Ultimate FF theme?

The ultimate theme song for me is the One Winged Angel. I think it's so good/popular that it's been done in over five different versions. Eyes on me was...bleh. Maybe I just don't have a thing for pop songs.
Eyes On Me was so beautiful. I say that in my opinion that it's tied with One Winged Angel. OWA is rocky and battle music, but EOM is romantic and peaceful. So ... there.
To be honest Eyes on Me always gives me a queesy feeling when I hear it come up on my media player. I don't have any explanation for it but it really did fit the scene on the Ragnarok in space! One-Winged Angel wins hands down, the music alone scared the crap out of me my first time fighting Sephiroth, my 8 year-old body couldn't handle the suspense, I was so unprepared :'(
what is the song where squall and rinoa are floating in the red spaceship.i really liked that song.
lol so agree with you there Squall True Lionheart. As much as Eyes On Me is suitable for the spaceship scene in the game, and her voice is quite lovely (soo much better than the artist who sang Suteki da ne (Isn't it Wonderful?)) i just cant stand the intro and most of the accompanying music. My fav gut renching music would have to be Aerith's theme orcherstrated. So beauitful yet so sad.
I think I was kind of let down by Eyes on Me. I think it was hyped up so much before the game that I was expecting something amazing, and I thought it was just average. I actually like Suteki Da Ne from FF10 better than Eyes on Me. I also tend to think of Liberi Fatali more than Eyes on Me as the theme when I think of FF8.
Nahh, Eyes on Me was alright the first few times, but I like songs like Suteki Da Ne better...and also the Feel remix which was released for FFX.
I enjoyed the song when I played it, I was deeply involved with the game, so it sounded great, but not after I finishing the game.

Still, I use to listen to "Time Compression" and that "Fithos Lusec" (or whatever it's called) opening theme.
Yeah, I think that if you're still listening to music from games that were released over 5 years ago, then they must've made a good impression. LOL.

I listen to Ultimecia's castle on piano all the time.
what is the song where squall and rinoa are floating in the red spaceship.i really liked that song.

That's Eyes On Me. =)

Anyway, I like that song, actually. I never get tired hearing it. I thought it suited the FFVIII main theme...although I think that the Fithos Lusec song could've been a better choice.

Suteki Da Ne was good too, as well as Melodies of Life. I haven't heard Kiss Me Goodbye yet, so we'll see about that one.
Eyes on me is one of my favourite, but I liked One Winged Angel, To Zanarkand, Squall's Theme, and the battle music as well :)
Lol. This should be in general discussion so we can list all of our favorite songs. ^_^
FFVIII didn't have the best songs in the whole series. Nope.