
Fran.... Yeah. She was useless in battle and she didn't really do much for the story. Besides take us to the bunny forest or whatever. I really just hated her character overall. I guess you could say Amarant story wise, but he was great in battle. :/
Hmm useless characters, i remember a thread i think Aztec made up about Nida, he was indeed useless...he drove garden that was it, oh and played cards.

He really was useless, but I'd say in a very deliberate way because he was never remembered by the main characters. It always got a chuckle out of me whenever he'd ask Squall if he remembers him, only to get really disappointed. :lew:

As for Quina being useless, as someone else said, I have to disagree. Her/his/its blue magic abilities made her/him/it a beast. :mokken:

I honestly couldn't say any character really is useless in FF. As far as playable characters, those who don't serve much use in battle usually serve more of a purpose in regards to the story, and vice versa. If I had to say a character was useless, it would be Penelo in XII. She pretty much just seemed like Vaan, I guess. She was just there for no good reason, really. Except, Vaan was useful in the sense that he served as someone the player could more relate to, establishing more of a link between the game and the player. He also had some pretty devastating Quickenings, so I used him a great deal in battle. Another reason I found Penelo more useless than the other characters was because I practically never used her in battle.