Top ten arguments for the existence of God

Just my views on the recent comments;

The thread hasn't become too heated, far from it. No one has insulted anyone, or even done the "if you believe this then you are an idiot" shtick.

Thus far the thread is proceeding in a calm and measured manner, with everyone raising perfectly valid points :)

Remember, no one is forcing you to read/post in the thread. If it isn't to your liking, feel free to pretend it doesn't exist :)
Damn, i think i'm getting pawned :gasp: I'm not talking about everyone in general, just the ones that DO go about it in the "believe me coz i know everything and you suck, now fuck you". Personally i think you're actually quite civil and mature Angelus. Ya know what, i think i'll just join in

Hi, i'm christian. I can see both sides of the argument. I learned to do that on many a mediator courses last year.

Christians and such- Why does god exist arguments

- Why is it called the year 2008? What happened 2008 years ago for it to be called that.
- Who or What made those gases that created the big bang. how did it ALL begin
- There is evidence because Jesus' existince was proven from the scripture and old texts found in Rome. Jesus talked about God. I dont doubt his sincerity
- why do sooo many people believe in this "so called" God
- Many religions talk about the one God. Only differnece is he has different names depending on the this coincidence?

Aethiest Arguments-

- Man and scientific technology has made HUGE advancements, and it was all mans doing...notice i used the word man. Not god
- If there was a God...why the hell do we have war and poverty and innocent dying in cold blood
- He talked to his people back in olden times (supposedly) Why is he not doing that now
- How on earth can your body have some mystical embodiment called a "Soul" when you cant see, touch, feel etc etc. How can this "soul" go on into an "afterlife with God"
- Man is the greatest being alive, anything thats happened, we have done it, God never gave it to us

I can see both sides, but the christians have my vote
- Why is it called the year 2008? What happened 2008 years ago for it to be called that.

It's just a convention to call it "2008". The fact that "0" might be the time when Jesus was born is irrelevant; you could, if you wanted to, shift "0" to the time when the first man was born, but since that date cannot be pinpointed exactly, and there would be a big fuss over it, they didn't do that. In other words, the fact that we call the year 2008 since Jesus was born is a connotation, but has no bearing on the actual time. At least if it was suppose to prove something, it bears little significance because the convention for calling this year "2008" is a man made convention.

- Who or What made those gases that created the big bang. how did it ALL begin

There will always be things that we don't know. Just because you can wave it away by saying "God did it" doesn't necessarily make it true. I prefer to say that we make no claims or conclusions to these things, if they are unknown, than to dishonestly say that we knew the things we could not verify.

- There is evidence because Jesus' existince was proven from the scripture and old texts found in Rome. Jesus talked about God. I dont doubt his sincerity

That part might not be doubtable, but the miracles are. Everything else metaphorically stated in the bible is also questionable.

- why do sooo many people believe in this "so called" God

That's irrelevant to God's existence--many people in the Western world believed the world was flat for a long time, and yet that was never true at all.

- Many religions talk about the one God. Only differnece is he has different names depending on the this coincidence?

There are just as many religions talking about polytheistic gods as well. Furthermore, the conditions imposed on by gods from different religions are different. In other words, one cannot be quick to assume that they are merely the same god in a different disguise. Even if they were that similar, one could suggest that it does not point to the same god, but that the concept of such a god was borrowed as culture and not as the same reality.

- Man is the greatest being alive, anything thats happened, we have done it, God never gave it to us

I wouldn't go so far as to say we're the greatest, but I cannot attribute God to anything that has happened, for there is no evidence of him.

- Why is it called the year 2008? What happened 2008 years ago for it to be called that.

Because the people who decided the calendar were christian.

- Who or What made those gases that created the big bang. how did it ALL begin

Who or What made god? How did HE begin?

- There is evidence because Jesus' existince was proven from the scripture and old texts found in Rome. Jesus talked about God. I dont doubt his sincerity

I also don't doubt the sincerity of the crazy people who claim they are the son of god in insane asylums all over the world. Just because someone believes it, doesn't make it true. Just because Jesus was real doesn't mean he wasn't lying. Aristotle, possible the most intelligent man who ever lived, talked about the greek gods. He was being sincere as well. Should we drop everything and worship them instead?

- why do sooo many people believe in this "so called" God

Its a psychological flaw in humans, you should look it up. Not to mention that it offers easy answers to a difficult problem. Hey, you want everlasting life? cool, just say this guy was that guys son and you're sorted.

There are less religious people in the world now than any time before in history, in 50 years your arguement will be void, what will you replace it with?

- Many religions talk about the one God. Only differnece is he has different names depending on the this coincidence?

Many other religions talk about several gods. If there is only one god, why did he give every group of people different instructions? If it's the same god why do christians think muslims are goingto hell and vice versa?
- Why is it called the year 2008? What happened 2008 years ago for it to be called that.

Are you suggesting that the calendar is the natural occurrence?
- Who or What made those gases that created the big bang. how did it ALL begin
You can't answer an unknown with anything and declare it as truth, consider math, as existence, like a variable, is already a defined singularity that simply isn't known.

- There is evidence because Jesus' existince was proven from the scripture and old texts found in Rome. Jesus talked about God. I dont doubt his sincerity
The word of any man is not proof.
- why do sooo many people believe in this "so called" God
They want to, and they're taught to.

- Many religions talk about the one God. Only differnece is he has different names depending on the this coincidence?
No, there are many advantages to the one God belief, but credibility certainly isn't one.
People who use 'ad hominem' attacks like "Oh do atheists have friends? Do they have lives?" aren't actually making a point. It's because of the taboo on questioning religious beliefs, theists aren't used to it and they react in the only way they know how.

Sorry I can't stand people who have gripes about atheists questioning their beliefs. Why are religious beliefs exempt from questioning? Why is it sad for people to try and discredit them? If we just let everyone believe what they wanted without question society would just grind to a halt. Questioning and discussing things has allowed our society to advance as much as it has, it allows us to weed out truth from fiction. A belief in a deity has no grounding (IMO), don't get offended if someone points that out.

BTW, I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to believe what they want, they just have to accept that they are not immune to criticism. Criticism isn't sad and if you don't like criticism, don't get involved.
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