenging like previously.

3. Castlevania Symphony Of The Night - To be fair I actually do like Symphony Of The Night and Super Castlevania IV equally. This game took more of a action rpg style, which worked quite well. Most people are familiar with this title, even non hardcore Castlevania fans. In actuality Symphony Of The Night was actually the sequel to the Japanese PC Engine Castlevania Rondo Of Blood, which was good but hard. The music is some of the best I've heard in a game. The game play is great but it didn't exactly excite everyone when it first came out because it was still a side scroller and 3D games were coming about back then. None the less, it got more appreciated as time went.

4. Doom (PC) - The granddaddy of first person horror games and a great one. It managed to spawn 2 very cool decent sequels, Doom II and the infamous Doom 3. Although I had to play the SNES Doom at first, which had bad graphics but years later I did finally get to play the PC version which was the best all around.

5. Medievil - I doubt many know of this title today. It's just another forgotten PSone title which actually was very interesting. The theme of the game was very reminiscent of Castlevania but instead of a vampire hunter, you play as a powerful knight who rises from the dead a 100 years after he was killed in 1286 to avenge after a powerful sorcerer named Zarok who has a bit of a Dracula complex about him. Zarok wreaks havoc everywhere, evil dead rising from the grave, demonic creatures, possessing villagers and stealing their souls, he basically created the "medievil" apocalypse. It was a great game that captured that cool gothic feel, complimented well by a dark orchestra soundtrack that almost sounds Tim Burtonish.

6. Goldeneye 007 - A revolutionary gem stone for first person shooters. It had everything, great game play, great music, fun multi-player. The graphics were really good for it's time especially for being N64.

7. Perfect Dark (N64) - This also followed much in the footsteps of Goldeneye but it's kinda like a James Bond meets Blade Runner sort of feel. It's an interesting combination but its still great none the less.

8. Donkey Kong Country (1st) - This is the best Donkey Kong game made. Graphics were the best I ever saw for Super Nintendo and the music floored me. I'm sure everyone who played it also remembers the infamous tag team game play. Donkey Kong Country Returns is actually due to the Wii this month, so I'll be keeping my eye on that.

9. Metroid Prime - Metroid on the gamecube was very cool because metroid did go ahead and push it into the first person shooter realm. While the game still remains very much like the older games where you can explore anywhere. It was a pretty cool game on gamecube with some pretty good music although the game did seems pretty long.

10. Bioshock - The story to the game was very interesting. With the game taking place in the underwater city Rapture. The game play was very good also. A dark game, but a great game.

I should mention the Final Fantasy games VI,VII,VIII,X,and XII. They are very good but I had a hard time picking which to favor over the other. Also I left out the Sonic The Hedgehog games from the sega genesis and a few other games as well like Rogue Galaxy, Devil May Cry that were good.
On my list, 10 - 5 are in no particular order.

10) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - I know this is a recent game but I don't care. This game was fuckin' amazing. The puzzles weren't quite as fun as the first game, but the story was much darker and the gameplay was slightly better. Also the whole scaling buildings buildings thing was a lot more fun in this game. The only gripe I had about this game is that the controls weren't that responsive kinda like in the first game. It seemed like just about every time that I was in a jam and I needed to take cover, he would end up jumping out into gunfire. Nevertheless, still an epic game.

9) Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Another recent game but again I don't care. I waited a little over four years for this game to come out and I was not disappointed. It was an all around very epic game. Each of the playable characters had an interesting story to offer. I especially liked how each character had interaction with the other main characters in more than just a few worlds like in the past games.

8) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - I think that this game had the most epic combat system I've ever played with in a game. There were so many combos you could do. Plus I loved the plot. The whole "one man against fate" thing was amazing. The Prince was easily at his most badass in this game.

7) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Up until recently, this was my favorite game in the series. I normally don't approve of prequels seeing as how they've been overdone in the last few years. But this game was orgasmic. The stealth gameplay was really well done in this game. Despite having some of the more gay boss's in the series, they were some of the more interesting boss fights I've played. And you don't get any more epic than Big Boss.

6) Final Fantasy IX - I don't think I really need to give an explanation for why I love this game. Everyone who loves this game on this forum has already pointed out all of the good points.

5) Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - Probably the first game on the original PS that had good voice acting and a very complex storyline. I loved the graphic too. They were so simplistic and they made me think of a very gory Legend of Zelda.

4) Ape Escape - When it comes down to just simple, stupid, pointless fun you can't go wrong with catching monkeys. I think the game had a plot but I'm not sure exactly what it was. Also, the music was really fun.

3) Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - What I consider to be the darkest game in the series, this game was the most fun to me. I love card battle games. They make you think and compared to the other games controls where it was just tapping X over and over again, this one provided a little change to it. This game also had all of the awesome Organization members. And you get to play as Riku.

2) Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - I could talk for hours about why I loved this game. I've owned this game for only five months and I've got over 80 hours on my main file. Not counting the hours I spent on new games on other files. It's just a game that there's no word for. I think it's the best game of this year. And probably the last five.

1) Xenogears - The ultimate game. Impossibly complex storyline, neverending character development, giant fighting robots, and all of this leading up to a finale where your pretty much kill God. Yep. It's the best.