
Sweet Misery

Is there anyone out there cuz, it's getting harder
Feb 9, 2009
that place at that house on the street [:
There's not many...
but there are some characters that... are well..
Which character(s) are in your opinion useless? Shouldn't be in the game, not important, so on and so forth.
I'll start it off,
Fujin and Raijin
what do they do in the game anyways? NOTHING.
they're imo annoying, and they always follow seifer that's the only thing they do.
i think they're useless
care to disagree?
Please prove me wrong.
Which characters are useless?
(besides Fujin and Raijin :P)
Something like this should really be in General Discussion instead of Clubs as it's not really a club. I'm going to move it there for you. :)
Yeah those are more like for Anti-Aerith, Anti-Tifa, Anti-Yuna, etc...=)
And it's no problem, hun.
The most useless char in ANY FF has to be Edward from FFIV. Even in the DS version where he suposedly got a boost he sucked in combat. He has low hp and hes songs constently miss. Plus his role in the story is very small to the point it could easily be writen out.
Quina for one, he failz as a character. Then theres Rikku in ffX, she would be awesome if you got her earlier. But in my opinion you get her too late on in the game to have her actually do anything useful without her gettin' murderfied. Hmm...who else...Gah, I'll get back to this once I can think better haha.
Quina was pretty useless but i thought "it" was funny always eating frogs! well, wanting anyways. i also though Quina was weird but in a way i enjoyed it as a character something different that makes me always say "what's the deal with this thing.?"
Rikku is so not useless! But, i do have to agree that it would've been better of you got her earlier in X.
Quina if you learned its blue magic could be a freaking killing machine.

I do agree with edward, he just seemed to lay in bed all the time and seemed like such a cry baby.

Vaan was pretty useless, he just told the story through his eyes, easily could have been done with out, had very little bearing on the story.

Also I think Riku comes very handy when doing no level up games in X.
There's not many...
but there are some characters that... are well..
Which character(s) are in your opinion useless? Shouldn't be in the game, not important, so on and so forth.
I'll start it off,
Fujin and Raijin
what do they do in the game anyways? NOTHING.
they're imo annoying, and they always follow seifer that's the only thing they do.
i think they're useless
care to disagree?
Please prove me wrong.
Which characters are useless?
(besides Fujin and Raijin :P)

Saying that Fujin and Raijin were pointless, you could also argue that every NPC in the game are useless. They contributed to the story i feel, they were Seifers only friends, they were members of Garden.
Hmm useless characters, i remember a thread i think Aztec made up about Nida, he was indeed useless...he drove garden that was it, oh and played cards.
Who else, well in terms of battle skills
cait sith
I wouldnt really say there were that many useless characters, to some extent they all play a small part in the game (yes even nida) whether they give you little bits of information or theyre a camp little bard with pathetic fighting skills, they all slightly contribute.
As much as I HATED eDWARD, HE DID HAVE ONE SOLITARY USE...GETTING ME THRough that Dark Elf fight. I erally really hated his character, and he was useless in battle, but other than that - he did have that one use

I guess, Id have to go with either Penelo or Vaan, they added nothing to the story and the plot would have carried on entirely the same withut them. Youcould argue they have their battle uses, which is fair - but you could say that about most characters

There aren't many characters that I'd deem useless..Amarant didnt seem to have much of a role, bar bounty hunter wh decided t follow your way of life...he was decent in battle though not my first choice. Hummm, cant really think of any one else

And show Quina some love people, that guy/gal is epic xD

@ Laugunas Dream, I dont even think Cait Sith was useless, I never used him in battle, but to the story I thought he WAS uselful, he was a spy, Reeve although kidnapped Marleene and aeriths mum, still kept them safe - and more importantly, got the black materia from the temple. Sure one of Sephiroths flunkies could have done it, but point was, even though Cloud gave it away anyway, the original plan was for your paty to obtian it and keep. Who else but CS could of done that?
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As much as I HATED eDWARD, HE DID HAVE ONE SOLITARY USE...GETTING ME THRough that Dark Elf fight. I erally really hated his character, and he was useless in battle, but other than that - he did have that one use

I guess, Id have to go with either Penelo or Vaan, they added nothing to the story and the plot would have carried on entirely the same withut them. Youcould argue they have their battle uses, which is fair - but you could say that about most characters

There aren't many characters that I'd deem useless..Amarant didnt seem to have much of a role, bar bounty hunter wh decided t follow your way of life...he was decent in battle though not my first choice. Hummm, cant really think of any one else

And show Quina some love people, that guy/gal is epic xD

I woul disagree about Vaan, his brother was killed by the empire, a part of the storyline was him looking to get his revenge.
I guess u could argue that Yuffie and Vincent are useelss seeing as you can complete the game without ever having to get them in your party, same goes with all the optional characters in VI.
Maybe these characters are put in sim0ply to create threads on ff forums.
You couldn't get Leviathan without Yuffie though :monster:

