Top 6 most disliked FF characters

Ashe B'nargin

Sweet Gambler..
Jan 18, 2009
The Local Coffee bar
What are the top 6 Final Fantasy characters that you dislike the most ?

6- Kefka FFVI. Kefka is a great villain ( he's the best of the best ) but when it comes down to character, he's just a creepy weirdo and kills off a great character , been holding a grudge towards him ever since.

5- Ex-Death FFV Ex-death probably has one of the most creepyest Villian music ever, not to mention he's rather cruel and unforgiving, and the whole tree thing is ...werid..

4- Rinoa FFVIII. Dislike how over-flirty and over dramatic she acts around Squall, she plays the weak damsel part and hardly shows any strength.
plus never really like characters who expressed themselves too openly.

3- Sephiroth FFVII. Never found out what's so good about Sephiroth, in FFVII he just appears with strange flashy lights and screws up Cloud's mind, he doesn't do much..

2- Tidus FF X . Dislike how selfish he is, he was alright until he shouted '' This is MY story '', espically when it's actually Yuna's story. :/

1- Vaan FFXII. Vaan is annoying whiny his abs look creepy and just really annoying. He's not really true hero material, he's more nails on the chalkboard material..
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6. Zidane- I don't really care for thieves, his personality got on my nerves and I didn't like his weapons.

5. Tellah- The most useless character in FF IV. Knows nearly all magic but gets a whopping 90 mp at max.

4. Tidus- The laughing scene.

3. Steiner- I'm supposed to be believe this big dumb oaf is captain of an elite order?

2. Vaan- Good lord, Vaan.

1. Yuffie- My materia were sacred to me, and she stole them!

Kefka FFVI. Kefka is a great villian ( he's the best of the best ) but when it comes down to character, he's just a creepy werido and kills off a great character , been holding a grudge towards him ever since.
That's odd, these are the same reasons I love Kefka. :monster:
*gets ready to be laughed at*

But who did kefka kill? :P dont got a clue realy i dont.

I cant give a list here because i only played ffx and ffx-2 but I realy got irritated by grand maester Mika(or something like that) Hard to explain why but everytime he came in the picture I had the feeling to throw something at the tv.
I find this a lot harder than the "favourite character" threads, in that I tend to love the characters more than I hate them, and I can't say I really hate any of these as they all played their given roles. However....

6. Krille - I thought she was ok, but she possibly needed more character development. She wasn't as strong a character as Galuf was in my opinion.

5. Edward - Perhaps I just didn't use him to the best of his ability... But I just found little use for the bard, and he wasn't in it for long before he decided to spend the rest of his days in bed sulking.

4. Tidus - Not sure if its fair to say I absolutely hated him... But the laughing scene is only one of the many scenes that he was annoying.

3. Paine - I didn't see the point of her. I didn't get to know anything about her and she just seemed to be a female excuse of an Auron.

2. Vaan - What the frag was up with his outfit? Design fail.

1. Genesis - His entire inclusion for me messed up the FF7 story, so I try to ignore the canonicity of Crisis Core and treat it as only a spin off. And I didn't like his endless recital of poetry. Once or twice for lolz would be good, or if he were reciting different poems at different times then it would sound ok. But the same goddam passages from the same play? No! Fly away! Be gone Gackt! What is Gackt even doing in an FF game anyway?!
6. Edward (FFIV): I dunno, he just annoyed me for some reason. I know that is technically not a valid reason for hating him, but to be quite honest I only included him because I had to come up with a 6th character.

5. Leon (FFII):
after spending the majority of the game being a dick he decides to rejoin you when he is about to lose. Not only that, but he is significantly weaker than the rest of your party when he joins you. But what really bugged me was that he was accepted with pretty much no objections.

4.Exdeath (FFV): Too boring for me, as a primary antagonist it was his job to make me hate him. Yet nothing.......Which ironically makes me hate him.....(but for the wrong reasons) :monster:

3. Krille (FFV):I'm not quite sure why I hate her so much, maybe it was her character design or the fact that I found her a little annoying.

2. Genesis (FFVII: Spinoffs): Oh god how I hate him! Much like Argor said, his inclusion ruined the FFVII story for me. If I ever see him walking down the street Imma kick him in the nuts. :stare:

1. Brother (FFX,X-2): Ok he wasn't so bad in FFX because he knew when to shut up. But in X-2 he was by far the most annoying character in the FF series and whats worse is he was the fucking
leader of the Gullwings
so he was given too many lines.
1. Vaan, he served no and I mean no purpose, and it makes me even madder to have learned Basche was originally gonna be the lead, but then it was changed to focus on Vaan's point of view for marketing purposes.

