Fan Art Upol's FFXIII 'Shiva' but half :C

Wow very nice work I love the lightning one it is just so epic and I do not know why lol. Did you draw her with a pen? If so very great job on doing that its just nice artwork keep it up.
Wow, those are some great drawings. Like,, I don't have enough compliments for you.

See, I have a bunch of sketches I do, but a) they're not half as good as yours...or probably anybody's, so I'd be hesitant to post 'em, b) I always sketch on lined paper, just because I have numerous journals I use for sketching as oppose to regular paper, so, meh... and c) I don't have a lot of FF drawings. Got a few other RPGs...but whatever. Really not justifiable to post for others. Haha.

But for reals, man. Incredible. Keep up the great work.

So many drawings I do, are to meh, just roughed-up sketches. I don't take many of my work, seriously. which i should, but hey...
if you have the gift, why not show it to them; a novice person's work done in ZBrush/Maya? - "How he catched up so quick?!"
As to go for your question, it takes around a few hours, one big piece (small sizes take less time), be it traditonal or digital, unless if its done with one primary colour; black & white, that would cut alot of my hours.
As for colouring, would last incredible amount of hours or even days for meh. :(
I'm scared of spending so much time... colouring. lol
Lastly, I don't seem to catch my style of colouring. I don't seem to notice it my dear. lol X) But you do. oOOOO

Yes, yes my hobnob.
You like it so much that you couldn't give me any more compliments upon my works?! Was it too much for you or?... don't worry. I understand. >-_-<
But hey, don't get embarrassed for not able to showcase your work, to me, its a thing to be inspired by. Yes indeed.
Yah gotta just... keep on drawing & colouring untill along the way you'll understand how these people... do their thing. :) You could do it. Keep doing it.
And thanks for so much praise upon my work. NEVER COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER MY FRIEND. >''<

In addition to the 'name-of-the-thread', i've now broken the rule, posted two image links, that are not related to the FFXIII world...
but a previous one.
Yes my folks. Its Final Fantasy VIII lead character,
Squall Leonhart AKA the lonely wolf! lol;

very cool, i like the angle that u drew the bike in. Lots of detail and clean lines, i really like this kinda art nicely done:)
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Thanks for the comment. I'm glad many people like my drawings.

I'm thinking of selling my artwork online now, I really do. LOL
All friends are craving about it. you need to-

But anyways, I wish I could do so many right now. :(
Haha! That's cute /Awesome! But who is at left? Mummy&a guy? I'm confuse xD and Seph is tongue out? LMAFO!!

who, Roid and Bissid? they are two of my characters.
I have plenty of more characters and I'm still working on three new ones.
anyways, thank you both so much for commenting and liking my work. :)