Vincent although optional had an intereseting story. Vaans brother was killed and used to implicate Basche, other than that, there's nothing. I just find him really useless plot wise. It's like he gets his 5 minutes, then...what? Vaan who? He still more useless than any other character Ive seen, he could have just been an optional chartacter himself. He's certainly the most useless main character Ive ever encountered
Saying that Fujin and Raijin were pointless, you could also argue that every NPC in the game are useless. They contributed to the story i feel, they were Seifers only friends, they were members of Garden.
Hmm useless characters, i remember a thread i think Aztec made up about Nida, he was indeed useless...he drove garden that was it, oh and played cards.
Who else, well in terms of battle skills
cait sith
I wouldnt really say there were that many useless characters, to some extent they all play a small part in the game (yes even nida) whether they give you little bits of information or theyre a camp little bard with pathetic fighting skills, they all slightly contribute.
@ Lauganas Dream
Yeah, but that's all they do is follow seifer around and well, i think they could've done something more useful toward the game. But, then again seifer's that type of guy where he looks like he has a posse i'm sure since he's the bad ass around the Garden they kind of follow him. I think Cait Sith is important to the game, but then again caith sith just wasn't my favorite character.
Well, small roles are usually useless and unless it was some MAJOR information imo they're useless and the game could've easily
gone through without them.
As much as I HATED eDWARD, HE DID HAVE ONE SOLITARY USE...GETTING ME THRough that Dark Elf fight. I erally really hated his character, and he was useless in battle, but other than that - he did have that one use

I guess, Id have to go with either Penelo or Vaan, they added nothing to the story and the plot would have carried on entirely the same withut them. Youcould argue they have their battle uses, which is fair - but you could say that about most characters

There aren't many characters that I'd deem useless..Amarant didnt seem to have much of a role, bar bounty hunter wh decided t follow your way of life...he was decent in battle though not my first choice. Hummm, cant really think of any one else

And show Quina some love people, that guy/gal is epic xD

@ Laugunas Dream, I dont even think Cait Sith was useless, I never used him in battle, but to the story I thought he WAS uselful, he was a spy, Reeve although kidnapped Marleene and aeriths mum, still kept them safe - and more importantly, got the black materia from the temple. Sure one of Sephiroths flunkies could have done it, but point was, even though Cloud gave it away anyway, the original plan was for your paty to obtian it and keep. Who else but CS could of done that?
I agree, that Qunia is a frickin epic XD haha. I'm going to have to agree with Luaganas Dream on the Vaan situation, i think he's very important. and agree with the Amarant though. He just had a negative toll through the whole game, and wasn't imporant on the storyline. I think it coud've gone through without him
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If a character has some relevance to the storyline, whether directly, or through another character, then they are of some importance. Removing Vaan or Pennelo would mess the story a bit, because they DO have involvement, they do have some attachment to the story.

So I guess, all the "optional" characters are technically "useless".

You do NOT need them, and fair enough, they have a story, but if it was decent enough and the creators actually thought of making them compulsory, then why didn't they? Someone mentioned Vincent - sure, he had a big story, but you didn't need him to complete the game.

In terms of battle stats, I guess everyone has their advantages and disadvantages, so I really can't say anything on that.
Vincent. And I'm not just saying that because I hate him. Even DoC with it's lame soap opera plot couldn't retcon any real importance into his story. He was reasonably hard to find in FFVII, chances are a few people (like myself) wouldn't have got him, and the story would have gone on unchanged without finding out that Vincent epic failed with Lucrecia and lost out to Hojo....and personally I wish I'd never found that out, eeeew. In battle I found him pretty crap, Cloud, Barret and Cid did more damage, and I can't stand limits where you aren't in control. I suppose Yuffie would come under this category too, her story is amusing, but not pivotal. She redeems herself in battle however!

My first impulse was to say Vaan and Penelo, but being severely neglected later in the story doesn't mean useless. Sure, Vaan's murdered brother was more of a plot device and he lost interest in his revenge, but Vaan was the one who first got the party together. If he didn't go thieving at the palace he would have never met Balthier and Fran, and they in turn wouldn't have met Ashe, the most vital character. If Penelo didn't get kidnapped I don't think Vaan, Balthier and Fran would have joined together and formed the party.
Kimahri from FFX. He's awesome, but can't to anythong someone else can. Apart from his overdrives, but meh.

Also Edward IV and Aerith from VII.
Quina, Penelo and Vincent. I thought Vincent was a cool looking character at the time, but I never used him once I aquired his vampire behind.
Kimahri from FFX. He's awesome, but can't to anythong someone else can. Apart from his overdrives, but meh.

Also Edward IV and Aerith from VII.
I think Kimahri wasn't that important either other then the fact he was Yuna's guardian.
Edward was pretty useless but i have to disagree with Aerith though, she was very important to the storyline of Final fantasy V11