Useful Character Info


Blue Octahedron of Doom
Sep 30, 2008
I'll be putting here some useful advice, combos and builds for characters I'm good with.

Note: Dodge Cancel or DC means when you do a dodge to cancel an attack's recovery time. When I say DC I mean dodging canceling w/o tilting the analog stick.

Note2: 1st part or 1P means that you must only press the input button once. i.e. when I say (Tap) Highbringer (1P) I mean stopping after Garland slices the enemy with his sword, without pressing O again to shoot his chain sword at the enemy. 2nd part or 2P... you can figure that out yourself.

I. Garland
-Incredibly powerful attacks
-INCREDIBLY powerful attacks
-Powerful combos that own your opponent's BRV
-Easy BRV Wall Rushes
-CPU is stupid enough to get caught in Cyclone or Tsunami, and human players can easily get caught in Blaze

-Most of his attacks are slow and thus easily blockable... however Lance Charge has Guard Crush, Round Edge's 2nd hit is unblockable and his 3rd hit staggers the opponent, and Highbringer comes out pretty fast and can be chained to other attacks.
-HP attacks are sometimes hard to land... sometimes.
-Slow movement

As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons. Garland is a great (but underrated) character. He will also knock you all down.

Landing BRV attacks
If you're fighting a CPU, then get in there and smack him with Round Edge and do the Mighty Combo of Ownage (see below) on him. Ifrit summon, repeat the combo, or do whatever you want. If you can't land Round Edge then try using Highbringer. I never fought human players so I can't help you with that...

Landing HP attacks
Dashing towards the enemy and launching a Cyclone in his face works quite well on CPUs. Though if you're fighting Tidus, Zidane etc. you might get smacked with Hop Step, Swift Attack etc. before you even cast the Cyclone.
Spamming Tsunami works well - if the CPU dodges at his right/left instead of dodging backwards... he's fucked. Spamming Blaze is useless when fighting high CPU enemies but works well on humans and low CPU enemies. If you just CAN'T land your HP attacks, guard and use Earthquake =/

Recommended moveset:
O Highbringer
O <- Round Edge
(optional) O -> Lance Charge
[] Earthquake
[] -> Tsunami
O Twin Swords
O ^ Twist Drill
O \/ Bardiche
[] Blaze
[] \/ or ^ Cyclone

Highbringer and Round Edge is what you'll be using mostly however you should also use air attacks. These attacks can be seen coming and blocked so you should use them wisely. For human enemies, Multi Air Slide+ can be used to screw up their camera and them hit'em with Bardiche - he won't see it well, however Garland still yells I'LL CRUSH YOU! about an hour before hitting =/ as I said before I don't have any experience with human enemies.

Useful Abilities
Multi Air Slide+
Recovery Attack (HP recovery attacks can catch your opponent off-guard)
Counterattack (as if the Mighty Combo of Ownage wasn't overpowered enough, hitting your enemy with Round Edge while he's attacking will cause the WHOLE COMBO to critical)
Snooze and Lose
Speed Boost++


Round Edge (1st part) > DC > (Tap) Highbringer (1P) > DC > (Tap) Highbringer (1P)* > DC > (Hold) Highbringer (1P)** > DC > Bardiche

Garland's long ass combo that will knock you all down. Deals massive damage if completed (and it's not that hard to complete). Can also be started at (Tap) Highbringer - Round Edge is not necessary for the combo to work.

*On some characters, (Tap) Highbringer can be done more than twice. On Shantotto, it can only be done once. I recommend that you only do it twice.
**If you have a LOT of BRV Wall Rush+%, then do Bardiche. If not, then just do the 2nd part of (Hold) Highbringer

Round Edge (1P) > DC > Round Edge (1P) > DC > Round Edge (1P) > Infinite

Supposedly an infinite combo, however it needs precise timing and even then, it does not work on some characters. I have heard that slightly tilting it left will make it work. I dunno, I don't use infinites.

Round Edge (1P) > DC > Lance Charge

When you need a couple more BRV to strike the finishing blow and you don't feel like doing a long ass combo.

