Type with your eyes closed

nice song :D

Thanks, I thought you might like it, due to your sig. BTW, this is not spam, I'm typing all this with the eyes not only closed, but blindfolded and asleep.

But how many of them can go through without any errors?

Ooh, ooh I know this one! Pick me, pick me! Is the answer... me?

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
i;m foinf ri sucj sgut art this.

It's supposed to say: I'm going to suck at this.

HOT DAMN! I really suck. =/
My songs can make you cry,
at the same time,
they can take you by surprise,
make you dry your eyes,
with the same line,
so what you're seeing is a genius at work,
which to me isn't work,
so it's easy to misinterpret it
at first.

So when I speak,.
Just turn a cheek,
I'd yank ma f***ing teeth,
Before I'd ever bite ma tongue.
I'd slice ma gums!
Get struck by f***ing lightning twice at once!
And die and come back as Vanilla ICe's son!

^^ All done with the eyes closed. I did, however, go back and edit out the expletives with my eyes open...

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Ah Shen, you should at least attempt a tranlsation (Forgive me, I'm unfamiliar with that piece).

^ Crap... misspelled "translation"...

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Eh, I don't know the entire translation, but heres the gist of it:

A troll is so desperate tto become human that she is begging Sir Mannelig (Herr Mannelig)
to marry her in exchange for any gift that he desires from her. However, he refuses, especially since the troll isn't Christian. o_O

Kinda odd story, but it sounds quite lovely. ^_^ Should look it up on YouTube. (The Long version, not the Extremo version_

*opens eyes*

...wow...could've been worse.
Yes mon ami,you did quite well. I'm impressed! :D

Messed up on the punctuation, but other than that, purr~fect!

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Led to the river...midsummer I waved
A V of black swans on with hope to the grave
And through red September, with skies fire paved
I begged you appear like a thorn for the holy ones.

...probably the only Cradle of Filth song I like.
I'm trying to write this sentence with my eyes closed. Ler's see how I did.

not bad..except for let's. I put ler's...Oh well, I came close.
mw;t al; cheesw

darn i couldnt spell melt all cheese

darn you cheese you win..... for now muahahahahahaha
alrt'd drr hie bsg=f U ojail ar rhia. (Let's see how bad I phail at this.)

It must've been the angle of the keyboard or something.....
death be not proud tjpigj dp,r jsbr cs..rf tjrr ,oogjti smf dtrsfgi; gpt yjpihj dty my so

X. (Death be not proud. though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so)

Wow I can type fine without looking at the keyboard but I suck at typing with my eyes closed.

Woe I can type dine withoufh looking ay tje keynpard nit I dick ay tu[pmg eoytj ,u rurd c;pdrf.

Rofl at the "nit I dick" part.
is it simple empigj fpr youi dord rvrtunofu imfrtdysmf str you sll dyll folloeimh ,r

djoilf o yd;l f;pert ;olr ypi5 s trusyfr djpilf zo ts;l d;pert ;olr ypitr trusyfrf

hry ioy
jru oy
jru oy
upi kidu fpmy jru oy

jru oy
jru oy
jru oy

upi dyi[of ,pyjrt givlrt upi fyi[ogf ,pyujty givlty
uoi fui[og ,pujty giv


upi fui[og ,pujty giblty upi fui[og m,pujty giblty upi fyi[og mpukty gibvl


for shame

ok I was saying:

Is it simple enough for you does everybody understand are you all still following me

should I talk slower like your a retard should I talk slower like youre retarded

get it
get it
get it you just dont get it

get it
get it
get it

you stupif mother fucker you stupid mother fucker you stupid mother



you stupid mother fucker you stupid mother fucker you stupid mother

well well well if typing with your eyes closed is what you want then there is no challege here lol as you can see i can do it perfectly well its really not that hard just takes a lot of pracitse hehe....

there you go i typed all that with my eyes closed apart from this bit obviously lol
I wish I xould typr sd erll sd you eiyh mu rurd vlodrf niy alas o cammpt


I wish I could type as well as you weth my eyes closed but alas I cannot.