Ultimecia, worst FF villain ever?

Ultimecia was a Stupid Villian. beating Ultimecia was easy as hell. I mess around most of the times.
Ultimecia was a Stupid Villian.
Perhaps because she wasn't really a villian at all. Just research the Rinoa=Ultimecia theory. I actually really like her character, as I believe that she is in fact Rinoa, and there is quite a lot to speculate on how she got to be evil and hate SeeDs. I won't go into detail with my theories at this moment, but I'll just mention Squall might had something to do with it.

beating Ultimecia was easy as hell.
The entire game was easy as hell. Even Ultima and Omega, uber optional bosses were easy as hell.

I mess around most of the times.

Next time you mess around, try not junctioning any GFs. Try not relying on Limit Breaks. Limit yourself to what you can use, and set a challenge if it's too easy. Don't brag about being able to mess around on a boss that can easily be credited as the easiest final boss in a Final Fantasy game.
Ultimecia DID have back story

Ultimecia was a sorceress whom, since being a child, had been repeated attacked and hated by everyone around her for the crimes of those who possessed her powers before her
She became isolated and began to get bitter and twisted about it all, then learning of Ellone and the machine made based on Ellone's power, she decided to create a world where only she could live, she would compress time into one instant and use her powers to exist outside of the frozen reality
However, her own actions in the past instead are what caused her suffering in the future, her hatred caused a loop that would forever hurt her
Ultimecia was a sorceress whom, since being a child, had been repeated attacked and hated by everyone around her for the crimes of those who possessed her powers before her
She became isolated and began to get bitter and twisted about it all

Where do you get this from? It's a nice theory, but I don't remember anything like this in the game.
Where do you get this from? It's a nice theory, but I don't remember anything like this in the game.

Word of God, Squaresoft said it after the game was released
And theres hints ingame too, just take Edea's speech at Galbadia for example, where she calls them worms who would rejet and despise her and that she would have her revenge
Word of God

I'm not a religious man, but I'll accept your word.

That's kinda silly. I enjoyed seeing her as the future of Rinoa, and now I can't anymore. Eh, at least she is her own character.

Gay how Square had to release info about chracters (a pretty important one, might I add) after a game had been released.
People she bears the combined Sorceress Power of every Sorceress to ever exist, meaning that within her body she holds the entire half of the Great Hyne that he granted to mankind at the beginning of the universe. Because of this, she has an ungodly amount of magical power. Another incredible power of Ultimecia's; she actually has the ability to create Guardian Forces. She pulled Griever from Squall's own mind, finding him to be Squall's conception of the most powerful force that could exist and thus bringing him to life to battle against Squall himself; Griever did not exist as a Guardian Force until that moment, when he was given life by Ultimecia's powers.

On top of all this, Ultimecia has the most sophisticated mind-reading ability of any Sorceress in the game. Presumably this also stems from her power over space, allowing her to "reach" inside another person's brain to steal thoughts, knowledge, and even magic. When battling Ultimecia, she has the ability to completely destroy one character's stock of magic; a further demonstration of her power. (And very annoying)

And, an often-forgotten fact is that Ultimecia is present in Final Fantasy VIII ever since the very first disk, and that her actions drive the entirety of the story ever since the beginning. Ultimecia operates in the first part of the game through another character: Edea, whom she is controlling. All of the character development in the first two discs that is thought to be attributed to Edea is actually development on the part of Ultimecia.
Ultimecia controls every word and every action from Edea from her first appearance in Timber until her second defeat in Galbadia Garden and from her multiple speeches during this time, Ultimecia's true personality is revealed. She is a level-headed, down-to-earth, strong-willed woman; she believes that the ends justify the means, she believes that she can change the past that history claims has been set for her, and she believes that she is entitled to hurt the people of the world as much as they have hurt her.
That's a really good explanation SeiferPein, but I'm sorry. Ultimecia is far from "level-headed or down-to-earth"... I acknowledge that Ultimecia had horrible past and that she felt it was her right to hurt others, but still. That is just flat out psychotic. I mean the woman compressed time for goodness sake, knowing it would destroy the world and she'd be the only exisiting being within it, as far as she was concerned. That my friend, is extremely arrogant and just seriously insane.

Do I feel Ultimecia was a bad villain? Absolutely not. She was the cause of most of the havoc in this game, was she not? Borrowing not only Edea's body but Rinoa's as well? I mean c'mon, the woman left poor Rinoa to die out in space as soon as Adel's tomb was unlocked. Ultimecia may have been strong-willed, but she was by no means level-headed or down-to-earth. Was just straight up evil and would do anything she could to bring pain and suffering to others because waaaah, she felt they were the ones responsible for her pain. So let's run off and torment people who had absolutely no idea who she even was, let alone they all exist in the past where as Ultimecia exists in the future. Sure she's extremely powerful, but still. Typical villain stuff yes, but she was just as crazy as the rest.
Underdeveloped, and too easy to beat. =\ I mean, isn't the last boss normally supposed to...require effort of some sort? =\ The only crapped out part about that battle is when my junction to Squall's strength got blown away just like that. >.>

And he still lived to tell the tale. =.=
I would have to say that, yes, Ultemcia was the worst FF main villain ever. If you compare her to Sephiroth, Kuja, Sin, Garland, etc... she is obviously the sore thumb that sticks out. She does have backstory but it is introduced far too late to be meaningful. She is connected into the story but only in a very superficial and irrelevant way.

However, I would have to classify her as one of the better "final battle" villains ever. I know that seems hypocritical but let me explain my point. If you compared her to Necron, who has absolutely no backstory and has very little impact on the plot, does she not rank higher? Even Yu Yevon had very little involvement in the plot until the very end when the party reaches Bevelle. She certainly isn't a great character any way you slice it... but there are definitely worse "final battle" villains in the FF series than her.... just not main villains. In that category, she does most definitely suck big floppy donkey slong.
as far as the main numbered series goes, id say ultimecia is probably the worst villain, however add in spin offs and the worst villan is easily Altima/St Ajora from FFT, extremely weak and a personality so bland it could be cardboard.
i personally like ultimecia even though she didn't do much besides be evil she did have a back story but with the game being so easy and the junctioning system.... i wont go into detail but suffice to say she got dealt a bad hand

as for tactics i never got to play it and now that i want to i cant because my ps2 wont play it worth anything and the ps2 that would broke and my ps1 that worked got bunt up
I have to agree that Ultimecia is the worst ff villian ever because She did not play a good role like sephiroth and all the other villians did so she stays the worst.
I didn't mind Ultimecia actually I though she was a good enough villain in terms of difficulty, she wasn't too easy (Yu Yevon anyone?).
What makes her a bad villain though is that she has no back story and we never find out her motive for wanting to 'kompress time' as others have said.

I think Edea as the evil sorceress would've been better.
Its true that shes not the best villain...and it was really awkward when Edea became part of your team but I can't really think of anyone else they would use as the villain because no villain was kinda "announced" at the beginning.
I'd think Ultimecia is one of the very few villains with a decent or an actual backstory to her. The best I like about villains is their STORY. Why the turned out the way they did, what their motives are, where they're from etc. Ultimecia barely has any explanation to those.

I didn't really like her. Replacing ks with cs is NOT cool, folks.
She was a good boss and it was the best boss fight to me in FF history.
Boohoo my past sucked so I'm going to kill trillions of people who didn't even do anything to me.
Perfectly logical.

She needs to watch some anime or something. There are worse pasts than hers. Lots of them.
She doesnt have a story because she is a sorceress from the future and lttle is known about her but in ff compendium you can read about it. She is an awesome villain that uses other sorceresses as puppets of destruction.