Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

Well we have:

Cloud= 6 votes

Kain= 3 votes

CLOUD moves on into the eightquarter finals!


Cyan (FFVI) vs Rude (FFVII)

I´m going with Cyan i have to believe he could defeat Rude on his own using sword techniques!
So few votes for this one::worried:

Cyan= 4 votes

Rude= 1 vote

CYAN moves on into the next round!


Aeris (FFVII) vs Mog (FFVI)

I´m going with Mog because he could just dance Aeris back into hell!
I vote Mog. Nothing says kick ass more than a godman Mog with Saturday Night Fever in the heat of battle while wielding a spear that is surely quite a few multiples of his own size.

Whereas Aeris is all sweet an innocent and boring until she gets...
do we really have to spoiler this? everybody knows.
And the votes are:

Aeris= 2 votes

Mog= 7 votes

MOG sends Aeris back into the fiery pits of hell and moves on!


Tifa (FFVII) vs General Beatrix (FFIX)

I´ll vote for Tifa she would own Beatrix in a one on one duel anyday!
