Uhh where can I find Dark Bahamut in the Lunar Subterrane on ffiv ds?


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Aug 25, 2008
Accessory (Arms)
Chocobo Egg
Ellia Lombardia
FFXIV Server
Yeah I do not know where to find Dark Bahamut does anyone know Ive been told its in the room with the protect ring and you have to equip Rydia with the stardust rod which I have. Oh yeah does anyone know How to defeat Zeromus my team is level 65 plus. He just kill me all the time.
Dark Bahamut is kinda out of the way, easy enough to beat but I say look in all the doors to find him and train more, I was like lvl 75 on Zeromus and still almost died, and ALL my guys had their best weapons, and I personally think without Cecil's Ragnorok blade you can't beat him...because only my Cecil and Rosa would survive after taking his 1 "Big bang" hit
Yeah but here is the thing I looked in every freakin door and I can not still find that Dark Bahamut. Oh yeah and all my guys are level 70 now and I almost managed to beat Zeromus but he freakin casts Meteor after so it mean I lose. So where exactly can You find Dark Bahamut?
just find a good walkthough on the net :P that's all I do when I have troubles :P and now that I started playing the new Chrono Trigger I forgot like half of my FF4 stuff already XD
you have to walk over an invisible floor to get to him, its on the left hand side of the floor below the annoying one with all the chests that are guarded by monsters. You should be able to just walk from one part to the other, if its not that room, then its defo the one below it, just walk along all he edges on the left hand side til you get there >_>

The rest after that is se;f explanitory, and there is a save like right before it aswel, so you should be reet
No, the invisible floor you need to walk on is on the right side of that room. It's to the right of the apparent dead end at the top of the stairs. You then follow a teleporter path, and wind up on the left side of the room. D. Bahamut will be guarding the equipment at the top of the stares. He reacts to magic by casting reflect, so either equip pierce magic onto the mages, or use naturally piercing spells, like Bahamut or Meteor. I suggest your first move in battle is to Dualcast Slow on Bahamut, then Omnicast Haste on the whole party. Then proceed with your best strategy, keeping in mind he will keep dropping reflect on himself, even if you erase it.
Nope, I think you will find it IS the left side of the B6 map, I'm looking at it right now.

You come down the first then second set of stairs and hug the ledge on the left hand side, there is a nobbly bit that is sticking out which will take you over to a crescent shaped bit of er floor(?) walk round that and though the invisible door way (theres an arrow so you can't miss it)this'l take you out to a big sectio at the bottom of the screen, just walk top the next doorway on the far right

Take the teleporter, walk up, take the next teleporter. Again, walk all the way up raid the chest which I think is protected by a Behemoth, should be no problem taking that on now, continue up asnd take the next teleporter

SAVE, leave the room and walk to the right, there will be one of those little monument efforts. Bahamut is there. I didn't find him all that hard, just megaflare wiped out everyone but Cecil and Rosa, his attacks are pretty shit though, so you can afford to get everyone alive and fully healed. Just make sure you have some one on constant healing duty

Becaus of the reflect bollocks, I used Edges throw command, Kains jump and Rydia Bahamuting him. Rosa & Cecil I just kept on healing/reviving duty and Cecil on other buffs as and when