Have any of you ever tried to get any of the Ultimate weapons in disk 1? I'm replaying FFVIII at the moment, and I'm up to Deling City and I've already gotten Squall, Selphie and Zell their ultimate weapons, as well as the penultimate weapons for Rinoa and Quistis ^^
Nothing for Irvine though, he sucks
I'm gonna try and get the other three their ultimate weapons in disk 2, because I needed Energy Crystals for Rinoa and Quistis, and there was no way I was gonna get 100 Elnoyle cards, but apparently it's far easier to get them in Disk 2, and as for Irvine, you can't get his ultimate weapon until disk 2 anyway. xD
Nothing for Irvine though, he sucks
I'm gonna try and get the other three their ultimate weapons in disk 2, because I needed Energy Crystals for Rinoa and Quistis, and there was no way I was gonna get 100 Elnoyle cards, but apparently it's far easier to get them in Disk 2, and as for Irvine, you can't get his ultimate weapon until disk 2 anyway. xD