Toy soldiers

I'm pretty amazed of how many ppl actually thought there could be 32 as it's the scale. The description of the item read "There are 12 in the set", always has been pretty obvious to me.
Haha that's what I was thinking Everyone's Grudge.
I was about to say, I never remembered there being 32 of those things.

I've only heard rumors about getting Zack in your party after collecting them all...but...just rumors. ^__^
I heard a rumour about a robot Sephiroth. This was when the game first came out.
The most parts i collected was 3 i could not get the other because it was hard to look for them in the game.:)
I only got 2 or 3 or so...never found any use for them, so I usually just forget about them.
I found the three that you can find lying around while going through the game. I won another one at the gold saucer. But yeah, I think they're just among some of the useless items you get, like tissue.
The only way to get Aeris, Sephiroth, Reno, Rude, or any character like that in the game is to use Game Shark. No you can't get any new/secret characters in the game because Vincent and Yuffie are the only "secret" characters you can get. You can't get a robot anything and Aeris will never be revived after she dies(unless you use Game Shark). BTW, sometimes when you use the codes, it'll mess up your game and give you many glitches. When I used Game Shark to get Sephiroth, it replaced Vincent but when I went into battle, it he wouold'nt even be there and his health drops to 0
Game Shark sounds ideal in some cases, but reality is that it indeed screws up your game a little too much for comfort. I only used it once on Final Fantasy Tactics for PSX, and I'm never doing it again.

So yeah...just play the game and forget about these kind of rumors and items that have little use.
I havn't even played VII (Yes I know, I really need to) but anyway wouldn't their be a Gameshark Code for the person you would get? They usualy have codes for stuff like that...:rolleyes:
There are no other secret characters, I know this because I've hacked the game using an emulator.

There are only two soldiers and both are found in junon according to a gamefaqs guide.

I've heard that you if cheat to have aeris in your party after her death, there are scenes where she speaks.
I wish I could get all of them. I thought I looked everywhere but I didnt find that many of them. I wonder what happens when you get them all.
You can not get all 13 of the '1/32 soldiers'. There is no real explanation on why they are in the game or their use is of any kind, everything about them is just made up rumores.
I haven't actually been to bothered about collecting the soldiers really...never really caught my attention.
Yeah but I don't think they are worth much. I always end up selling them just when I need to scrape gil together.

There are so many parts of this game left incomplete since it was rushed onto the PSX, I wouldn't be surprised if they did mean something once but lost their meaning when the game was flung out (as an "in your face" to Nintendo).
They're scattered about the entire game. For some reason I remember vividly the placement of one of the soldiers (a chest in Junon). Try gamefaqs if you're really that interested, but they're not much to go searching for.
I never even knew there WERE soldiers, where do you even find them?
You get two in Junon. One is upstairs in the Barracks (nearest tot the docks) where the Shinra Executive is residing. The other is somewhere in the other Barracks nearer to the Airport. They look like the red Shinra guards but miniature.