The current build I have on my Garland is...
Gigant Axe (Garland's level 100 exclusive; ATK+70 DEF-2)
Adamant Shield
Adamant Helm
Adamant Vest

Muscle Belt
Muscle Belt
Champion Belt
Gaia Ring
Miracle Shoes*
Player Summon Unused
Player HP = 100%
Opponent HP = 100%

You can add in Easy Come Easy Go* which has x2.5 in the first 30 seconds of the battle and x0.5 after 30 seconds. Your choice.

*These two are password-obtained items - I will make a thread on them.

Coming up next is... hmm, I dunno.
Emperor? Gabranth? Jecht? Cloud? Bartz? Exdeath?
I'll decide on that later.

I hope this is helpful!
Whenever you have the chance please write down some info about Cloud. I am a Cloud player, and I need to know his best combos and his best equipments.
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I'm not a real expert on dodge cancelling so any tips? Thats a good guide. What does miracle shoes do? I'm using Bartz mainly. Heres what I've got so far:

Ultima weapon (i'm trying to get exclusive)
Saucer (trying to get chaplet)

Gaia ring
Hyper ring
Hyper ring
EX gauge empty
After/ before summon
Force begets courage
Hero's seal
(I forgot rest)
any jecht player here?. hehe.. his my main character.. well here's my build for him..

-practice the timing of the brv attack and the timing of using the hp attack while doing the brv attack.. and once you get it, practice the charging(you might want to battle a cpu jecht to study the timing.. sorry cant upload a video because my usb connector is broken)
-full charged jecht stream or jecht rush will crush opponents defense
-full charged jecht stream or jecht rush with a follow up hp attack is deadly
-jecht block can block hp attacks but there are exceptions
-jecht block can block defense crush brv attacks
-blocking is important to Jecht

cant explain on how to land the hp attack while he's performing the brv attack.. its easier to explain if there was a video..

O-Jecht Rush
>+O-Jecht Block
[]-Ultimate Jecht Shot
^+[]-Jecht Blade

O-Jecht Stream
\/+O-Jecht Block
[]-Triumphant Grasp
^+[]-Jecht Blade

Impt Abilities:
Free Air Dash
Multi Air Slide
Controlled Recovery
Snooze And Lose
Ex Crit Boost
Riposte(Blocking is important to Jecht)
Back to the wall
Exp to Brv

Combos? i guess there are some people here who could explain the timing?. cant explain it very well..
Jecht Rush>Jecht Blade
Jech Rush>Ultimate Jecht Shot
Jecht Stream>Jecht Blade
Jecht Stream>Triumphant Grasp

Sin's Fang
Lufenian Bangle
Lufenian Cap
Lufenian Jacket
-I chose Lufenian Set because i love to spam them with combos

Gaia Ring
Champion Belt
Sniper Soul
Large Gap in Brv
After Summon(Player)
After Summon(Opponent)
Hero' Essence(I need it for the Snooze and Lose ability)
Berserker Ring
Sturm und Drang
Rebellious Soul

berserker ring and sniper soul combined together will do a serious wall rush hp damage...

well that's it.. maybe Shinryuu or other players here has a better build than mine...
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i think there are none ultimate builds 4 every single character
every player has to decide how he want to play and then he or she has to decide what equipment would be best.

im doing it that way with seph and OK and it works fine. seph is nearly unbeatable (depends on the enemys esper) and the OK isnt bad
if someone wants to know more about my seph just ask :D
for now, i'm using these setups for sephiroth:
1. EXMode/ATK+ build
Heaven's Cloud
genji set
Pearl Necklace
Gold Hourglass
Close to You
Miracle Shoes
Strength Crystal
Strength Orb
3x Red Drop
Red Gem
Katana Adept
Counter Attack
Sneak Attack
EX Critical Boost
EXP to EX Force
Spd Boost ++
2. Iai Strike build
Back to the Wall
counter attack
sneak attack
EXP to EX Force
one winged angel
Ensanguined Shield
Smiting Soul
Near Death (User)
Near Loss (User)
HP = 1 (User)
Pre-HP Damage (Opp)
Large Gap in HP
Large Gap in BRV
Victory Chance (Opp)
Strong Against Adversity
Back to the Wall
--- so far, i still need to modify these...