Username Change Thread

Could I have my name changed to:
Donkey Punch Fucked
Please and thank you.
I know I just re-yzma'd the other day, but if you could change my name to Holly Golightly that'd be great. :monster: Please and thankyou. <3
[NOTICE: This thread is now defunct. To change your username, go to User CP->Edit Email, Password & Username (you must re-enter your password to change your username). Members will be allowed to change their usernames once every 30 days. Once you change your username, the option will disappear until the 30 days is up.]

Mods, you should probably close this thread now.
lol You didn't link us to a thread silly, you linked us to our User CP where we can do the name changes. :P People can change their own usernames after a certain period of time. It's fine that it's left up.
♥Sayuri♥;419355 said:
lol You didn't link us to a thread silly, you linked us to our User CP where we can do the name changes. :P People can change their own usernames after a certain period of time. It's fine that it's left up.

It's fine that, even though members can change their name themselves, they should still rely on mods to do it for them?
Basically, this thread is still open so if people want name changes before they can change their name themselves again, or if the username change mod isn't working for them, they can ask ;D
I wish my name to be changed to Jūshirō Ukitake.
Nvm I found it.
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Heeeeey. Can I have my name changed back to Rene Skylar please? oh and don't allow Oswald or Julius to influence you in any wy to change it to Rene Skylard :wacky:
I may not be able to change my username because I changed it on Friday, but I only took away the music note!
Oh please! I wish to become Francesca!
Since all you did is just remove the musical note, I'll make an exception. ^_^
Omg, I can get re-Sum41'd today!.

Change my name to 'Sum41' pl0x. (You just got l33t sp34k) ^_^

Please and thank you.