
hmm all this time it takes lol i almost blew my brains out trying to get the ultima blade lol i only wanted it cause i like the way it looked how noobish lol. neway is it really that powerful i mean the zodiac spear has a higher atk so whats the piont in taking up all that time to get this sword?
Dunno, tournesol has higher eva :/
They are extremely similar but according to the game mechanics the tournesol will outstrip masamune AND zodiac spear if you have max stats and genji gloves etc.
Zodiac Spear, Ultima Blade and Masamune should be more than enough for anyone who wants to get by those sidequests. But it's hard to ignore the high Attack Power (just 10 units short of the Zodiac Spear's) and decent multiple hit value it bestows to the wielder. On paper and in practice, Tournesol just seems to be the better weapon when compared to others, save for Wyrmhero Blade.

Worth getting if you are following a great guide.
yeah im going to get it just cause i want to get all of the ultimate wepons. EXCEPT for mabey the ultimate dagger i have herd bad stories.
Yeah you heard right. To get it you must defeat 255 enemies (In a chain) in the great crystal. Then a rare monster appears. Once you kill it (fairly hard) it has a 5 percent chance of dropping the danjuro (best dagger). If it doesnt drop it then you must beat another 255 enemies :monster:
hmmm idk if i want to do that. but i have been able to master every final fantasy i have played so i might have to lol. is it good or does it just do alot of damage
It's not that great. It's for collection purposes really since it takes to much trouble in getting.
hmmm.... "do or do not there is no try" is whats going on in my mind right now lol.

NEWAY how long did it take you
Around 15 hours :/
I have no luck when it comes down to percentage chances.
ohhh wow... eww idk about that lol. it took me 2 hours just to get adaminte from admantitans lol i might have lots of trouble with this
I don't recommend it if you don't like breaking your controller.
if i filled up the shperegrid in final fantasy 12 and trained for ever i think i could do this. but as seeing that the knife isnt that good i might not . i am very patient