Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

Going with Riona!!

bwahahahahahahahaahha!!!!!!!!!!! good joke.

Cloud has obviously won this:

Well, heres my votes. Now i won't have to spam later! =D

1) Shadow (FFVI) vs Steiner (FFIX) - Shadow
2) Barret (FFVII) vs Amarant (FFIX) - Barret

3) Rikku (FFX) vs Kain (FFIV) - Rikku
4) Rinoa (FFVIII) vs Cloud (FFVII) - Cloud
5) FuSoYa (FFIV) vs Cyan (FFVI) - Cyan
6) Paine (FFX-2) vs Rude (FFVII) - Rude
7) Eiko (FFIX) vs Aeris (FFVII) - Aeris
8) Mog (FFVI) vs Quistis (FFVIII) - Mog
9) Sara (FFIII) vs Tifa (FFVII) - Tifa
10) Umaro (FFVI) vs Beatrix (FFIX) - Beatrix

11) Cecil (FFIV) vs Galuf (FFV) - Cecil
12) Nanaki (FFVII) vs Rydia (FFIV) - Nanaki
13) Quina (FFIX) vs Poron (FFIV) - Poron

14) Red Mage (FFI) vs Irvine (FFVIII) - Irvine
15) Terra (FFVI) vs Strago (FFVI) - Strago

16) Bartz (FFV) vs Auron (FFX) - Auron
17) Celes (FFVI) vs Squall (FFVIII) - Squall
18) Palom (FFIV) vs Reno (FFVII) - Reno
19) Fighter (FFI) vs Yuffie (FFVII) - Fighter
20) Freya (FFIX) vs Lulu (FFX) - Lulu
21) Selphie (FFVIII) vs Allus (FFIII) - Selphie
22) Thief (FFI) vs Zell (FFVIII) - Zell
23) Gau (FFVI) vs Yang (FFIV) - Gau
24) Cid (FFVII) vs Seifer (FFVIII) - Seifer

25) Wakka (FFX) vs Tidus (FFX) - Tidus
26) BlackBelt (FFI) vs Vincent (FFVII) - Vincent
27) Vivi (FFIX) vs Edge (FFIV) - Vivi
28) Cait Sith (FFVII) vs Gogo (FFVI) - Gogo

29) Setzer (FFVI) vs Zidane (FFIX) - Setzer
30) Kimahri (FFX) vs Seymour (FFX) - Seymour
31) Garnet (FFIX) vs Sabin (FFVI) - Sabin
32) Locke (FFVI) vs WhiteMage (FFI) - Locke
Well considering that the first three fights are over that´s a bit pointless and i asked to focus on the match that was taking place but fine...:S
My vote goes to cloud. No real reason to explain why other than the obvious that he's freaking cloud and can slice anyone with his buster sword.
Well i´m very pleased with the number of votes on this one keep on it guys:)

Anyway this match is over:

Rinoa= 3 votes

Cloud= 9 votes

So CLOUD cuts Rinoa and her wings in half and sends her flying in time!!!!!!!!!!!

Next match!!!!!!!!!

FuSoYa(FFIV) vs Cyan (FFVI)

My vote goes for Cyan his swordtech would be enough to beat FuSoYa!!!!

Alright i guess i have waited enough for this round so it´s:

Cyan= 6 votes

FuSoYa= 2 votes

So CYAN goes on like a a true samurai into the next round!

Next match!

We have:

Pain(FFX-2) vs Rude (FFVII)

And my vote goes for Rude i mean...what can the female version of Mr.Antisocial do? Get a pretty dressphere?
Rude all the way for me!