2. Tidus, much like Vaan, he looks and acts a like a crybaby, but he at least has a purpose in the story. But he is just so damn annoying...and that laughing scene...gag

3. Cloud, he isnt that bad, but he is overrated, the was just very annoying to me in the sense that his character never seemed to develop, he just seemed like this hallow guy with no personality (at least with squall you knew why he acted the way he did)

4. Selphie, she was just too happy all the time, she never frowned and really brought nothign to the table

5. Edward, very useless and weak in the fights i used him, was to big of a sissy and like said above, all he really did most of the game was sulk in bed, he sucked

6. Yu Yevon, just a horrible final boss, weak and looked like some weird bug thing.
Top 6 thats a random number:monster:

1 - SEPHIROTH - Why do people think hes so cool? His sword looks stupid, he has girly hair and wears stupid jackets and calls an alien mother, clearly the guy is just a big pervert. But no ive never been a big Sephiroth fan tbh i think i am put off him by the fact that there are so many FF fans who think hes god.

2 - Headmaster cid - The guy was weak, he was always being pushed around by Norb and came across as a complete walkover.

3 - Cait Sith - Stole my keystone :gasp: He was pretty pointless in my oppinion, thats all i can say.

So far thats all i can think of, il update when i think up more
whoa whoa whoa. how can you bash sephiroth? i will say that he's definitely overplayed as the best character ever. most fans are nuts about him. but he's not one of the worst characters. the whole "stop the psycho" thing makes the game awesome

my 6:
6. Cid (FF8) - maybe not the 6th worst character ever, as much as the worst cid ever. didn't do jack shit and just sat on his fat ass. clumsy old fool.
5. Cyan (FF6) - delusional moron. akin to steiner.
4. Wakka (FF10) - this guy was the jar jar binks of FF10. seriously, what did a hottie like lulu see in this guy?
3. Steiner (FF9) - this guy just never gets the picture. a total idealist. makes me sick.
2. Quina (FF9) - OMG. seriously. OMG. wish i could get away with not recruiting this character. forget wakka. she...he....whatever is most definitely jar jar.
1. Selphie (FF8) - probably one of the most annoying characters ever. she just keeps TALKING. and so freaking perky. it wouldn't be so bad if all the other characters weren't so contrastingly broody.
I loved Quina, she was great comic relief with her less than educated one liners and everyone trying to figure out his/her gender
seriously? oh man...i felt like FFIX had enough comic relief as it was. i mean, zidane was the first optimistic protagonist in a long while and coupled with the antics of the tantalus IX was pretty lighthearted. i felt like quina and steiner were a bit over the top. but you're entitled to your own opinion.
Basically every character that stole shit from me.
5. Yuffie - STEAL MAH SHIT? "You stole my Materia? DIE YOU-join me? OKAY :D" >_>
4. Vaan - He was an annoying, wimpy, loser. (Also a thief.)
3. Wakka - He sucked at Blitzball and he constantly said "Ya!"
2. Seymour - Just because he was so damn hard to kill.
1. Sephiroth - "YOU KILLED HOW MANY PEOPLE?! ... Whoah, that's a lot."
seriously? oh man...i felt like FFIX had enough comic relief as it was. i mean, zidane was the first optimistic protagonist in a long while and coupled with the antics of the tantalus IX was pretty lighthearted. i felt like quina and steiner were a bit over the top. but you're entitled to your own opinion.
Yeah, there was plenty of comic relief, but I felt Quina did a great job at it. I just enjoy watching awkwardness and Quina was really awkward. I think my favorite scene involved Quina wondering if he/she should or shouldnt eat Cid after he turned into a frog, that and the fake marriage scene between here and vivi
Lets keep on topic please, the thread title is asking for your 6 most disliked characters, not to disect other peoples posts
6. Vaan was completely suck as and a loser/whimp/coward and had a suck ass character design.

5. Yuffie was a complete BIATCH o Spent ages working on my materia so it was all nice and powerful, stepped into Wutai and POOF i had no materia and had to hunt her down i mean WTF

4. Laguna wasn't all that bad although his little segments in FFVIII did kinda piss me off when you couldn't select who had who's abilities

3. Seymour was one of my favorite and most hated characters mainly because the
Bastard just wouldn't stay dead

2. Genesis was just wrong on SE's part, i don't see what the point of adding him in was, after all he was never mentioned before in the FFVII origonal (im aware Ageal wasn't either but at least he gave history of the buster sword) and also him going badguy was just a way to give CC more game play

and my most hated character is . . . .

CAIT SITH. . . Enough said
6. Selphie(FF8) - I hated her, she was way too hyped up at all times. I only used her when you had too. Also her hair is really wierd.

