Top 6 most disliked FF characters

  1. Seymour - Sorry idiot that thinks he knows so much
  2. Tidus - Rotten Brat
  3. Rikku - Psychotic drama queen from hell
  4. Yuffie - A bit on the crazy side
  5. Yuna - Too girly-ish
  6. Cid Highwind - Good character, but smokes too much
Hey, I don't dislike these guys. I HATE them. Flaming Red with passionate RAAAAAAAAAGE

1. Tifa - stop
2. Tifa - lowering yourself
3. Tifa - to some
4. Tifa - mindless battered lovestruck dolt
5. Tifa - your fanbase sux too
6. Sephiroth - meeeeeeeeeehhhh + fanbase

...yeah, that about sums it up. Their fanbase also needs to die. The ones who are excruciatingly rubbing-unwanted-bogus-in-yo-face annoying. Uurh.

I usually like or don't care for a character, but those two are a beautiful exceptional case.
Something tells me you very much hate Tifa. Well, that's not my problem. I think she would fall somewhere on my favorite list.

8. Kadaj
Something tells me you very much hate Tifa. Well, that's not my problem. I think she would fall somewhere on my favorite list.

8. Kadaj
That's a fine pair of sharp eyes ya got there bro :monster: And yeah, I seem to be amongst the few that don't cruise in the Tifa fan bandwagon. Then again I have a tendency of unintentionally always being in the lesser camp. |:
1. Quina - Ugly
2. Zidane - Monkey
3. Steiner - Transexual
4. Cait Sith - no comment
5. Kihmari - Blue two legged wannabe red XIII
6. Squall - Emo
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I've only played FFIV (DS), VII, VIII & IX so my list is focused on those.

6. Zell - A bit of a knob to be honest.

5. Vivi - Just didn't like the character much.

4. Eiko - Too much pink/cute!

3. Squall - Sulky, moody sod.

2. Cait Sith - Nice idea in principle but didn't really work.

1. Quina - Too odd. I couldn't relate to the character at all.
1. Quina - Ugly
2. Zidane - Monkey
3. Steiner - Transexual
4. Cait Sith - no comment
5. Kihmari - Blue two legged wannabe red XIII
6. Squall - Emo

I agree with you on that, he's acting like Red XIII:

Hardly talks, always the killer, but he's blue and a walking cat.
Dislike as in you thought it was a bad character and were developed badly? Or dislike as in if they were real, you'd want to fight them because they bug you?
1. Cait Sith - Stupid Worthless Character
2. Quina - Need i say more lol
3. Eiko - annoying
4. Yuffie - annoying
cant think of anyone else
1 Seymoure- He is creepy. His voice is creepy everything about him is creepy.
2 Aerith- I don't care much for her. When she died, I wasn't too upset about it.
3 Zell- A wannabe Tifa. I'm glad Seifer made fun of him. It is what he deserved.
4 Cait Sith- Boring Character ZzZZzZZzZ
5 Sephiroth- I don't get why he has a big fan base. He doesn't catch my interest.
  1. Seymour - Sorry idiot that thinks he knows so much
  2. Tidus - Rotten Brat
  3. Rikku - Psychotic drama queen from hell
  4. Yuffie - A bit on the crazy side
  5. Yuna - Too girly-ish
  6. Cid Highwind - Good character, but smokes too much

*coughs* <.< I gotta say none of the above makes sense. And on that note, I'm gonna move this thread to FF Fun. It's really not much of a discussion thread.

OK I've only played FF7,8,9,10,10-2 and 12. My top 6 most disliked are:

6. Rikku in FFX-2- ugh so annoying! It's like she was taking happy pills. And how much flesh did the designers want to show of her?!? Umm, no thanks, I did NOT want to see that!

5. Selphie (FF8)- physically weak, and had no useful skills. Completely useless character.
4. Yuna (FF10)- biggest Mary Sue ever.
3. Wakka(FF10)- stupid facial expressions, uber irritating phrases during battle
2. Yuffie. (FF7) Was SO NOT amused when she stole my materia, the little thief.
1. TIDUS (FF10)- oh my where do I begin. The laugh scene, the hissy fits, the creepy smiles, the constant bitching about his 'old man,' and generally making a fool of himself and showing the party up.

I'm aware the list is dominated by FF10 characters, but I really didn't find the characters from the other games so damn annoying.
4. Tidus(FF10) - Laughing scene was really bad maby one of the worst things in FF history.

3. Yuffle(FF7) - Shes steals your materia
it just really annoyed me when i was playing my first time round and i was low level n got pwned by raps. (shes to hyper aswell)

2. Irvine(FF8) - WOW he was just completely useless and just a retard who thought he was a ladys man.

1. Vann (FF12) - Hes just like gay and useless and has no effect on the story of the game what so ever..oo and to point out he sounds like hes 12 really put me off the game at first :(.

Could not really think of anyone else at the moment.

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Mine are (in no particular order):

Aerith/Aeris (FFVII) - Other than healing, I didn't care for her. Every fan person might be like "What's wrong with you", but I don't care. Other then her helping you heal and and Holy materia, I found her too annoying. Plus, I can't stand how everyone obsesses over her. @_@

Paine (FFX-2) - Like everyone said, there really wasn't much point to having her in the game. She's mostly a badass wannabe.

Yuna (FFX-2 version) - I didn't like what Square-Enix did to her. Yuna (FFX version) is one of my top favourites, though. In FFX-2, she's almost the same as Tidus, all whiney and crap. I miss the good ol' Squaresoft days. *sighs*

Seymour (FFX) - His hair looks queer, and I've seen better bad guys than him. He doesn't know what he's talking about, other than trying to manipulate people.

Cloud (FFVII) - Too gloomy and emo I think. Doesn't seem he really has a backbone ya. He lied to his party members about who he was and crap like that. Along with Aerith, I can't stand how everyone obsesses with him as well.

Leblanc Syndicate (FFX-2) - WTF!? Hate her voice and her appearance. And her two assistants are just as annoying as her! They are a waste of gaming space.