Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

Didn´t get much votes for this one but it´s alright:

Allus= 1 vote

Selphie= 4 votes

SELPHIE is the winner and goes on!


Thief (FFI) vs Zell (FFVIII)

I´ll vote for Zell i mean he would own Thief! Armaggedon fist is all he needs!
zell anyday he would pummel him (soz i didnt vote on selphie vs allus but i would have said selphie because i have never heard of allus)
Ok the votes are in and:

Thief= 2 votes

Zell= 4 votes

ZELL wins this one and goes into the next round!


Gau (FFVI) vs Yang (FFIV)

I´m going to say Yang wins this one...i mean Gau can call all his animal friends but that´s just not enough!
I hated Gau except for his reuinion with his dumbass father.

I vote for Yang.
I´m pleased with the votes i got on this round:)

Yang= 8 votes

Gau= 0 votes (...)

YANG completely trashes Gau and moves into the next round!!!!!!!!


Cid (FFVII) vs Seifer (FFVIII)

I´m going with Cid for this one...Highwind would trash Seifer into oblivion!