Training spots?

It's been awhile since I played the game through so I don't remember the name of the place but I'd say my favorite training spot was the mine that was in the flying city...yeah, that one place. I'm being serious, I remember very few names in the game. But I do remember spending like two hours training there. That game was very stingy about experience but I found that place to be pretty decent. I noticed that if I focused more on getting license points instead of levels, the process went ALOT quicker, or atleast it felt that way. :hmmm: Distractions equal success...
It depends on where abouts in the game I am. I know early on, I was quite partial to training in the Bhujerba Mines, and chaining the Skeletons+Skeleton Defenders up to 150+. Later on, though, I chose to move to the Stilshrine of Miriam, but that was only short lived. At the moment, I train in the lower levels of the Pharos at Ridorana, and also in the higher levels of the Great Crystal, in Giruvegan. The Necrophobes make for rather good high-levelled training, I find.
I had two places to level up: the first place where I spent leveling up was in the Lhusu Mines, when you are with Larsa. It's a great place to level up in the early part of the game; the second one was in the Great Crystal, against an Ash Wyrm. It was 'near' the gates Virgo, if I'm not in error. There, I would train from level 50 to level 80. I know it tooked longer to prepare for the harder fights, but it was less problematic than in the Henne Mines.
Well to train character from 12 to 30 I train in the Golmore Jungle, other than that I'd train in the Salika Wood, It was easy for me training to weaker characters with one stronger thasn the other two. But for beginners I think the Dalmasca Westersand was good for a start.
At the moment, it's the Pharos at Ridorana- I'm level 57/58 and have 3 hunts to go, and I'm finding it really difficult to level up, even with my Embroidered Tippets
My training area is currently restricted to The Necrohol of Nabudis, the Nabreus Deadlands, and the Ancient City of Giruvegan. At the moment, my party members are like level 62 or something like that (yes all of them). It's a bit of a sluggish process, since the exp curve is steeper once you hit around level 50. You only get like a couple 100 or so exp a piece between a slew of monsters. Even after I slaughter a huge mob of Baknamy and some Reapers in the necrohol area, it still takes me close to an hour before I gain at least a level or two. So grinding right now? Yup, I'm definitely doing it and it's a pain in the ass. I've been trying to finish my hunts in sequential order but even that's getting to be difficult. Lol.