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May 17, 2019
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake

Hey guys! I've been playing a fair bit of Toreba the last month+ since they've been running a campaign where you get 1 free play a day!

For those of you who haven't seen Toreba, it's a crane machine game that you play remotely. I've mostly only used it on my phone but I believe they also have it where you can play on desktop mode if you prefer that. The Japan-based crane machines are a bit different than what I'm used to here in America but they've got a lot of different prizes and types of machines to play off of.

Normally you have to pay to play a game but they've got a lot of opportunities where you get free plays. So far, off of my free plays, I've one two prizes: A Kirby Wallet and a huge purple Rilakkuma plush. [Edit: Check edit down below] Shipping*** every 7 days is free as well (Though I'm uncertain if that's strictly for the current campaign going on.) My brother and his wife have also had some good luck, but they've actually dropped some money and find it really addictive, so be careful if you do that! They've got some really nice stuff though and it's all some really great quality!

I know this isn't a traditional 'game' that this section is for but it's got a lot of game-based prizes that you can potentially win, like Final Fantasy and Pokemon! Plus they rotate fairly regularly, so you might have something completely new next month. Some of them are a bit tough to win, but free is free! I figured since I've had a good experience that I'd share it here in case anyone is interested.

***Right now if you sign up for the first time ever you get 5 free plays. Every 10th & 20th of the month you also get 2 free play-tickets a day. Campaign tickets, however, have a lifespan so you have to use them quick (before the day rolls over at 12am Japan Time) but they tell you that when you load the game up!

It's also pretty nifty because they record your sessions that you play, so I have videos of the stuff I've won if anyone is interested in that. My only advice is to make sure to watch someone else play before you decide to drop a play in. It gives you a feel of the type of game/claw & the sensitivity of it.

Free plays don't work on certain types of machines (mostly just the ones where you drop a ping-pong ball) but overall it's a fairly good experience. I've pre-loaded a credit (I lost on the paid turn ): ) but because I've still got some credit loaded in it lets me reserve a spot in line, which is helpful so you can swoop in and steal someone else's win when they've forfeited.

Anyway, it's a fun little something to do when you've got some time. Let me know if you've tried it out at all and hopefully if you do try it you win something! :-)

Edit: As of 2021 the different campaigns have been varying on how many free tickets you get under certain circumstances. Shipping has also recently been reconfigured & may or may not be free if won on a free ticket anymore. Please check the Toreba app current updates in case this post becomes obsolete.

2022: Shipping is free again, but I can't stress enough to make sure in the app in case this post becomes obsolete again. :) Thanks!
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Just gonna let people know, do not sink alot of money into Toreba, I played alot of it as well and only stick to free play now due to them Taping some of the boxes in machines (mostly the figure ones) they recently changed ping pong ball's to pay only cause it was the easier way to actually win something (I've won most of my prizes in Ping Pong Drop) and make sure to watch someone play a machine first to make sure you don't end up with one that has a Shoddy Claw that doesn't grab well
So I went and saw a ping pong game today, 1 spot left in the machine to win the figure so I popped 10$ first 2 tries I ended up flopping, 3rd Try ended up not even picking up a ball, 4th attempt which was my last, ball bounced right in the hole and won myself another Bikini SAO Figure to go with my Asuna xD
It's so hard dropping money into these games - You can get them so close and still flop! I've only dropped about $10 total from a giftcard someone gave me so I only felt a little less sad when I wasted my plays 😂 Definitely an addicting game.

I'm after the umbrella Asuna but I don't think it was meant to be!
I never spend money unless I know I have a high chance of getting something otherwise after a couple months I'll see the figures/items at gamestop for a helluvalot cheaper than trying a 10-20$ claw attempts
I won a Flareon Plush on my free play today... then I got greedy & tried for it's Vaporeon mate 😭 💸💸💸 I sincerely thought I had it in the bag!

It's just way too easy to drop money on this & watch it fly away. I figure it evens out somewhere I guess...:sad3:
Wanted to flex my small group of wins!

Toreba Plush Wins.png

Got all of these on free plays only. I had been wanting to sit down and actually count out all the things I own from Toreba, so when I had a chance last night I did so.
Actually though, The Snorlax & Pikachu figure, Gudetama figure & Growlithe plush were gifts. Sorry for the false advertisement, but they looked so cute grouped together! That purple Rilakkuma has also been loved to death by my son. My favorite win was probably the tiny Rattata, but only because I really wanted him.

Kirby Wallet.png

Incidentally I forgot to group together my first win ever, which was this Kirby wallet. I haven't used it yet but it's really nice & big, which I like! :)

Also not pictured is a SAO Asuna noodle figure. When things first got bad with Covid earlier this year I believe it got lost when they were trying to figure out shipping details & carriers, and she got lost in the post. :sad2: I don't think I'll ever see her, so RIP Asuna.

The OP mostly still stands. I've not paid for anything aside from the few tries I've attempted (and failed) at. Shipping is still free once every 7 days (so you can stack multiple wins if you have any.) Standard is that you get 1 free ticket a day, but if you've purchased TP (Toreba Points) you'll get 2 a day and an additional 2 on specialty days, as well as the ability to wait in line on a 5 person queue. Tickets do expire though, so you must use them within a time frame.

I suck though, I swear. For me my wins are honestly down to timing, luck & persistent waiting.

Anyway, thanks for letting me show off my goodies! I hope to get more in the future!​