Uber Squall!!!


Solider of the Wasteland
Dec 22, 2008
North of Ohio, South of Canada, West of Wisconsin,
I recently started a FF8 game because I was a little bored and decided to have a little fun and see how powerful I could make Squall. To be honest I really didn't feel like spending 10 hours getting him to level 100 so I said to myself I will see what happens with 2 and half straight hours of playing. This is what it got me: Squall was level 32 I had 100 of every spell and all of the ara spells (Thundara, Fira, Blizzara, etc.) Quezocotl, Shiva, and Ifrit had learn more than half of there abilities and were around the same level as Squall. And that was just in two and a half hours. :gasp:

So has anybody else done this, maybe not for fun but actually done this and continued to play the game normally. It would make for a difficult game, mostly because monsters would be higher level but your teammates wouldn't be.
Ive kinda done that myself. I have to collect 100 of every magic cause Im anal lol, like keeping everyone same level. And yeah my party was killing stuff pretty damn quickly when you can beef up the magic. Same with the GFs, getting most of their ablities learnt before disk 2 is quite something. Not sure how long mine took, maybe 3 hours.
Actually, I've read that the most effective ways of creating an "uber" party in FFVIII is to do as little leveling up as possible. Since enemies increase in level as you do, they will get stronger as you get stronger. Instead, stock up on the best magic possible and junction them to your party, since the most significant stat boosts you get is from junctioning.

Even at low levels, you can have really great stats as long as you've got powerful magic. And since you're at a low level, the enemies are, too, so your low-level-powerful-magic-junction characters will blow enemies away.
Eh, that makes my life simple then.

I, personally, outright HATE leveling without reason. So, the junctioning high level magic system made my life oh so simple. Plus, I can switch the junctions at will for the characters that I have to use, so I don't have to worry about managing more then three characters.

XD If my opponents are low levels like myself, only they're missing bonuses, well, i will totally be cheap and take advantage of that.

I remember sitting there the first time i equiped the -aga magic to strength [firaga i think it was] and getting it to 100 of it just made my character RAAAAAAPE all of the little monsters :3
I think i've done that the last time I played VIII can't remember for sure though. Of course, (since it takes forrrrrrrever) to grind and whatnot I hardly do it anymore. I mean, it was a pain. Not just getting all the good magic and equipping them making Squall/ other party members stronger but all doing the Gfs and getting things for their bestest weapon too. Those were a BITCH to find. I think I did it cause I had nothing better to do. Though, I wouldn't say i'd do it for fun but, just to prove that im badass :awesome:
Not leveling is actually benifical in FF8, because of the bonus abilities you get later in the game (str bonus, vit bonus, some GF's give you the ability, cactuar gives you the whole set.)

it will give you 1 extra stat per level up, (30 extra for HP). It doesnt sound that good, until you think about it.

Squalls lv 100 strength normally, without junction is a wooping 58/255...
squall starts off at lv 8 ? with the str bonus ability, he would have an extra 82 points of strength at level 100.

think about it! 140/255 Vs 58/255 Huge Strength diffrence!!!

now, with 4x ability, that would be 4 stats with 82 extra points each.

the secret is running away from enemies, so you wont get exp, or better, carding them, because when you card, you get AP. but no EXP :D
Ehh throughout RPG games I like to stop in certain places and just fight monsters for an hour or so to get the edge on everyone. :P
Well you can make them ubber just about as soon as you begin the game, all you need is card mod, thunder/wind, ice, fire, time, status and healing (forgot if it's called that) refinement. You can get all of these from the initial GFs, by battling Fasticolons or whatever they're name is, who give 6AP per battle, and you can also battle X-ATM something to get 50 AP per battle, and you can battle him a lot of times.

I stopped playing the game for the last time right after i obtained Diablos, and i have Squall at level 13, Zell at level 11 and Selphie at level 10, and they already have high stats.

So i only level them up to 100 at the end of the game when you have all the bonus avaiable, so i can get a really tough party.
WHEN I got to the second disc i had the lionheart already and i had 100 quakes junctioned to Squall's strenght!! needless to say no boss survived my lionheart limit......the only problem I had was when i had to fight that tonberry king, took me half an hour jus' to kill the 20 tonberries and then the dude has crap-loads of hp!! the other minor problem was towards the end of the second disc..(i think) when galbadia attacks balamb, anyways, whenever that dude on the giant jet pack comes out the door and you fight him my game stops!!!! i've been looking for another ffviii ever since......So with nothing to do i decided to gather components and level up......... I'm on sumthin like 60 hrs gameplay and squall's on lv. 100......on the second disc.....i dunno if the rest of the game is jus' gonna be boring cuz he's on lv.100 but until i get another disc i'll just keep going up with the rest of my characters........anything similar happen to anyone??
oh, and any ideas on where to buy ffviii, 'cept ebay though....thx
Oh shit. I didn't know that not leveling was better. o_o

LOL, I've never gotten that with Squall or any other character for that matter. I couldn't be arsed to sit through it with all the leveling that had to be done, I get bored easily, and grinding usually lasts me ten minutes before turning any game off.

Even with VII, as much as I love it, I can't just sit there for an hour and level grind. o_o Not with any game.