
Fear The Reaper

Blue Mage
Feb 8, 2011
The Reapers Lair
Jamie Oliver just admitted he enjoys undressing salads :kinky:
His tone when he said this said it all.
As a chef I think he needs to keep his habits to himself and keep to cooking in the kitchen otherwise things could get a little bit messy.

She should, yes! Not due to perverted thoughts, but because I genuinely believe she is an excellent role model - after all, women should be curvy rather than stick thin in my opinion.
Did you know that Emeril Lagasse sleeps with a ham hock under his pillow? :kinky: And he uses apple bacon as a facial exfoliator, and when he gets up every morning he goes down to his basement and gets down on his knees and worships garlic :ryan:

I seriously have heard him say these things. I have them written down in a notebook I keep of funny quotes XD
I thought you were gunna say you caught your nextdoor neighbour undressing from your bedroom window like in the movies D:

I was dissillusoned! :rage:

Haha jokes... i read the first post, Jamie Oliver is whacked out like that, but atleast he proves that Poms know how to cook food other than fish n chips >.<

He actually cooks some pretty delicious stuff :P
I feel strangely disappointed in this thread. ; A ;

Yeah tell me about it!!!:amg:
What were you expecting of this thread then?

You know damn well what we were expecting and you tricked us:O

:lew: Anyone see that series where he tried to change the eating habits of a town of americans? Titanic struggle!! I said it before Yanks dont move for no one, ast least not easily:ryan:

And yes great food :)