5. Gau(FF6) - Damn you Gau! Going Berserk for the entire battle. I like having control over my characters.

4. Vaan (FF12) - The game didn't need him. He was just along for the ride. Also get a new haircut, hippy!

3. Edward(FF4) - Worst character in the game, All he can do is hide and sing the enemies to sleep. I was happy he's only in the party for about two dungeons. He helps out more when he is hospitalized lol.

2. Kihmari(sp?) (FF10) - Every character in FFX had their uses except for Kihmari who was pretty much just a copycat(Get it, CAT) He stayed in the back for the entire game!

1. Leon(FF2) - This guy needs to get his priorities straight. He leaves after the first BATTLE.
Then he becomes evil only to come back for the last dungeon and be a hero. What a loser, jumping in at the end just to get glory.
Gau - I found him useless, and he added absolutely nothing to the story. Annoying, pointless character.

Adamant - I didn't like using him, I didn't like his contribution to the story, I didn't like his abilities, and in short, I just didn't like him.

Squall - One of the weakest main characters of all time. I couldn't empathize with him at all, and his sudden personality change seemed too sudden and too forced to me.

Vaan - The story would have basically been the same if he wasn't in the game. A pointless waste of space and training time.

Edward - Keeping him alive was starting to annoy me, and then he fucked off. A totally useless character who was just there to further the plot by 30 minutes. Pathetic.

Tifa - I just don't like her. When I first played FFVII I didn't like her then, and I don't like her now. I don't know why, I just can't empathize or find redeeming qualities in her at all.
My top 6 most hated characters in all of FF starting from Worst to least worst..
1. Vaan - He was really wimpy and was quite an annoying character. I have no idea why he was set as the main character. He has to be one of the worst characters i've seen the series make.
2. Selphie - One, i hated her curly hair. I really bugged me how it just curled on the sides. She wasn't very useful for me in FF8 and i really just disliked her personality.
3. Zidane - I didn't like his character design all that much and hated how he had a tail! Just was never a big fan of his well playing a bit threw 9.
4. Porom - Didn't like his attitude and the way he acted around the other characters. Not to mention he swears all the time, which is odd since hes only 10.
5. Edward Chris von Muir - Fairly useless character that was a bugger to have in your party. I always found the Bard class to be useless.
6. Rikku - She was to hyper for me. I guess it is just her personality i didn't like. She had a good character design though.
6:Setzer, simply because he always does his bloody attack, or maybe it cures? Regardless it's the one when the reals don't all match up
5:Barret, I didn't care for him at all.
4:Cid, same as Barret.
3:Vaan or anyone else from XII, none of them had any personality at all. He did nothing and just wanting an adventure is a stupid reason for including someone in a game.
2:Auron, the strong, silent dead type. He said about as much as Kimahri and always liked to be enigmatical. Also he uses the party to fulfill his obligations to Jehct and Braska.
1:Gau, one minute he is throwing rocks and doing a lot of damage, then he is beserk, then he is off learning new moves, and you can't even leave him behind. The only thing I like about him is the comic relief by winding up Cyan with the 'thou' thing.
Aerith - fuck off. You're weak in battle, require a lot of effort to obtain your only really helpful limit break, five minutes after which you DIE and you're a bit of a homewrecker with Cloud and Tifa. :wacky:

Red Mage/Wizard (FFI) - again, fuck off. You lead me to believe that you can learn ALL magic from both the black and white arts but nooooooooo, you can only learn really basic, SHITTY stuff that the black mage already has, anyway. You also caused me to play through all of FF1 without a White Mage and, for that, I hate you.

Quina - first of all, choose a gender, then be helpful, then I'll like you. The only thing you were good for was Mighty Guard and White Wind, which was only kind of helpful for Ozma - I still could've managed without you (and I did!).

Vaan - okay, your brother died but don't try and pretend you're more important than anyone else in Ivalice who's in the same/worse position than you are. You take up a valuable space in my party that could've been filled by someone more important to the story, like Migelo or...the rats at the start of the game.

Ultros - you're a talking squid. Fuck off and leave my game alone, don't becoming a RECURRING villain who seems to be able to crop up at the most ridiculous of times. You did NOTHING for the story other than make it worse than it already was. Leave kthnxbai.

Ultimecia - again, what do you do? You come in near the end of the game I've grown to love and tell me that 1) we don't know you and 2) the epic villain your developers have been making us fight for the last few discs is actually GOOD? No.
I don't get the whole Vaan was wimpy deal. Pfft.

1. Rinoa. OHMAIWORD, get into trouble much? I could have been doing so much more other then saving your ass.

2. Balthier. Leading prick much? Reeeally was full of it.

3. Cloud. You're not cool, cute, seriously overrated.

4. Yuffie. Annoying much? I never liked using her, poor excuse for a ninja, and tbh, she was just a petty thief.

I only have four at the moment, can't think of any others atm.