Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

Definitely Cloud I think he would just unleash Omnislash, I don't think shadow has anything to back that up, he can dodge all he wants but when cloud is pissed watch out man, as seen in Advent children.
Wow i never believed that this round would be so well matched but the votes are:

Shadow= 8 votes

Cloud= 7 votes

SHADOW after an intense battle with Cloud moves on into the quarter finals match!!!!!!!!!!! (well Cloud already won the FFVII character elimation so it serves him right!)

P.S: I would like to remind people to give a reason why they think the character they choose would win!


A White Knight vs A Dark Knight its:

General Beatrix (FFIX) vs Cecil (FFIV)

I will vote for Cecil because when you get to play as Beatrix she loses a lot of power while Cecil is always strong!

She scared the shit outta half the FFIX characters who had to face her, so Cecil may just wallow at her power as well and surrender while he has a chance.
You know it could easily be "Paladin vs. Paladin" aswell. ^_^

I'll vote for Cecil. Him along with Kain are definitely one of the best FF characters.