Ugh, I want it!

Bettar graphucks.
Last order was actually really good, even with subtitles.

Edit: apparently it was deleted for spamming.
No. She means my post.
Its not that bad, and Zack was pretty talkative at the movie. He's a good guy after all. Cloud was useless.^_^

the movie is actually not that bad, but DON'T PAY FOR IT PLEASE, just watch it online or download it

Too late, I already did.:D
Was it in English?
I just recently bought the Limited Edition of AC that came with the script and junk, and LO was included in the second disc. I didn't buy it because of LO though. I just....wanted it xD Plus now I'll just sell/trade in my old copy of AC :P

LO definitely isn't worth buying on it's own though. And it isn't in English in the Limited Edition, just subtitled. Not a bad thing though, since I don't like watching dubs most of the time.
Well, now I'm confused. Did Sephiroth die BEFORE they fight him in FFVII?

Either way, LO was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than AC.