Username Change Thread

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Done. I had to take out the asterisk because it tends to complicate with the site. You'll need to wait 160 days (unless you move up a few status higher) to have another username change.
Is there any chance I can change my username to Enigma? I've had a browse through the member list and couldn't find one, but I might have missed it xD

As soon as mine expires, I'd like to become Mitsuru Kirijio. Thanks.
As soon as yours expires, you should be able to change your own username via User CP.
It's been changed for ya. You won't be able to have another name change for 90 days.
Sure, I can change it for you. ^^ You won't get another name change for 90 days though, so you'll be stuck with Zack Fair for about 3
Unfortunately the name "Zack Fair" is already in use. I could add characters into the name or you can have something else? Let me know.
can the name change rules be changed in the profiles.. coz it said 20 days till i can change again when i did it, but then i was told its 120 or 90 or sumin,, and im kinda pissed with this name now lol
I'm just throwing this one out as I hadnt realised the namechange had been changed to 90 days until it had (silly me for not reading) as I had already passed 30 days I Think under the old rules, I was Hoping for a name Change to Lord Skeletor if possible, in colaberation with my current Avatar (and sig that im working on) theme of Masters Of the Universe ^^
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